Chapter 9

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The next few days were hectic as finals was slowly crawling into everyone's backs.

However, despite dozing off of class most of the time, Himari seemed to get some of the materials.

She would still ask Midnight to help her a few lessons that she dozed off from and would join in study groups.

Speaking of studying, at the moment Himari is in Hanta's dorm room as the both are studying together at their little study date.

It's been a while since they had a study date. They've been the Mimi's study sessions together but they didn't considered that a date.

"Mari-chan... you got a few of these wrong. We kinda went over this already." Hanta said with a worried face as he gave Himari back her homework sheet.

Himari looked over the math problems she got wrong and mentally curse herself when she realize that they were minor errors.

"Sorry... I guess they were minor errors..." Himari is the type to look over her answers once or twice before confirm and would usually be correct. "I guess I must of doze off without realizing."

She gave out a huge sign. "Is something wrong?" Hanta asked.

Himari doesn't really know how to answer, she just shrugged.

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The day before finals came by quickly. Currently Mina, Denki, Eliza, and Himari decided to meet for a study session since Momo decided to do a study date with Kyoka.

"What if I don't do well?!" Denki was currently in a middle of a panic attack as Himari hugs him to calm him down.

"Come on Kami! We gotta be more positive if we wanna pass this! Plus, this will be our last finals before we're finally free from school hell!!" Mina said with a bright smile.

"Mina's right. We've all gotta be positive in order to have confidence. I know how you feel Denkichu and I know what's the cost." Eliza said, using her quirk to poor water in a cup and giving it to Denki.

He took it and slowly drink the water down his throat as Himari patted his back.

"Yeah! We went through finals before! You did a pretty descent job on the last few tests so you should ace this one!" Himari cheerfully said.

Denki put down his cup and smiled. "Yeah... I'll do my best." He said softly. Himari smiled wider and hug him tightly.

"Hey, let's take a 20 minute break. We've been doing nothing but studying ever since we came back." Mina suggested.

Eliza nodded. "Right, I'll get us some more water and some snacks."

The others nodded.

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The day of finals came. Everyone was nervous. Well... there were a few that were confident.

The moment papers were being passed out, Himari felt herself tense up.

Himari study a lot, by herself and with her friends. However she still felt the uneasiness in her stomach. She took a deep breathe and try drawing a box with her fingers as she breathe in and out.

It was a breathing technique that she learned from Eliza whenever she felt anxious during a test. So she decided to pick up the technique if anything like that was happening like right now.

As soon as she drew two boxes, Himari picked up her pencil and started writing. Quickly filling her answers with answers she felt confident with.

Hours passed and now it the final minute. Himari finished her exam but she felt like looking over her answers to see.

As soon as the final minute passed, Himari felt a scene of relief. Finals is over and now she doesn't have to worry about them anymore.

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"Alright everyone, let's take a five minute break!"

Himari sigh. It's been a while since she teach and help others with her song.

Luckily for her, majority of them knew how to sing and the basic of singing so helping them should be a piece of cake.

Himari sat down and drink her water, gulping the water down her throat. She can feel her palms a bit sweaty.

"Are you okay?" Himari looked up and saw Phillip, who came to visit for practice. All she can do is nod.

Phillip just softly smiled and patted her shoulder. "You can do this."

Those words were enough to give Himari some confidence.

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