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Camden groans, practically tossing his phone onto the desk that is meant for school. He covers his eyes with his hands before dropping them and letting out a breath. 

Nova hadn't talked to him in five days. Orion was becoming impatient with another song. He can only use the excuse of writer's block for so long. Eventually, Orion will want to meet with his songwriter and discuss schedules. Which is not happening. 

He may become angry at Camden for stealing his daughter's song and probably will think that she was coerced into this. Nova enjoys helping him. She's got to. Camden tries to think back on the times that they hung out. 

The way her eyes lit up when she had an idea. She would nudge him to pay attention as she played the first few notes, wanting him to learn. The way her laugh filled his ears when he would feign snoring or jog around the room to stay awake. 

She never showed disinterest...and she said she was happy for him. Camden lifted his phone again despite the fact that there was no noise emitting from it. 

"You still haven't heard from her?" Zander asked, walking into the room. Camden turned his head, confused as to how long he had been standing there. "Your mom let me in. Did you try to talk to her at school?" 

"Yeah. She tries to leave as quickly as possible. I'm wondering if I did something..." He picks at his phone case, going over every event in his head again and again. Maybe he missed something. Is he really that selfish? Or is she just that good at hiding it? 

"Maybe she has writer's block and doesn't want to work with you until she--"

"No. It's more than that, Z." He spins in his chair, facing his friend sitting on his bed. "We were starting to hang out more outside of writing. It was supposed to help with that. And then she was crying during my music video..." Camden trailed off, not knowing what else to add. 

"Oh. That? She was probably just hurt seeing you kiss her sister." 

"Huh? Why would--"

"Well, think about it. She ran out after you two kissed. You two were hanging out more. Girl plus boy equals..." He paused, letting Cam's imagination carry on to the end of the sentence. 

He shakes his head while Zander nods. "No way. I mean, we said that--" He stops himself from continuing. Just friends. That's all they are. Zander inches forward, wanting to push for more information. If he knew, he would latch onto the idea that they like each other more than he is now.  

"Camden! Come down for lunch." Camden wastes no time leaving the room, knowing that he prefers grilled food over Zander's constant grilling about Nova. Zander follows, wanting to tell him that he can't avoid this forever, but stays silent. 

"Do you think that Orion will set me up with some film schools?" Zander asks as they walk down the stairs. "I have a few picked out, and I can start taking some of the classes next semester." 

Camden nods, "Yeah. Do you want me to talk to him or...?" They reach the stairs, walking past the living room. 

"No, I can do it. I think he likes me." Zander speaks confidently, but he knows that it is false. Fake it 'til you make it. 

"He calls you Ander." Cam gives him a blank look. He has to be in denial to think that Orion does anything but tolerate him.  

Zander shrugs, "That's just his nickname for me." Cam shakes his head, laughing it off while they grab a plate of food. 

"Do you think that I should text Camden?" Melody asks her sister, staring at her phone. 

"Sure," Nova writes another line, staring at it for a few seconds before shaking her head and erasing it. Something she has been doing for days. Nothing seems to fit. She taps her pencil on the piano, wondering how she was able to write for Camden so quickly. Were there little tricks or--

"Do you think he wants me to text him?" She interrupts Nova's train of thought, clearly persistent and unaware that her sister is attempting to fix a problem herself. 

"Possibly," Nova gasps when her book is snatched away and finally turns toward her sister. "Hey!" 

"Good. Now I know that you can acknowledge me. This is important Nova. I don't want to come off as obsessive." 

"You are obsessive." Nova deadpans, holding her hand out as she gives Melody a blank expression. Melody rolls her eyes and places the book in her hands, "If you don't try, you won't know. Just text him." She turns away from her again, opening her book back to the page labeled My Song. 

Melody lays on her stomach on the couch, simply texting "Hey" to Camden Moon. She lets out a shriek when he responds, causing Nova to scribble on the page. Nova erases it and tries again, but Melody lets out another. 

"Mel, please," She extends the word as Melody speaks over her. 

"He texted me twice!" Melody opens the message, hoping he is asking if she wants to hang out, but her smile drops when she reads it. Nova waits to hear more screams of joy or be asked what she should write back, but instead, it is silent. 

Nova turns around, "Everything okay?" 

"He asked about you. I thought you said nothing happened between you two." 

"Nothing did," She shrugged and spun back toward the piano, knowing it is easier to lie with her back turned. 

"Then why is he asking about you when I'm the one who texted him?" 

"I don't know. Maybe he is being polite." She plays the keys, not realizing that the song is one Melody would be familiar with. Nova was simply trying to drown out her sister, not wanting to answer more questions about Camden. She has been avoiding Flora for the same reason. That and she is in non-stop research mode and signing up for classes that would help her become a better manager at 18 years old. 

She gasps, standing up and pointing at her sister as if she has solved a mystery, "That's his recent song! Do you like him?" 

"No! It's just...catchy." Nova closes her eyes, trying to think about her song now instead of Camden, "Now, can we stop talking about him? I'm trying to concentrate." 

Melody sits back down, letting him know that she is fine, and changes the subject after. He doesn't respond after that, and Melody can't help but think there is more going on as her sister continues to play the piano. 

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