Chapter 13

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A/N - I'm so sorry for not posting in literally forever. I'm going to try to slowly start posting again. I will try my best not to go so long without posting. Again, so sorry. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ariel's POV

"What are we going to do? Why is someone targeting our little girls?!" I heard my mom yell downstairs. " Honey calm down. Let's focus on the bright side. At least April is still here." My dad said, trying to comfort her. "And how long is that going to last? It's not even been two weeks since Eloise went missing and now Hope is gone too?!"

It's been a day since anyone has seen Hope and of course, Willow, Mercedes, and I were the last people to see her. It's also been a day since I received that message. "You're next beautiful. Are you ready?" My mom doesn't feel comfortable with me leaving the house so she's working from home today but as you can tell, she's still panicking. I haven't even gotten a chance to tell any of the girls about the text but part of me doesn't want to since right when we found out about Hope's guys, she was taken away. I sighed and closed the door to my bedroom to muffle out the sounds of my parent's frustration before walking to my bed and trying to get some more sleep. I technically don't have to be up this early since I'm not even going to school today.

"Honey?" I heard my mom's voice whisper to me and I slowly open my eyes to see a concerned look on her face. "You don't want to wake up and eat some breakfast?" She asked and I shook my head no. "Okay sweetie. How about you follow me to run an errand really quickly?" She asked and I shook my head no again. "I know you're worried about your friends but I'm worried about you. I can't leave you alone and I need to run an errand. It will be quick. I promise. Then we can get you something to eat." She said and I sighed before nodding in agreement. When she left, I quickly changed out of my pajamas. 

"So, where are we going today?"

Um, yeah that wasn't me. When I realized I was alone, I quickly turned around to see where the voice was coming from but didn't see anything. I figured I was just being paranoid and continued getting dressed. To finish up, I started putting on my shoes but as I put them on, they literally vanished into thin air. I stared at my feet in astonishment and rubbed my eyes super hard to make sure I wasn't going crazy or dreaming. Then I looked down again, hoping to see my shoes but they weren't there. "I could have sworn..." I mumbled, getting up to look for my shoes. I couldn't find them anywhere. So I decided I would look for them when I get back and went to put on different shoes. However, as I was putting those shoes on, they vanished into thin air.

That's when I realized I wasn't going crazy.

"Whoever and whatever you are, cut it out and bring me back my shoes!" I scolded. That's when two adorable guys, both of them mixed racial but they didn't look related, appear right in front of me, each of them holding one pair of my shoes. One of the guys has rose gold hair and eyes and the other has orange-brownish hair and eyes. Of course, my two favorite colors. "What do you want?" I said, doing my best to keep a straight face while they smirked down on me. "Oh nothing. We just couldn't help but realize you were trying to cover up your adorable toes and we wouldn't want that." The one with orange-brownish hair said, making me blush but I still keep a straight face. "Give me my shoes." I said sternly. I refuse to joke around with two mystical boys that plan on kidnapping me. I'm not as patient as Hope or Eloise. "If you let us put on your shoes for you, we'll give them back." The one with rose gold hair said and I blushed even harder. My feet are extremely ticklish and I can tell that somehow, they already know that. "No." I said. "Well, I guess you'll just have to go out with your mom with no shoes then." The one with rose gold hair said as both of them made my shoes vanish again. "I guess I will." I said, smirking at them. "We'll see you soon Ariel." The orange-brownish hair guy said and they both vanished. I had a feeling they were still around so I didn't bother trying to put on another pair of shoes. I just went straight downstairs.

"Are you sure you don't want to put on some shoes?" My mom said, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Yeah I don't plan on getting out of the car." I told her and she nodded before backing out of the driveway. "So, what do you think about going over to Willow's house today? All of the parents want to have a meeting to discuss what our plan is for you girls but it would be nice for you to hang out with your friends. Especially friends that understand what you're going through." My mom said and I shrugged. "Sure." I said and she smiled. "Great. We'll all go over for dinner. I'm sure Mercedes will be there too." She said and I just sighed and laid down on the seats since I was sitting in the back. I know I'm leaving soon and I just feel so bad about how my absence is going to effect my mom. I don't know what to do.

While my mom was in the store, I went on my phone to see if any of my friends have texted in the group chat but it's been pretty quiet, especially since the last message in there was from Hope. I sighed before turning off my phone and closing my eyes. Right when I did,  I felt something scribble my foot. I gasped before quickly sitting up and putting my feet in crisscross applesauce to protect them. "I'm ignoring both of you!" I exclaimed. When nothing happened after that, I started to turn on my phone, only for me to feel a poke on my side. I squealed and moved in the opposite direction of the poke so I was sitting in the middle of the backseat now. I tried again to ignore what was happening, returning my attention back to my phone but then I felt another poke on my ribs but coming from both sides. And then another and another. I tried my best to hold in my giggles but a huge smile was forming on my face. "Is that a smile I see?" One of them teased and I used my hand to cover my smile, dropping my phone in the process. "Oh no you don't." One of them said before they both started to dig their fingers into my armpits. That was my last straw. I immediately started giggling and they continued to dig their fingers into my armpits and my stomach, switching between the two. "I thought you were ignoring us!" One of them said as they both appeared before my eyes again. They were each sitting on either side of me. "Stop it!" I giggled, trying to push them away but failing. "Why would we stop if you're ignoring us anyways?" The one with rose gold hair said. "Okay okay! I get it!" I giggled and they both smirked before they started slowing down. "Aren't you going to ask who we are?" The one with orange brown hair said as the one with rose gold hair grabbed my legs and the other one grabbed my arms. So now I was laying across their laps. "I already know who you are! You're the tickle monsters that are trying to take me away!" I giggled as tried to keep the orange-brown haired one from tickling my stomach and tried to pull my feet away from the rose gold hair one. The orange brown one smirked at me before getting our of my grip and digging his hands into my stomach. "Actually, I'm Adrian." He said as he teased my belly with his fingers. "I don't care!" I giggled out just as the rose gold one dug his fingers into my feet. "And I'm Kai." He said. "It tickles!" I giggled out, trying super hard to push them away and they both laughed at me. Then I heard my mom start to open the car door. "We'll see you later princess." Adrian said as they both gave me kisses on the cheek before vanishing into thin air. "Hi Ariel." My mom said as she entered the car. I was still a giggling mess when I replied "Hi mom," with giggles. "What's so funny?" She asked me as I composed myself. "Oh I just saw something on TikTok." I lied as I sat back up and picked up my phone from the floor. 

Those two are definitely crazy. 

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