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"75 people have showed up today to raid the secretive base known as Area 51. "

"See? Not even at the right base!" Jayda grumbled, not listening to the reporter anymore as a child Naruto-ran behind him like they said they would.

Rolling her eyes, she got up and walked toward her kitchen with a small sigh.

A container of cupcakes sat on her stove, not a single one eaten yet. A note sat beside it, half-open.

Jayda, Sorry to hear you got fired from your bakery job. I hope these will help ya!

- Tristan

P.S. I'm coming down to visit later ya limp noodle!

She smiled at her brother's sloppy handwriting. A visit was always nice from him.

Her family was rather large considering she had 4 other brothers. She was the oldest and the only girl of triplets and Tristan.

Maybe I could tell him I wasn't actually fired?

Tell anyone anything and you're dead! Chrissy's words hissed in the back of her mind, causing Jayda to grumble.

A crash from outside diverted her attention from her thoughts.

That stupid cat is back. She silently huffed, walking to the window that exposed her back yard.

"What in the-.."

Her fence held a hole in it that was smoking from what looked to be large piece of metal that gleamed unnaturally in the sunlight. A ball of purple fur and green polkadots was slowly rolling from the scrap metal.

Quickly grabbing a frying pan from her cabinet, she moved outside, holding the piece of cast iron ahead of her.

The... Thing, groaned and mumbled weird curses under its breath, slowly getting up and stumbling, pupil-less white eyes looking up at Jayda.

Jayda screaming in shock backing away, her frying pan clutched like a sword.

The creature screamed as well, falling backwards and shaking violetly as it grabbed a stick in response to her pan.

"Leave my presence or prepare to be exocuted lower life vessel!" The creature screeched, shaking violently.

It looked scared...

"Put the weapon down..! You're hurt!" Jayda pleaded, setting her frying pan onto the grass to look less threatening.

The alien creature took a step forward, but collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

"What have they done to you..."

Exmaining whatever the heck it was, she picked it up in her arms and quickly carried it in, locking every door and shutting the blinds.

She grabbed her phone, quickly dialing Chrissy's number but paused as her thumb hovered over the comfirm button.

The creature was obviously an alien of some sort. It was covered in purple fur until the strange horns on his face and head. The horns were white with red stripes and the weird feelers looked to be like smooth scales with green polka dots that ended near the middle. Two green fuzzballs sat at the end of them.

"What in the world even are you..." she mumbled, examining them fully.

It was wearing a dark grey vest that looked to be made of leather and black tights that exposed a large gecko-like tail that matched its feelers.

"Yep... Definitely an alien.." she concluded, looking back to her phone and feeling a stab in her heart.

You're not working there anymore... Plus Chrissy isn't exactly fond of you right now.

She sighed and set her phone down, "What am I going to do with you..."

A dark green splotch was slowly growing on its side... Weird.

Lifting the vest, more purple fur and a large nasty gash met her sights, sickly green fluid leaking from the wound.

Resisting the urge to vomit, she ran toward the bathroom, grabbing every bandaid and cloth she could find before going back to wrap it around the alien's middle.

Having finished wrapping the cloth around the wound, Jayda began to pace.

She knew alien types, but this was something different. Raking her brain for some type of knowledge, she froze, yesterday's conversation returning to her thoughts.


Jayda had just found the very creature the entire base was searching for and now, it was in her house, not contained properly.

Oh Flap-nuggets...

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