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Pidge yawned a little as she set down her pad, rubbing her eyes a bit and laying back in her bed.

It had been nearly a week, and no Galra forces had attacked, even though Allura and Coran warned that they were still present.

They were just... Waiting.

Pidge didn't like it. The Empire that was intent on capturing Voltron was suddenly stopping? It didn't seem probable.

She shook her head, rubbing the bridge of her nose while setting down her glasses on the bedside table.

Even though nothing had been happening, a horrible feeling was settling in Pidge's gut, and she didn't like how it felt.

Something was coming. She just didn't know what.

She turned over, sighing softly and looking at the picture of her and her brother, Matt, with sad eyes. He was still missing... No traces had been found of him, or Pidge's father.

"I'll find you," she whispered, tucking the picture away safely in her bag. She hugged the bag tightly, squeezing her eyes closed tight.

"I promise." With that, she settled down and soon fell asleep, feeling peace fill her body as her dreams began to flood through her mind.

As she slept, she was unknowing of the danger that was to arrive, unaware of the alien who watched her from a bot that he had snuck into her room, his eyes glittering as he grinned with sharp teeth.

He watched her as she slept, her face was peaceful, and it was no doubt that she was beautiful.

It was a shame that she hid her true self from her teammates, but it only made him more determined to get her and make her his.

"Tomorrow.." He hissed, capturing a picture of her sleeping face, "you will be mine!"

And with that, he vanished, leaving behind only a lingering feeling of evil and the smell of roses.

((This is just the introduction to the story. Other chapters will be longer.))

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