↳ fifteen

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Taehyun was zoning out throughout his classes that day, his pen tapping unknown rhythms on his table as he stared on at the tall buildings outside of the window. all he was thinking the whole day was on why the raven-haired male who he had literally slammed into that morning had not attempted to break his bones or spit cuss words at the younger.

Taehyun was so deep into thinking that he didn't realize it was now the last period. music.

before he could stop himself, before he could excuse himself to run and probably hide in the bathroom until the two hour period ended to avoid a certain encounter with a raven, he was already sitting there. chin on his hand, and an open book in front of him, staring outside.

and before he knew it, Beomgyu had entered the class, immediately shushing everyone up on auto as he takes long confident strides to where he sat with Taehyun in the second row.

It was just silence after that. Taehyun tried not to react when his mind finally snapped into the fact that Beomgyu was now next to him. 

Thankfully, Mr. Min was early this time. (Which was rare, since he is kind of always late to every class)

but Taehyun should've known why he was early today.

"Good morning class," Mr. Min gave his usual introduction, "Today I want you all to start off with discussing the music project I gave all of you."

"What? this is so early!" A student said, and the class simultaneously agreed to that.

 "I know it'll be hard, so that's why I want you to get used to working together starting from now. See it as a base, a rough sketch, if you visualize it," Mr. Min said, leaning on the edge of the table, his arms folded, "If you need any help or advice, I'm more than happy to help you. but I have to take care of a few things, so I'll be in my office just down the hall,"

a few students collectively sigh in relief. hearing how their teacher wouldn't be in class would give them a bit of freedom.

"Oh, one more thing," Mr. Min said, "Kang Taehyun, see me in my room after class?"

"Y-Yes sir," Taehyun said, back straightening when all eyes fell on him. All but Beomgyu's.

"Alright then, the discussion may start,"

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