↳ four

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"Taehyun hyung!"

Taehyun shut his eyes when Beomgyu had raised his fist, but he could tell that the voice was coming from his junior, Kai. The sound of metal being pushed and the tight feeling of the hands on his shoulders were gone, replaced with a comforting hand on the same spot.

"I'll report you to Soobin hyung if you don't stop this," Taehyun hears Kai say, and that's when he opened his eyes.

Kai had pushed Beomgyu down, and the raven male fell on the ground. Both of his friends- Hyesu and Chanwook surround him, helping him up.

Beomgyu pushes them away and looks up at Kai with a venomous gaze, like he was ready to fight. The younger trembles. He was afraid. He had just came and push Beomgyu down and now he was staring intensely into his eyes. Kai swallows a gulp and his hand shakes in fear. 

Kai had only been brave in the heat of the moment, now he was afraid. And Taehyun wouldn't let Beomgyu beat him up just because he saved him.

"Let's just get to class," Taehyun says, standing up and grabbing Kai's hand. And Beomgyu makes no effort in chasing them after that.

Taehyun didn't see what they were doing as his back was facing them. but he knew that Beomgyu wouldn't let that go so easily.

"Why did you come back, Kai?" Taehyun asked when he walked out of the cafeteria. They were now walking to their classes that coincidentally were right next to each other.

"I came back to ask if you knew Soobin hyung was Jin biase- but that's not the point! are you really going to pick a fight with him whenever we're not around, Taehyun? do you know how insane you are?" he asked, and Taehyun rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's Taehyun hyung," he stated, "And like I said. He's all bark, no bite,"

"Taehyun hyung, my best friend, my neighbour, my suuuuuuper awesome hyung who always aces every test he takes, with all do respect, are you stupid?" Kai asked, stopping him in the middle of the hallway and looking down at him.

Taehyun hates being shorter. Kai was a naive, younger boy but whenever he took advantage of his height and Taehyun had to crane his neck to look up, he always felt like the younger one.

"Don't call me stupid when you can't even memorise your multiples of twelve," Taehyun mutters under his breath.

"Yah! I can, I'm just slow!" he defends himself, pouting, "but serious talk, hyung. He was going to punch you if I didn't come and save you. you owe me!"

"No one asked you to save me, smart guy," Taehyun said, starting to walk again. The younger follows behind him, catching up.

"Hey, hey! what about tteokbokki and grape juice? just that! After school?" He asked, throwing in the puppy eyes. God, Taehyun hates when he does that.

"Aish, fine fine," he waves his hands, "Your so annoying. You're acting like you weren't trembling in fear five minutes ago,"

"YAY!" Kai cheers, ignoring Taehyun's last statement, "I'll meet you at the front gates after school, okay? no takesies backsies!" he says in his overly high pitched 'cute' voice. "See you later, hyung!"

Taehyun sighs as he watches the boy skip into his math class with a smile, greeting everyone he meets. How did he get such a silly best friend like him.

Taehyun opens the door and walks into his music class.

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