↳ twelve

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"And then what?" Soobin asked, his eyes in wonder as he looked at Taehyun who was telling the story of what happened to him in the morning.

"He got fired," Taehyun ends the story with that, he leans onto his chair and folds his arms. He observes the faces of his best friends and he saw that they each had different reactions.

"Serves him right!" Kai said happily, munching on his third slice of strawberry cake. Thankfully, after the whole fiasco at Star Café, Taehyun managed to get not only a free drink from the manager, but also had enough time to change his clothes before his hangout with his friends at a different café.

His mother asked him why he was home early and he merely answered that he had spilled coffee on himself, and his mother let it slide.

"Damn... that's.. kinda insane," Yeonjun said, his lips pouted, showing how plump and pretty his lips were, "he sounds crazy, how could his emotions change so fast like that? he escalated really quickly,"

"it's probably because of Taehyun," Kai laughs, "Beomgyu targets a lot of students, but for some reason it's always Taehyun who he keeps picking on... do you think?"

Taehyun saw the glint in Kai's eyes. the glint that he saw whenever the younger talks about a romance anime he likes, "Oh no. This isn't some cliché sob story where the supposedly 'bad boy' bullies someone they like. Come on, I'm pretty sure he isn't even gay," Taehyun said, shrugging, "And plus, I'm not even the least bit intimidated by him, he's all-"

"bark, no bite, we know," Soobin says with a playful eye roll, "but what about your phone now? how are you gonna text us, smart guy? are you gonna send letters like we're in the 80's?"

Taehyun thinks for a moment, "I'll try to see him tomorrow again,"

"Yah, are you crazy? where will you find him anyway, he's fired," Yeonjun says as he takes a sip from his iced matcha, "Oh man, that means he'll definitely hate you more," Yeonjun laughs, covering his mouth and slapping Soobin's thigh next to him.

"Hey! ouch?" Soobin pushes the older's hand off, "but Yeonjun hyung has a point, Taehyunie," Soobin says, turning to the younger.

"Just ignore him in school," Kai says, "Simple!"

"not simple," Taehyun says under his breath, poking at his pancakes now, losing his appetite slowly, "He's... my music partner. We're supposed to make a song together an-"

"Woah woah woah, hold up! did you say music? Beomgyu is an art student, though," Kai says, dropping his fork, now invested in the conversation.

"He switched," Taehyun shrugged, "As I was sa-"

"He what?!" Soobin interrupted I with a shocked expression, "In the middle of the year?!"

"But he's a prodigy! I've seen his drawings in the teacher's lounge being hung, why would he change so suddenly  like that?!" Kai says, continuing Soobin.

"He probably has his own reasons, come on I want to know the rest of Taehyun's story," Yeonjun whines, pushing Kai and Soobin - who was sitting on his left and right- back into their seats, "Please continue, Taehyun ah,"

"Thank you Yeonjun hyung," Taehyun says, glaring at the two who interrupted him, "As I was saying, we need to make a song and present it after summer break,"

"damn," Yeonjun says, "that sucks, dude. have you tried to change partners? you could at least try!"

"tried," Taehyun says with a sad pout, "But Mr. Min said..." Taehyun suddenly thinks, and he furrows his eyebrows at the thought, "... huh,"

"what is Taehyunnie thinking?" Huening Kai asked in a cute voice as he pokes Taehyun's cheek, making Soobin laugh and Yeonjun to cringe.

"He said Beomgyu chose me," Taehyun said, pushing Kai's finger away from touching his face (which caused the younger to pout), "He said to welcome him into the class, Mr. Min had him chose a name to partner up from the list, and he chose me.."

"Oh my god," Kai says with a gasp, "This is just like a kdrama! the bully falls in l-"

"I told you it's not a kdrama," Taehyun glares down at the boy, but Kai only giggled in return.

"But how do you know he doesn't like you anyway?" Soobin asked, "I mean, have you seen the kdrama 'Extraordinary You'?"

"..Yeah?" Taehyun asked in reply, "What does this have to do with that, though?"

Soobin slams his hand lightly, as if offended at Taehyun's answer, "Baek Kyung spent like, what? years hating on his own fiancé and in the end he turned out to love her!" Soobin says, clutching his heart afterwards, "But Dan Oh fell for the nameless 13 Haru, what a tragic ending for Baek Kyung," he sighs sadly.

Yeonjun and Kai, who never seen the kdrama, looks at Soobin weirdly.

"The only useful thing I got from that is don't be a dick and hate your fiancé for years," Yeonjun says, looking at Soobin who was leaning on his side, faking a pass out.

"Uh, unrelated?" Kai said, "This is Choi Beomgyu, we're talking about here!"

"Thank you, Kai," Taehyun said, thinking the younger finally understands him.

"He has to do it in a waaaay less romantic way!" Kai suddenly said, and Taehyun felt his eye twitch.

"Can we not talk about this?" Taehyun says, irritated, and his friends only laugh. Yeonjun patting Taehyun's shoulder. 

"Okay, fine then, let's see what happens to you in a few days, smart guy,"

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