↳ twenty three

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꒰🍒꒱i'd say puma fueled my bad boy beomgyu agenda,,, but he was so CUTEEE  

꒰🍒꒱I've been in a mood to write these days, so next update will be v soon (i  swear this time HHHH) !! I'm 2k words in and its not even half of it,, its gonna be,,, least to say more clues abt gyu will be given!!


Kang Taehyun had never been to detention his whole 18 years of living.  That was what being a good student brought to him, it seems. Years of sending his homework and assignments exactly when its due, and doing almost all his group projects by himself (as his lousy teammates had always slacked off), had led him to be silently titled as the smartest and most diligent kid in his grade. Despite all, he was still invisible. Which, now that he thinks about it, really wasn't a bad thing.

But that was before, well, this.

Though even if he had never been to detention, he was 102% sure that they were not supposed to lock the supposed convict inside the room. He was certain that at least someone should watch over them to, you know, make sure they don't escape or something?

But that was probably the reason for the locked door in the first place.

The moment he heard the familiar twist of the lock on the door from outside, his mind went haywire and realized that something was definitely wrong.

"Wait, wait, wait," Taehyun blurted in apprehension to his music teacher from outside, his short legs bringing him to the door when it was fully locked already. Yoongi peers at him through the transparent rectangular window (which Taehyun swears feels like a prison bar right about now) and gave him an encouraging nod. His lips move as he talked, and Taehyun could hear him clearly from the slits at the bottom of the window.

"I'll release you once you settle your differences. For now, think about your actions and try to at least be able to talk to each other, Kang,"

"And if we don't?" He whispers. He silently hopes to whatever was up there that Yoongi could catch the not so subtle glint of he-is-going-to-beat-me-up-and-you'll-only-find-my-dead-body-here in his brown orbs. The other male in the room had already taken a seat in the room as if it were his own. If he had been here several times already, Taehyun wouldn't be surprised.

Taehyun assumes that Yoongi doesn't catch his internal panicking when the sound of his teacher's laughter, followed by the teasing jingle of the keys vibrated in his ears through the air spaces in the door. Yoongi shakes his head flashing him the gummy smile of his, and walks away. Seemingly humming. A contrast to what he was not an hour ago.

The air seemed to still when the older teacher walked far out of sight and made a turn on the corner, disappearing out of view and earshot. The room turns cold. A slight shift was heard from behind, and Taehyun turns around. Beomgyu was just a person, presumably with a bad history. if he stays still like he was prey, he'd disregard his presence and leave him alone, right?


His eyes met the cold gaze of the taller boy in the room and he wonders if he had been staring right at him the whole time. A "what?" was at the tip of his tongue, but he really didn't feel like getting his shit beat up just for talking. it was obvious how the male had a problem whenever Taehyun opens his mouth.

So he looked away the second they made eye contact and the other seemed to do the same. Taehyun faces the wall at the back of the class where the posters on classroom friendliness (ironic, he thought) and the clock reading four pm stared back at him, his shoulders slouching. Being here was going to leave a stain on his report card.

If Yoongi had thought to lock them in a room after school hours would flush whatever unspoken hatred they had with each other down the drain, he was absolutely wrong.

Taehyun was like a lost lamb, just trying to finish school and graduate so he could get into a university in the United States with his sister. He hadn't ever done an act of felony to attract or irate anyone. Minus that one time Taehyun had stuck bubblegum into a girl's hair- Huening Kai's younger sister, to be exact- at the age of five; but he was so sure she didn't hold a grudge on him.

Beomgyu was the wolf who seemed to hunt him down just to satisfy his hunger. And he had managed to hunt him down, all right, but his hunger has yet to be satisfied.

With long and awkward steps, Taehyun sat down on the desk in front, a good five desks away from the male.

There could be only two things that could happen. It's either one, they talk and make up (Taehyun wants to scoff at that, as if he'd even he thinks). Or two, they don't.

The younger doesn't know why he felt so nervous around him. What happened to his all bark and no bite? If his friends knew he felt this way, they'd definitely give him the 'i-told-you-so' for the rest of his high school years. Maybe even longer than that.

He told himself that he was just being cautious. There was no way he was afraid of some douche who probably has too much time in his hands and his only way of filling it is by making a weak nerd (Taehyun has come to accept the fact that this was his label), his target.

The silence was uncomfortable and there was obviously some tension between the two. All Taehyun could see was the messy hair of the boy as he had sat by the window at the front of the room. He seemed to be staring outside, tapping his fingers on the wooden desk. Taehyun takes a closer look at him. His clothes were dirty, he had taken off his vest and it showed how soiled his shirt was with grime. Taehyun wonders what the hell did he get himself into, again.

The only sounds in the class being the air conditioner and the wind from the slightly cracked windows. The frigid air gave him goosebumps, despite sitting at the far side away from the glass panes. He outstretches his arm on the table and lays his head on it, staring at the empty desks and the boy.

The sun had already started to set behind the trees that crowded the football field below their line of vision, making them look like silhouettes casting shadows on the loud football team who were having a friendly match outside (where he wished he was), the breeze shaking the leaves and making them sway, rattling them, but not enough to drown the chirping of the birds.

At this hour if he wasn't busy, he would usually go out with his friends. He imagines the countless times he had gone out with Kai, occasionally with Soobin and Yeonjun, walking back from school to the bustling city of Seoul down the hill. They'd ride bikes if they brought it with them. Remembering the silly selfies he takes with his best friends when it had reached golden hour which he ends up posting, and then returning home to the smell of dinner and his sister's annoying singing in the shower, walking with Kai just before the moon rises.

Taehyun knows, despite only sitting there for a few minutes, that it was going to be a long day.

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