Chapter 22

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After checking on some patients, I head to the ICU checking up on Kyle. Once in his room, I notice the middle-aged women sitting next to Kyle who is still unconscious. The bandage around her arm makes it obvious that she is Kyle's donor. With Kyle's chart in my hand, I introduce myself.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Wilson, you must be Kyle's emergency contact," I greet sticking my hand out for her to shake. As she faces me, I notice how much her silver hair stands out against her dark skin. Such features scream that she is unique. 

"Yes, I'm Mae, Kyle's sister" Mae greets with a American accent that only adds to her personality. Wanting to shake hands Mae sticks her hand out, and I happily oblige. But shaking Mae's hand brought chills that I could not shake off even when I let go. 

"Well, it looks like Kyle will make a full recovery," I hug Kyle's chart as Mae gets up from her seat and makes her way to me. As she stood in front of me, I felt like she towered over me, even though we both stood 5'10.

"Levi, you are a true miracle worker. Some might even say you have a gift." Mae pulls my left hand from the chart holding it with both of her hands. Thoughts run around my mind trying to stay calm and not panic.

"Have you noticed that nothing dies around you?" Mae's question brings me back to the room and I give her a confused look.

"What?" Mae only smiles at my expression before continuing.

"As a kid, none of your pets died, and now none of your patients have died, even the ones that were doomed," Mae points to Kyle as proof that she was right.

"My father died" Mae's face changes showing no emotion.

"I mean everything after he died, your dad's death was the only death you've experienced in your whole life. How many years has that been? 22 years? Don't you find that odd?" I don't answer her question. I stare at her with anger building up from the way she described my Dad as an afterthought. 

"Levi you have a gift, you just don't realize it. Your dad passed it down to you. A gift that can only be described as a miracle." Still holding my left hand, Mae moves my hand to my chest right over my heart. 

"You just don't know how to use it." Mae pulls my hand away from my chest and places it on top of her heart. The beat of her heart pounds against my hand as if I was holding it in my hand. Each time Mae inhaled I could feel the lungs tissue expand and shrink back as she exhaled.

"You can feel it, can't you?" Mae asks. I nod my head trying to find a possible answer of how I could directly feel her heart and lungs.

"You can bring back life and take it away, you just don't know how to use it," Mae whispers still holding my hand to her chest. After feeling her lungs amplify I decide not to search for answers, but just accept it.

"If you close your fist and bring it toward you, you could kill me instantly," Mae breathes out, and I don't doubt her. The fact that I can feel Mae's heart proves that I could do more damage. I don't do as she says, instead, I move my hand away returning it to my side.

"If my father had this gift why did he die?" I ask Mae and I watch as her face turns back to stone.

"I don't know all the answers, Levi," Mae responds with an attitude.

"Then what do you know?" I almost spit out, Mae takes a deep breath before responding.

"I only know what they tell me," Mae grabs something from her pocket that resembles a needle used for injections. Before I could process what was happening Mae stabbed me with the needle, injecting me with a blue liquid. My vision starts to get fuzzy as I try to leave, but my legs fail me and I collapse to the floor.

"Levi, come on wake up," The violent shaking wakes me. I see Jacobs above me and a couple of nurses. Looking around I notice I'm in a room, hooked up to an I.V drip.

"What happened?" I question feeling a migraine press against the side of my head.

"We don't know, the nurses found you on the floor. You alright?" Jacobs asks and I shake my head which makes my head throb more.

"I'll be okay," I breath out clenching my fists.

"What happened?" Jacobs crosses his arms completely concerned.

"I didn't get enough sleep," I lied not sure if everything that happened was real or not. 

"Okay, just take some time to rest," Jacobs suggests giving me a pat on my shoulder before stepping out along with the nurses.

Being alone with the I.V drip gave me the opportunity to reflect back on Mae. Agreeing that she was real, I make the assumption that her attentions were negative. Now, the only question is what did she inject me with? After an hour of resting, I continue my shift. When I'm changed a nurse pages me.

"Dr. Wilson can you check on the patient in room 254," I sigh grabbing the clipboard from the nurse's hand already missing my rest. Once I see the door to 254 I notice a bright glow coming from underneath the door. Confused I stand in front of the door placing my hand over the handle. Slowly I open the door using the clipboard to cover my eyes, but the glow seemed even brighter. Deciding to close my eyes I walk deeper into the room.

"Excuse me, you can't have the lights that bright in here this is a hospital." I declare to no one in particular, but my command causes the light to dim down allowing me to move the clipboard away from my face and open my eyes.

Adjusting my eyes I realize I'm not in a hospital room, but in fact in a living room standing in a circle with three other people. Outside the circle stood two people staring at us, all of us with the same expression, confused.

"What the-"

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