Chapter 26

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After an hour of listening to music, Estrella began her series of questions to Reijn. Aries turned down the radio and listened in on their conversation that was loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"How old were you when you started acting?" Estrella asked first.

"Pretty young about 10 I'd say," Reijn responded not going in full detail knowing Estrella would jump to a different question. 

"Have you written a biography?" Estrella was always interested in acting, but her features made her very insecure. She took this opportunity to know more about the acting career.

"No, and I don't plan to," Reijn admitted.

"Have you ever made a sex tape?" Estrella asked unfazed.

"Estrella!" Alfie warned from the driver's seat.

"No, I have not" Reijn answered while laughing.

"Do you get to sleep with other celebrities?" Estrella asked, but before Reijn could respond Alfie butted in.

"Okay how about we all talk about these superpowers we seem to have," Alfie suggested and everybody was happy of the idea.

"I'll go first!" Estrella raised her hand and started her story.

"I got my powers from this Nigerian woman who knocked on my window when I was young. Now here I am no sight with these cool powers." Estrella smiled.

"What else do you remember about her?" Reijn questioned.

"She had a birthmark on the inside of her hand," Estrella remembered.

"What kind of birthmark?" Asad piped into the conversation.

"A birthmark shaped like a star inside her hand?" Asad spoke out from the back seat.

"I don't remember? Wait" Estrella scrunched her eyebrows together in concentration. She was trying to remember the night she lost her eyesight something Estrella never tried.

Estrella could easily see her past just as she could see other people's life's in front of her but never thought to remember that day purely out of anger.

However, as she stood in her backyard looking at her past self she realized just how important this night was. Estrella stepped closer as the Nigerian walked to her younger self. Estrellas younger-self sat on her knees looking curiously up at the stranger. Standing in between the two, Estrella looked at the lady's right hand noticing a birthmark shaped as a star.

"It seems you found them," The women spoke out catching Estrella off guard. Rather than staring at Estrella's past self, the woman was making direct eye contact toward her. 

"Hi Estrella," The beautiful women smiled ignoring her past self. While Estrella's young self-stayed frozen not moving.

"You can see me?" Estrella asked confused, this had never happened before. Estrella never changed or stopped the past. It became obvious that the unusual stranger had been the cause of this action.

"Yes I can, and might I say you look different from her," She commented pointing at the little girl behind Estrella. 

"Pink hair? I like it," She complimented but Estrella was too confused to pay attention.

"This is a memory how are you talking to me, present me?" Estrella asked pointing to herself. 

"My dear child this is the past," She answered calmly.

"Sadly, I am stuck in your past," She continued only confusing Estrella more.

"If you're stuck in the past how did you talk to me at the flea market?" Estrella questioned.

"Because that was your past," The odd lady replied as it was the most obvious answer.

"But when you talked to me it was the present," Estrella stated trying to make sense of the situation.

"My dear Star nothing is the present, there is no now there is only then and after," She turned and walked away, Estrella followed behind while asking more questions. 

"Why did you give me a button that brought four people?" Estrella didn't pay attention to where they were headed but instead, focused on getting answers. 

"Oh Star, dark days are coming they are closer than I predicted." She walked with grace and her words were wise, but not understandable.

"Do you mean the people that chased Asad? Who are they?" Estrella had too many questions and her answers were getting them nowhere.

"They are humans just like you. Pity that our worst enemies are ourselves," She continued walking not worrying of the stress that Estrella felt.

"Why are they after us," Estrella kept asking not expecting answers but still hoping for one.

"Star you don't need me to answer that, what you really want to ask is how are all of you going to stop them," The divine stranger takes Estrella's hand and guides her through a small patch of woods.

"Then tell me," Estrella pleads exhausted from the stress of the unknown.

"I wish I could," She answered with sympathy.

"Why can't you?" Estrella sassed tired of hearing wise talk.

"I don't know the answer," She calmly responded. A few more steps and they arrive at a lake.

"I can tell you that Levi," She pauses and Estrella catches sad expression take over her features, but with a second it's gone.

"Levi is gifted, he doesn't know yet, but he's far more important than he thinks," Letting go of Estrella's hand the beautiful women takes a seat on the grass.

"Each of you I consider as my own carefully I picked you to save the future," As she moves one hand, flowers begin to grow all around her.

"That's a bit dramatic," Estrella scoffs. The angelic woman pats the grass next to her for Estrella to sit. Estrella complies and takes a seat facing her.

"I know you did not pick this battle, but I'm begging you to fight," She places her hand over Estrella's.

"I have so many questions." Estrella admits.

"I know you do, whenever you think of one come back here and I will help you." Her attention is to the lake starring at the beauty.

"Really? I can talk to you by revisiting this memory?" Estrella asked and she nods in agreement.
"It's time for you to go back," Before Estrella could argue she's back in the van. 

"Do you remember her birthmark?" Asad questions and everyone's curious.

"It was a star," Estrella announced but she seemed distant as she tried to piece together the short answers she received.

"Are you okay?" Feeling concerned Alfie looks at Estrella through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah," Estrella lets out barely loud enough for Alfie to hear. Alfie turns to Aries with a questionable look. Understanding Alfie, Aries shakes his head as if saying that she isn't okay.

"How about we pull over and grab some food," Alfie suggested knowing that food always cheered Estrella up. However, Estrella had no response, not even a reaction which worried Alfie more. Leaving the highway, Alfie pulls into a restaurant and everyone piles out.

"In-N-Out" Asad read the letters on the building.

"It's a burger restaurant," Reijn answered Asad's question before he asked.

"Okay let's go," Eager to try American food, Asad jogged to the entrance. Alfie made his way to Estrella locking his hand with hers.

"Thanks," Estrella mummers still in concentration.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Alfie asked squeezing Estrella's hand lightly. Estrella finally looked at her surroundings and heard the concern coming from Alfie.

"Yes, I'm positive," Estrella gives a reassuring smile before following the group into the restaurant. 


I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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