Christmas Eve Night

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Carefully, I open the box. It's an outfit.

It's adorable! "Oh, Maryse, it's adorable, thank you so much," I cry.

"You're so welcome dear," Maryse smiles fondly. I should get some outfits like this once I have a job and can get clothes for Bean. Wait, Bean doesn't have a coming home outfit. I just have onesies.....

"W...would it be okay if I used it as the coming home outfit?" I ask nervously.

"Oh, honey. That outfit isn't anything special. There must be an outfit you want to use, you don't have to use that outfit," Maryse assures me. I don't have any outfits. I have a few onesies, but outfits are expensive and I wanted to spend as little of Jace's money as possible. When I get back to work, I'll be able to buy my Bean better clothes, but he or she will already be born......

I hang my head down in shame and play with my fingers. " do have other outfits for the baby, right?" Maryse asks gently.

I shake my head slowly. "I...I didn't want to spend Jace's money. I just figured I could get a job as soon as Bean's born and get more clothes for him or her then," I explain. "B...but when I saw the outfit you bought Bean, I realized he or she will need a coming home outfit."

"Jace!" Maryse yells, and I hear an all too familiar slapping noise. I jump.

"Oh, Clary, you're safe here. I would never hit you, no one here will," Maryse says, guilt dripping from her voice. "I'm sorry I scared you." I see a red mark on Jace's cheek. S...she hit Jace?

"Why did you hit Jace?" I ask confused.

"I can't believe him. I swear I raised him better than th-" Maryse begins.

"Maryse,'re misunderstanding. Jace has done so much for me. He let's me stay in his guest room. He jokes with me and plays with me. He puts a smile on my face. He let's me eat whatever I want. H...he doesn't hurt me. You raised a great son," I interrupt her.

I look at Jace supportively, and I find he has a blush. I can't believe I just said all of that out loud....."Clary, I taught him to help people," Maryse begins, her eyes on Jace.

"H...he has, I promise," I reply. "He bought be pregnancy vitamins, he bought clothes, and he even read a pregnancy book," I try to think of all of the things Jace has done for me. "He holds my hair when I get sick. H...he-"

"Clary, she's right," Jace looks at me, seemingly ashamed. "I didn't even think about baby clothes or supplies. You never mentioned it of course because you're trying to save my money. I understand where you're coming from, but I should've thought about baby materials."

What happened? did this all get flipped? I'm making Jace's mom mad at him. I'm making Jace feel bad. Ugh! I always mess everything up. "I...I messed everything up. shouldn't h...have brought me," I whimper. Jace kneels down, so our faces are level.

"Clary, look at me," Jace gently coaxes. "You didn't mess anything up."

"I...I shouldn't have said anything. H...he told me, but I....I never listened and now you are getting in trouble because of me," I explain.

"Clary, he was a disgusting dirty coward. He was wrong," Jace firmly replies.

Maryse looks at her son, but she doesn't seem angry anymore. Why isn't she angry? "You, Clary, and I are going to go shopping for baby clothes soon," Maryse says. Jace nods.

Izzy opens her present next. "It's a new eyeshadow pallet! Thank you mom," Izzy squeals.

"You're up," Jace smirks at me. Maryse hands me a present and I slowly open the end. "It's a camera," I comment.

"I know you like photography. I noticed how you look at photos or art in general for that matter. Keep looking though," Jace responds. I move the paper in the box and find a sketching pad and sketching pencils.

"Thank you," I smile. "This is the best gift I've ever gotten." The only real gift I've ever gotten..... What if my gifts for them are bad? I mean, I got Alec a keychain that says 'You had me at I hate everyone too.'  Jace, a shirt that I thought would look nice on him. Izzy, a pretty bracelet. Maryse, a coffee mug. I had to go to the store when Jace was at work and use some of the money I had saved up from when I left Sebastian. It was worth it and I figured they were good presents, but they didn't cost as much as a camera or a nice sketchbook and pencil set....

Alec opens his present next and it's a watch. Then, Jace opened his present, a watch like Alec's. They were both from Maryse. Maryse grabs a present from the tree and opens it. It's a big chocolate bar, her favorite apparently. After we finish, Jace, Izzy, Alec, and I go upto bed.

I follow Jace. He opens a door on the second floor a few doors down the hallway on the left. The walls are blue and the carpet is white. It looks neat and organized. All of the books on the shelf and papers stacked. Awww, young Jace was so cute and tidy. "I know it's not ideal, but if you're okay with it, we're kinda going to have to share a bed," Jace begins. He seems to contemplate something. "I could always sleep on the couch in the living room. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll just leave you to go to bed." Jace starts walking out, but I grab his arm gently. I eye up his queen bed.

"I think we can share," I comment. "It seems pretty big, and I'm sure it's more comfortable than the couch."

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable or-" Jace begins.

"It'll be okay, no It'll be more than okay. Now, let's get some rest," I reply. Jace nods. I go to the bathroom to change, and Jace changes in his room.

Once I finish, I knock to make sure he's done. "It's open," Jace calls. I walk in and get on the right side, which isn't occupied by Jace. Then, I turn to face away from him. "Good night Clary."

"Good night Jace," I whisper. We lay there for ten or so minutes. I turn to face him.

"Jace," I quietly whisper.

"Yeah Clary," Jace responds.

"Ummm, I don't know what to do. I got presents, but....they aren't very good I don't think," I explain.

"When did you get presents?" Jace asks curiously.

"While you were at work," I honestly answer.

"I'm sure they're lovely. Why do you think they're bad?" Jace asks gently.

"They aren't very expensive. I only used a little of the money I'd saved up from before we met. Maybe I should've used more or gotten something different or-" I ramble.

"Clary, it's the thought that counts and I'm sure your presents are amazing. You don't have to spend a lot of money," Jace explains.

"But you did," I reply quietly.

"I spent money on someone I care about because I wanted to get a gift you'd like. You're gifts will be just as good because we'll know you care," Jace responds. I nod. "Now," Jace smiles as he taps my nose, "you'd better get to sleep or Santa won't come." A giggle escapes my throat. I close my eyes and let sleep take me.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I do and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 4/18/19

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