How to get Extremely Lost

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For a while, the van was where they lived. They moved away from Ebbot, away from the state, far out into the country. They moved out into a little cottage that Taylor had bought and got a few animals to busy themselves with. A chicken for eggs and a little fluffy white dog that Crooks insisted they named Toby. Taylor was glad he always pulled $500 out of every check he'd made because all that saved money was pulling off now, and he wasn't leaving too much of a trail to follow. He and the boys ditched the old van a few states over and got a new one from a man in prison who wouldn't be using it anymore anyway. Taylor felt that they were in the clear, far in the country with the closest major city being three hours away. They were better off in the nearby town with half an hour away for a job. The money wouldn't last forever, after all. Taylor didn't plan on being picky either. He hoped to work on saving people again, but it was best that nobody knew who he was. He was a 'criminal' after all.


Yet, it was in town, job searching that they were found out. Just not by who they were expecting. They stared at Izik as he walked around a corner and nearly ran into them. So now they were staring at each other. Finally, Horror spoke up. "you carry error's scent." Horror said. "Error is gathering everyone." Izik replied, slightly weirded out that he was carrying out a conversation with an ex human eater. "but not for nightmare." Izik shook his head. "Nope." The guy beside Horror decided to introduce himself. "Hey man! I'm Taylor!" Taylor held his hand out to the stranger that Horror seemed to know. "Izik, a real pleasure. C'mon boys, this way!" Horror hesitated and looked back. "Crooks..?" Taylor asked Izik. "I can ask Error to get him moved somewhere safer. We won't leave him, ok?" Izik promised. Horror looked to Taylor for guidance. Taylor looked to the stranger, looking for any signs that he was lying. "We can go with, he's safe." Taylor determined for Horror who nodded. They followed the man to a portal into a white space where there were others, humans and skeletons alike.


"i can't believe you're with a human." A hooded skeleton said bluntly to a racially different Skeleton? Was that possible? Taylor supposed that if a skeleton could survive with a whole in his skull, the possibilities for skeletons could be endless. Izik seemed to be dating the one with darkened bones. ("i could say the same for you all.") "i-i cou-uld sa-y th-e s-ame f-for y-ou a-ll." Error replied as he absent-mindedly sewed a doll. "that is true." Horror agreed. "what comes next?" Taylor looked at Horror in surprise. Maybe Horror didn't pick up on the romantic implacation? "They can't stay here, Erry. They haven't lived in the Anti-Void like you and I have." Izik pointed out gently. Erry, as Izik called him, put down his sewing stuff. Taylor assumed it was short for something and considering the Error marks around him... he knew what. ("i know that. we can't keep to the original plan either, though..") "i-i kn-ow th-hat. we-e ca-n-t k-ee-p to th-e o-orig-ginal pl-lan ei-the-r, th-ough.." Izik smiled lightly at his boyfriend. "Relax, we will figure something out."
"maybe i can help you?"

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