Not That One

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It took a few days for the new arrival to get used to the hospital setting. Unlike Horror, Crooks really was a cannibal and did bite... hard. One of the nurses needed stitches... and a rabies shot. Taylor had to convince the nurse not to press charges or have him committed. Crooks was transferred over to be Taylor's newest patient. He didn't complain about it. In fact, the first thing he did was transfer Horror into the same room as Crooks. Taylor had to bandage his skull better to deter Horror from picking at it. Taylor left the two to talk and catch up for a few hours, carefully watching their interaction from the window. He wanted to make sure Crooks didn't have any underlying health problems outside of being starved to death. It seemed he had back issues, and his teeth needed to be fixed, but he was no dentist. Nor was he an eye doctor because both most certainly had vision problems. He would focus on Crooks' back first, then move on from there when he could be trusted with humans again. Taylor checked the time and headed to the cafeteria to get them both something to eat.


Taylor came in and gave Horror his salad and a cup of ketchup per his request. "thanks, doc." Taylor smiled and gave a nod before turning to the predatory Crooks. Taylor was used to that look, though. He wasn't afraid to approach him to give him something to eat. Unfortunately, Crooks didn't seem like the salad type and snatched Taylor's arm, dragging him down to be used at first course. "Oh fuck-" Taylor panicked and tried to pull away before teeth could dig into and tear into flesh. There was the sound of glass shattering, and Taylor stumbled to catch his footing as Horror pinned Crooks to the bed, growling. "not that one!" Horror barked out aggressively. "not... that one..." He repeated, quieter this time. Horror and Crooks both turned to the shaken and daunted Taylor. He tried to keep it together, regardless. "I-If you wanted something e-else to eat, you c-could've just told me..." It seemed... a chicken salad was in order. "dr. hepner, are you ok?!" Dr. Sans slammed in with security. "I-I'm fine. We are fine." Taylor quickly straightened himself out. They couldn't know that there were any problems here.


Crooks had to be sedated while Taylor was looking over back. He was likely going to need surgery in order to fix it. That was going to be fun. It didn't take a rocket scientist for Horror to know something was wrong. Taylor was being quiet and reserved, not his usual loud and quirky self. "you're scared?" Despite it sounding like a question, Taylor knew it wasn't. "Yes, I am still shaken up." Horror looked away, seemingly disappointed. "oh..." Taylor paused from his examination and went to sit by Horror. The skeleton glanced at him before going back to avoiding eye contact. "Now, Horror, there's a difference between being shaken up from a scary thing and being scared. At that moment, I had thought I was going to get hurt, so of course I was scared. But not of you, or even your brother, but of the situation I was put in." Horror had turned to look at Taylor. "but he tried to eat you... you should be afraid..." Taylor shook his head again. "I can't blame him for being starving. Not everyone has the self control you do, either." Horror shook his head, bewildered. "yer crazy..."
"Thanks for noticing."

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