Stories and Confessions

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After a while, everyone was being brought to a dining area. Horror took his seat next to Taylor. Taylor smiled at him, happy to see that he was happy. They also had a guest with them as they ate. He looked like a cold, hard mobster, and he was certain that was because he was. He was quite literally introduced to them as Mafia Sans. Despite that, though, he looked legitimately uncomfortable around them as the guys took turns sharing stories with him and his fellow humans. Horror had a particularly interesting one about getting into a fight with a possum or some animal like that over a knife. He had ended up winning and cooked the critter for dinner that night, which was both gross and impressive to Taylor. Still, the only one that really looked out of place was Mafia. "You got any stories you'd like to share with the class?" Sidney offered just as Taylor thought to suggest it. Mafia froze, being put on the spot like that. "i... guess i gotta few.."
"Well, go on, man, we're all curious!" Taylor encouraged, grateful that he and the Queen were on the same page. "well, there was this time i..." Success.


Horror and Taylor were woke up for some reason. "i have an announcement. we will no longer be living here in the castle. i'm taking it down as soon as we settle in our new home." Everyone looked at Nightmare in surprise. "What?!"
"where are we moving, boss?" Dust asked. "with the star, er, ink and dream?" Killer asked. "well, dream will be there." Nightmare said. ("yeah... i am going to the anti-void. ") "y-ye-ah.. i-i am go-ing t-to the a-an-nti-voi-oid." Error grabbed Izik's hand, and they left. "is it that bad to live with my brother..?" Nightmare asked. "Nah, I just don't think Error wants to face Ink yet. Where are we living now?" Sidney asked. Nightmare opened a portal. "see for yourself." The group walked through, gawking. "b-boss... what is this place?"
"welcome to dreamtale!" Dream replied for Nightmare. "Oh my stars! Is that.."
"the tree of feelings, yes." They all started at a full-grown tree, now growing gold and black apples. "how much magic did we pump into that tree?!" Nightmare asked. "more than enough, apparently." Dream replied, smiling wide. "welcome home, everyone." Nightmare gestured towards the once burned down village. The brothers had rebuilt it for everyone to live in.


Horror started to poke around, but Taylor was... reluctant. Did Horror want him to live with him? Should he start looking for his own place? Horror paused when he realized his doctor wasn't following him. "taylor..?" Horror called as he looked back. Taylor shifted in place, unasked questions on his tongue. "Do... do you want me to move in with you..?" Horror didn't hesitate to respond with something that had Taylor redder than Killer's soul. "well, yeah. that's what couples do, right?" He asked with a tilt of his skull. "W-we are a c-couple-?" Taylor sputtered when he found his voice again. "i, uh, thought so? i mean... i love you, and you love me, so-" Taylor turned impossibly redder. Horror loved him?! Horror knew that he was in love with him?! "Y-you do..? B-but you... you never... said... never done..." He whispered. Horror blinked slowly and walked over, taking Taylor's hand. "i... ain't all touchy like the others, so sorry i confused you... but i love you, and always will." That was... all Taylor needed to hear.

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