Arizona x Nevada

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(Capitals AU, in this universe all major cities and capitals exist as characters as well. An example of this could be Cleveland, Detroit, & Chicago. It just really makes the daily lives of Texas and California even harder)

Arizona - (M) Alexander Caluroso - latin american - light black hair with the tips dyed blonde. He actually has this weird piece of hair that sticks up like Austria's. Wears salmon pink tank top all the time. Small light blue shorts. Probably white converse shoes tbh.

Nevada - (M) Nathaniel Garcia - pure american (lol hes just white) - dark brown hair. Has a white jacket around his shoulders but never puts it on. Has numerous of different dress shirts, and refuses to put on any other type of shirt. Skinny jeans bitch. Adidas are the shit.

Thursday 12:45 pm, Phoenix Arizona

Arizona quietly walked over to the guest room which Nevada had always claimed to be his. You see, every section of America has their own separate meetings. When the confrontation is held in Phoenix, every state chooses the same guest room. Ever since Utah had finally snapped at Nevada, he'd been hiding in this room. Ignoring the his duties as a state, and making everyone around him worry. Especially Utah and Arizona. Arizona lightly knocked on the door expecting to be told to go away again. Ari listened for movement, and was surprised to hear someone slowly making their way to the door before unlocking it. Nevada peaked the now cracked door.

"Hi Nevada" Ari spoke silently as to not disturb the quietness of his own house. 

"Hi..", Nevada had small bags under his eyes. His hair had been sprawled out across his head and the glasses he always wore were gone. 

"You wanna come out now? I mean, its only me and you here" Arizona put his hand out for Nevada to grab on to. Assuming he probably couldn't function to well; having been in that room for over 3 days now. 

(Sorry if I used ; this thing, incorrectly. Please inform me if I did, I'm pretty stupid tbh so ehhh)

"I-i.. ok, just lemme get dressed first.."

"O-of course! I-i'll wait here."


Arizona was still surprised by the fact that Nevada had even spoke to him. For the entire time that he'd been in Ari's house, he'd isolated himself in that room. Because of this, Nevada's state governer had Arizona do Vada's daily work. Which was really just taking care of Las Vegas and Paradise. Of course they were little brats, but it wasn't anything Ari couldn't handle. He also had to take care of Carson City, though capitals tend to be more self sustaining. That includes places like Albany. Its usually why states don't hear from them much. In fact it's sorta rare. 

Arizona heard the the doorknob jiggle and then open. 

"Ok I'm ready.."

Nevada had on a white rugged dress shirt and denim cargo shorts. 

(Also fuck buzzfeed for trying to tell guys not to wear cargo shorts/pants) 

Arizona takes Nevada's hand and leads him to the living room. Arizona was hoping to finally talk him into taking care of Vagas and Paradise once more. As much as he loved watching after them, Tucson needed Arizona as well. 




"That's alright."

Arizona did want to hear what he said, but he thought pushing it wasn't smart. Arizona lead Nevada to the living room and sat down on Ari's couch. 

"So Vada"

Nevada looked aside. 


"Ya know, I'm not quite sure why your so upset."

"..." Nevada began to tear up.

"A-are you alright-" Arizona asked attempting to reach out to Vada.

"Just.. Lemme explain."

Arizona nodded


Nevada was in his usual 'Im better than everyone else' mood. Of course everyone didn't really care except for Cali and Utah. They're very easily offended. The meeting was held in Phoenix, Ari's state governor told him he had to sign some urgent papers. So he had to stay home, while Phoenix actually directed the meeting. Nevada was sitting on top of a podium swinging his left leg, his right was on table.

"Yo Cali how's yr schools going"

"Oh! Wait.. You genuinely want to know?"

"Suppose thayts why I asked" (yes this is on purpose)

"Well actually I really think that they're getting better, and I'm super exited tbh"

"Lol noice"

"Nevada! Cali! Shut the freak up!" Utah yelled at the two

"You shut it ain't nobody askin yr opinion!"

"What in lords name are you saying!?"


"No the freak you are not!!"

Nevada flipped off Utah then continued the meeting. After the confrontation ended Nevada went into the lounging room. Utah was sitting near the back reading a book on the origin of Mormonism. 

"What'cha readin?" 

"The origin of Mormonism"


"What is your problem?!"

"OMG!! You really are the king of the Mormons!"

"W-wha! Whatever, at least I'm not the king of crack addicts!" 

"No, that would be Missouri"

Utah was practically steaming at this point. Usually he wouldn't care what Nevada said, but today he seemed angrier than normal. He's probably on his period. 

"Yeah well considering the little brats you 'raised' that's probably a lie"

Nevada turned around and glared at Utah 

"Excuse me? Really? I'm not the one teaching Provo and West Jordan how to have multiple wives" 

"Shut up! I don't do that" 

"Yes you do!" 

"At least I'm not a useless state!" 

"I'm not useless!"

"Lies! Without Las Vegas or Paradise you wouldn't be anything!" 

"T-the..! That's not true" 

"It is, and you wanna know what while we're at it let's talk about your history!" "1951 Nevada being used as a bombing site!"

Nevada started to tear up "T-thats way oversimplified asshole!"

"How would you know! You're ranked as 44th in education idiot!"

Nevada couldnt think of a comeback. Instead he silently began to cry in the middle of the room.

"N-nevada.?" Utah slowly walked over to Vada

"Get away from me dickhead!" Nevada sprinted out of the lounging area.

"W-wait! I didnt!..." Utah attempted to apologize, but he was already to late. Nevada was long gone.

Nevada rushed out of the building, practically collapsing right outside of his car. He struggled to lift himself up, but eventually he managed to open his car door and start the vehicle. He spent at least 15 minutes crying his eyes out before someone knocked on his window. 


"Hey dude you a'right?" Arizona asked through the window. Arizona had no clue what happened, but he wanted to fix it. Immediately after he'd finished helping his governor he speed to the conference, hoping that he wouldn't miss anything. By the looks of it though, he probably missed everything. 

"So.. Ya gonna unlock the door, I mean I'll drive" Arizona asked the state. Nevada unlocked his car and shifted to the passenger seat. Arizona knew he'd have to leave his car there, but he didnt care. 

(Unrelated - so I literally went looking online for expensive houses in Phoenix. To my surprise there were some really nice ones. My point is, arizonas house looks like this.

I know it doesn't say Phoenix but bear with me here, or is it bare? Idfk).

The Arizonan was quick get in and drive off. If he was being honest with himself, he had a massive crush on Vada. He could never bring himself to say it, but he hoped this gesture would finally give him enough confidence to. Both states stayed quiet during the car ride Ari's house. Nevada leaned on the passenger side window thinking heavily about what Utah said, even if it was extremely oversimplified. On the other hand Ari was wondering what actually happened. Arizona pulled into his driveway and parked Vada's car. He walked over to passengers side and opened the door. Nevada ,not expecting the door to open, fell out. Ari immediately caught Vada's shirt before he hit the ground.

"Well.." Ari commented before helping the other state to his feet. Arizona took his keys out and unlocked his door. Nevada truged over to his guest room, stopping at Utah's door then moving on. 


"Oh.." Arizona mumbled under his breath. He'd known Utah said some rude things, but he never thought he'd go that far. Ari wrapped his arm around Nevada's shoulder. 

Nevada cried harder at the feeling. He'd always kinda been used to dealing with everything himself. He assumed since no one else would help him, he'd just do it. A lot like how when Alto California rebelled against mexico. No one was helping him then, but he did it anyways. 

"Arizona." Nevada quietly spoke. Ari turned to Vada "hm?". 

"How come your helping me?" Nevada asked the state. Arizona was puzzled by this. Who wouldn't help their fuckin crush, but that's besides the point. Nevada sighed and pushed Arizona's arm off his shoulder. "Maybe Utah is right". Ari quickly pulled vada back into his arms and hugged him tightly. Nevada's head in the crook of Ari's neck.

"Don't say that, your not useless." Arizona felt tears running down his cheeks already. "P-please.. I hate it when you say that." Ari pleaded. Vada was baffled. All his life people have only had bad things to say about him. Its probably because of his attitude, but he has his moments. Nobody has the patients for him, not even Carson City. 

Vada lifted his head up and looked straight into Arizona's golden red eyes. "I-i.. T-thank you.." Nevada mumbled. Ari put his hand on Vada's cheek, wiping off his tear. "Of course". Vada slowly leaned in, and Arizona closed the space between their lips. Ari lead his hand up Nevada's shirt. Vada not expecting it opened his mouth. Ari swiftly stuck his tongue into Vada's mouth, exploring every part. "A-ah.." Nevada moaned at the feeling. They pulled apart for air. 

Arizona pushed Nevada down and pinned his arms above his head. "Someone's desperate~?" Vada smirked. "Shut up.." Ari mumbled as he took off his shirt. Nevada started to unbutton his. Nevada looked at Arizona lovingly. "Like what you see r' somethin?" Ari asked. "Yeah definitely, now fuck me already" Vada blushed. Ari nodded and took both of their pants off, leaving both states in the boxers. Arizona pulled Vada's boxers off. The cold air hit Nevada's member, but was quickly replaced by the warmth of Ari's tongue. Arizona licked the tip then swiftly put the whole thing in his mouth. "AH~! Ari~!!" Nevada moaned loudly as he threw his head back. Arizona bobbed his head on Vadas member, practically deap throating him. "A-ari i-m gonna!~", but before he could finish, he'd already came. (Arizona probably swallowed that shit tbh)

Ari looked around "Sorry I don't have any lube.". Vada pointed to his pants. "I-in the back pocket, h-hurry". Arizona got off the couch and walked over to the other states pants. He grabbed the lube and spread it on his member as he walked back to Nevada. He got back onto the couch and aligned his dick with Vada's hole. "Ya ready?" Ari asked. "Omg just do it.", with that Arizona quickly thrusted into Nevada. "AHH~!" Vada screamed. 

He's waaaaay bigger than I expected Nevada thought

Arizona kept thrusting at the same pace. "F-faster~!" Vada moaned. Ari thruster faster. 

"Ngh~! N-nevada! Gotta c-cum~!". Ari released inside of Vada. Nevada quickly came afterwards. Arizona pulled out panting heavily. Both states lay on Ari's couch exhausted. 

"So.. Does this like, make us boyfriends?" Nevada said. "Yes."

Friday 12:34 pm, Salt Lake City, Utah

Nevada burst through the meeting doors, feeling as cocky as ever. "Wassup bitches!!? Miss me?" He yelled across the room. "OMFG YOUR BACK!" Cali rushed towards Nevada and hugged him extremely tight. "N-nice to see you too Cali, holy crap your choking me" Vada muttered. Arizona walked past Vada and Cali, and up to Utah. 

Ari - so? 

Utah - uhh.. *clutches book*

Ari - yeah I'm gonna punch you


Colorado - Fight! Fight!

Oregon - guys plz

Ari - *punches Utah*

Utah - what the heck asshole! *covers mouth*

Colorado - *gasps* UTAH JUST CUSSED HOLY SHIT!!

Washington - Utah! What?!

NM - oof 

Utah - did not! Iss Lord

Wyoming - ashiet hell yeah!

Montana - wyoming no!

Wyoming - Wyoming yes!

2068 words... Y'all I'm finna cry in my room 

Ily all so fucking much, like i can't faThOm rN

Shit its 3:37 am, bruuuhh i was workin on this since 1:03 am 

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