California x Texas

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- This takes place in Sacramento California and honestly it's kinda sad but still good -

It's was a beautiful Saturday morning and all the states were.. Well

Gathering in one big room for none other then to talk about why this country has gone to shit. 


I swear he ignores me one more time..


"Hm OH- yeah sorry Cali, New York was telling me about this crazy dude who broke his car window to prove a point"

I'll bet New York was talking about himself

"Yeah yeah, we need to get the meeting started. All the other states are waiting for us" California said in a pleading tone as he pulled Texas into the conference room.

"Oh.. Well you heard Cali- LET'S GO PENN"

"New York I swear-"

@ the conference


California pinched the bridge of his nose

Massachusetts raised his hand and eyebrow (his eyebrows are like England's lol)

"Aren't we talking about how more than half of us should change our flags today!?"

"I was gettin there-"

"Sure you were"

Cali stands up


45 states raise their flag

"Dude Indiana raise your flag"

"Illinois my flag is pretty bad--"

"Are you being for real right now? Your flag is better than 70% the states"

"But Ohi-"

"No buts, raise it"

Indiana sighed in defeat


Eventually the rest raise their flag as well

- after an hour of discussing whose flag is bad and/or good -

Texas is shuffling papers, New York is in the corner drinking coffee, Cali is on his phone while signing papers, Montana is looking out the window, & New Jersey is reading the Outsiders (amazing book btw). Texas finally broke the silence

"Ok onto our flags guys"

"What'd ya mean? Mah flag is just fine"

"New Jersey I want you to take a good look at your flag and tell me it doesn't suck"

"New York you can't say anythin cuz yours is as bad as mine!?"

"New Jersey your flag could be better" Cali stated

"Yours could be better too Cali" Texas input

"What does that mean?" California retorted 

"Your flag could be better"

"Oh reall-"

But he wasn't paying attention



"YOU TWO THAT'S ENOUGH!" Montana had gotten between the two

"Texas what is wrong with my flag?" by now California is irritated

The lack of respect Texas gives him is annoying. I mean sure the other states need his attention but it would be nice if he could acknowledge me. 

I really.. damnit

"Texas? You gonna answer"

"Oh you could get rid of the words"

"But! They represent the people who rioted against Spain/Mexico for freed-"

But once again he wasn't listening

"Yeah! Go New York!"



He didn't hear California he was too busy cheering on New York. And that's it California had snapped. He pushed his papers off the table and briskly stood up.


He pushed his chair out of the way and rushed out of the room while a tear ran down his face


Silence once again filled the room

"Texas get up and go get him! I should know, Wyoming did the same thing!"


"TEXAS JUST GO" the three of them yelled

With that he sprinted out of the room


California ran down the hall and far as he could knowing that if he didn't someone could catch him. But up ahead stood the state Indiana leaning against a wall. 

Indiana attempted to catch California's attention "Hey Cali-" 



"California wait!"

Texas darted by Indiana


You know what..were'd Ohio go?

And with that Indiana walked off

California ran down the corridor frantically looking for looking for a place to get way from Texas or to hide.

W-where.. ugh 

His eyes were filled with tears he couldn't see a thing. He finally gave in and fell on the floor against the wall.

- back to Texas -

Texas was running as fast as humanly possible searching for California. Until he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard something


Someone was crying

Texas turned a corner

"Cali! Cali.. C-cal..."

Oh no

Hot tears streamed down California's face as he sat on the floor with his hands attempting to cover his eyes. Texas quickly ran up to him.


Texas kneeled in front of him and put his hand to California's cheek whipping away the tears


"No Texas please go a-away.."

"I'm not leaving till you tell me what I did wrong"

"Please there's gotta be something I did.." 

"You mentioned something about not listening.. I can-"

"No.. no it's not you. It's never been you"

"I'm just being selfish.."


"I see you give your full attention to every other state, then when it comes to me it's only half of that"

"You didn't even notice me this morning.."

"But that's your job, you have to be the big brother "

"A-and I know this is stupid, I shouldn't be wasting your time anyway... I'm sorry"

Then Texas realized something

California does need him

He isn't all that lonesome

He just wants someone to be with

Considering sense any other state that talks to him usually only asks for help

Never to stop by or even ask him how his day's going

Maybe a smile or hello nothing more

And here I am ignoring him.. because I wanted to sit around and talk about "flags" for the last hour

I'm the only other state (maybe besides New York) that views him as something other than a bigger brother

I-i love him..

"California.. this isn't your fault"

"But Texas-"

"No, I ignored you and all you wanted was some recognition from well me"

"But Texas you have other things to do don't spend your time trying to appease me.. It's not worth it"

"I need to get over it"

Texas looked at him sympathetically before telling him


"I-i love you, and seeing you like this just"


"I love you too"

Texas connected their lips as they shared a passionate kiss.

"I'm sorry Texas.."

"Cali, you don't need to apologise. I'm just glad that I can make you happy"

California beamed as his eyes started to water. He wraps his arms around Texas giving him a heartfelt hug.

"Thank you Texas"

Texas smiled

- back to Indiana -

"Ohio where is the fucking exit"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I give up"

Indiana lays on floor

"Indiana.. bro"


Illinois comes around the corner breathless

"Where.. the ....fuck.. have you two been"

"L o s t"

"And I think he's dead"

Illinois looked at Indiana lying on the floor

"Ohio your carrying him to the hotel"

"... Fine"

(The end it's 2:52 in the fucking morning

Also I can't believe it

1,128 words

I'm so fucking proud

I fucking love you all )

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