Part 8 - Final

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Helloooo dear ones!!!

Thank you so much for the support! For every comment and vote!

Here comes the last part of this story!

But don't be too sad, I have a lot of plots in my mind... and eventually, I'll find the time to upload all of them!

As of now, please enjoy!

Song: Drop in the ocean by Ron Pope


Neil's POV:

Surprised, I took the phone and saw Avni's name on the screen.

"Are you also not able to sleep?", she asked.

A huge grin spread on my face. "No, you?", I asked back. I sat up and waited for an answer.

"No ... did you know that Ali and DD were out too?", she asked now. "Wow, no, the really found each other, huh?", I wrote.

"Uh-huh. Can I call you? Or are you too tired?", the next text popped up.

My heart pounded a little faster at the thought that maybe she missed me as much as I missed her.

"No, I'm not tired, hurry up, call!", I told her.

"Hi," Avni whispered, and involuntarily I began to smile broadly. In the meantime, I had sat up and put on a T-shirt. "Hi," I mumbled softly too. "Sorry, I have to be quiet, Ali and DD fell asleep on the couch," she told me. I only chuckled a little.

"Mm, unbelievable. I've even taken a picture.", she giggled softly. She probably had no idea what she was doing with me right now. As just like on the date a few hours ago, we came up with topics to talk about, which interested us both.

She prepared a little snack to eat and I got dressed completely because I had decided to make a little surprise visit.

"That's really delicious; sometimes I'm glad that Ali is such a foody. He always stores so much stuff at my place, since he almost lives with me, than with his own roomie,", she told me with her mouth full. I already sat in the car and drove to her ... I could hardly stand to hear only her voice and not be able to touch her.

Luckily, she did not realize anything, otherwise it would not be a surprise, right? She just told me that Ali and DD were watching a cricket game when I turned into their street.

"You have no idea how the two are lying around there. I wish you could see that", she still told me in a whisper. "Oh yes? You could just send  me the picture you took, can't you?", I offered.

"Yeah, sure, but live it looks much better in real life", she mumbled.

"Then open the door.", I said. I stood in front of the door, hoping that I was not too intrusive.

"What?", she asked a little louder than before.

I grinned to myself. "Open the door," I told her. Suddenly, she was completely silent.

"Are you kidding me right now?", she asked.

"No, trust me, open the door," I said. "Okay," she mumbled.

I heard a few steps and then the soft click as she unlocked the door. She opened the door a little and peeked out. Her eyes widened when she saw me. Now she opened the door completely.

"Hi.", I breathed and lifted my shoulders slightly.

She grabbed my sleeve and pulled me into the apartment.

As soon as the door fell shut, I felt her arms around me.

"Hi," she murmured in my ear, which gave me goose bumps. I automatically put my arms around her and squeezed her tight. "I missed you," I heard her say. "I missed you, too" I admitted truthfully.

She pulled away from me and grinned from one ear to the other.

She wore short black shorts and a tank top. Her hair was wild, but it still looked great. "Come with me," she said softly and pulled me into a room, which turned out to be the living room. There they were now besties forever probably, Ali and DD.

I turned to Avni, who now smiled softly and motioned for me to follow her.

She took me to another room, which was probably her own.

It was not too big, but it had enough space for everything. "Cozy here," I said as she released my hand and told me to sit wherever I wanted. "Thank you. M-do you want something to drink?", she asked, standing around the room a little unsteadily as I sat down on her bed. "No, thank you.", I replied and watched her, amused as she rolled out her office chair and sat down.

We were silent for a while.

"You're wondering why I'm here, aren't you?" I began, unable to stand the silence any longer.

"Uhm, well, a bit," she admitted, brushing back the few strands of hair that fell into her eyes.

"Honestly, I was longing for you," I whispered after a few seconds of silence. I saw her turn red and starting to chew on her lower lip. I knew I was risking everything, but I could not take it anymore. I could not take it that she was only two meters away from me and I was not allowed to touch her, maybe yet....

"Really?", she asked a little uncertainly. "Mm.", I confirmed, nodding. She smiled a little embarrassed.

"Mh ... do you remember when we first met on the bus?", she asked, avoiding eye contact. I nodded and she continued.

"I thought back then that you are a really nice guy. When I got to know you better, I was surprised that I was right, because usually I have a tendency to misjudge people. I thought there was something between us, something special, but you never made an attempt up until when we were on the train that day..., you always held yourself back at the last moment, so I thought that you would certainly just want to be friends with me ... "

I had now stood up and pulled her out of the chair. She still avoided my gaze, so I put my hand under her chin and forced her to look me in the eyes again.

"I want to be more than just a friend," I said firmly. Her eyes widened slightly, but only briefly.

"Much more," I whispered before closing the gap between our lips and kissed her softly.

She drew in a sharp breath and I felt her hands gripping my shirt, but after the few shock seconds, she began to reply. It felt indescribably good.

The kiss however, was everything and yet only a fraction of what I felt for her. I pulled away from her and then looked expectantly into her eyes. She slowly opened them.

"Was that okay?" I asked quietly, hoping to get a positive response.

She just nodded and whispered "again" and that was all I needed to kiss her the way I wanted.

Her arms snaked around my neck as I pushed her against the nearest wall. I began to nibble on her lower lip, whereupon her breathing accelerated. The desire to touch her skin grew with every second we kissed. So, my hands wandered under her top and explored the velvety skin.

Her fingers now clawed on my hair and I was pleased to see how she could not hold back those little gasps from time to time.

Panting, she pulled away a bit, her eyes still closed. She took a few deep breaths, her fingers holding the collar of my shirt.

Before I could say anything, she pulled me back to her and pressed her lips on mine.

Too surprised by her sudden initiative, I froze. But, as she bit my lip and demanded more, I did not hold back. She opened her mouth a little without me having to ask for permission.

Hungry and curious, I explored her mouth with my tongue. As our tongues met, I felt her body shudder. And, I would be lying if I said it didn't affect me as well.

Avni's hands were on the back in my head, slightly tugging on my hair, which caused me to moan softly against her lips.

Totally out of breath, we pulled away from each other.

"Okay, this is definitely everything but taking it slow", she mumbled hoarsely. I snorted softly, "Sorry."

Her lips were cherry red and swollen, which only made my desire grow.

"Mine?" I asked, watching her expectantly.

"Yours," she said, softly brushing her nose against mine. She smiled and breathed a kiss on my lips

... She was finally, fully mine.

The End


aaaaand, how was it? Did you like it? Or did you hate it? Let me know, I would love to know!

Thank you so much again for all the love you showered this story with!

Are you interested in more of those 'easy-going'- type of stories?

As always:

What more you can find on my profile ;).


How long? - Adiza Twoshot (First published February 06, 2018) - FIN

Night Changes - Adiza FF (First published March 26, 2018) - FIN

Sweet Like Chocoloate - Adiza Oneshot (First published May 31, 2018) - FIN

Taste - Adiza Drabble (First published August 04, 2018) - FIN

TBC - sequel to "Sweet Like Chocoloate" - Adiza Oneshot (First published September 10, 2018) - FIN


Ordinary - Avneil Twoshot (18+) (First published May 21, 2018) - FIN

No Interruption - Avneil Oneshot (First published August 01, 2018) - FIN

Tease - Avneil Drabble (First published August 11, 2018) - FIN

Remember? - Avneil Drabble (First published September 02, 2018) - FIN

Thinking Out Loud - Avneil Oneshot (First published October 08, 2018) - FIN

Pleasure - Avneil RS (18+) (First published November 04, 2018) - FIN

Enchantment - Avneil RS (First published December 07, 2018) - FIN

Solace - Avneil RS (First published January 01, 2019) - FIN

Distraction - Avneil RS (18+) (First published January 17, 2019) - FIN


Bound Together - Avneil FF (First published June 11, 2018) - ON GOING


Floating - Adiza Threeshot (First published September 06, 2018) - ON GOING



How To Break Your Own Heart - Zain x OFC (First published February 05, 2018) - FIN

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