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This is the final chapter... So hang on!!

Taehyung was on the front line till that very moment but Jin called him from upstairs telling, he need to hurry to them. Taehyung refused to move from there thinking it was a strategy to get him out of there by his hyungs but Yoongi snatched the phone from Jin to scream. He was shouting and cussing, telling the trigger of his gun got jammed and he needs to fix it. Yoongi loves his gun and in no way, that the man would opt for another even if its for a while and apparently Taehyung is the only one who knows to fix it because Yoongi refuses to give it to others.

"Hyung, give it to the guards for once. I can't move from here." Taehyung complained as he kept glancing around.

"No, come and do it or else I will just stand back and watch my own death." Yoongi threatened.

"Stop playing around hyung. It is almost time and I can hear their cars." Taehyung insisted.

"I said what I said." Yoongi ended the call leaving no other option for Taehyung than to run into the mansion.

The guards sighed as they steadied themselves in the front line to cover up for Taehyung. Just as the boy predicted, the enemies were already by the gate side while he was away. The firing started just in a couple of minutes and the boy could hear the gun go off continously. He mentally cursed and hissed while running upstairs with all his life to finish off the task before the situation worsens.

"Hyung, why are you behaving like a kid? Cant you hear the guns going off?" Taehyung snatched the gun from Yoongi and started fixing it quickly.

"You matter more to us." With that Jin pushed Taehyung into a random room and locked the door behind.

"Hyungggg? Are you both crazy? Open the door and let me out." Taehyung screamed as he banged on the door.

"Sorry, we need to go." Yoongi laughed hysterically before leaving the place with Jin.

"What are you guys doing?"

Taehyung quickly looked around the room too see if there was anything to break the door open but as usual luck was not in his favour. The room was totally empty with not even a proper window for him to jump out. He reached for his gun in the pocket but as if my magic, it was not even there. Jin or Yoongi might have stole it while he was busy fixing Yoongi's gun. Taehyung reached out to his phone to call one of the guards but the area was already secured with jammers to prevent the calls. He was totally frustrated because staying away from an assigned mission will only give people chance to make fun of him.


15th JUNE, 2021.


The guards were too busy in the mission that they didnt even notice that the person who joined them was not Taehyung. Jungkook managed to sneak in and he was secretly killing Taehyung's men while avoiding his own people. It was harder than he thought because people kept messing up. At times, he accidently went to his own people not realising that they were seeing him as Taehyung and not Jungkook. Jin and Yoongi managed to end the guards in the third floor and looked down through the stairs to see if Jimin and Hoseok were coming at them.

"We just need to finish off Jimin and Hoseok now. The other gangs will do the rest so let's finish off fast and leave with Taehyung." Jin mentioned.

"Uhh? I don't think we will able to do that without getting one of us hurt really bad."

"So?" Are you telling me that we are here just to kill some random guards who were never a threat to us?" Jin asked amazed because it is always Yoongi who initiated a fight.

"Not tonight. There are a lot more people to deal tonight and we gotta do it before Taehyung manages to break the door." Yoongi answered but just then someone had to accidently end up before the duo.

"Taehyung? Who even let you out?" Yoongi whisper shouted seeing the boy.

"Who changed your dress? Don't tell me, that you killed someone to escape." Jin hissed.

The boy stood silent not knowing what to answer but his eyes were busy searching for someone. Yoongi looked behind the boy's shoulder and then to the side to see if anyone was coming. The next moment, Jin just pushed the boy to the side and shot a fire at a guard who was aiming to kill Taehyung. Yoongi was startled because if Jin hadn't seen, the boy could have died.

"Come the fuck with me, Taehyung. How dare you walk out without your gun?" Yoongi pulled the boy by collar as he dragged him to another room and placed the gun on the boy's hand.


"Why are you being so disturbed? Are you hurt anywhere?" Yoongi asked trying to check on the boy but he just pulled away and shook his head as no.

Before Yoongi could further interrogate Taehyung, Jin just barged in and shouted out something. The other two boys were shocked hearing what the other man said but they just ran behind Jin to the lower floor where they locked Taehyung. Yoongi tried to push Taehyung to their back as he didn't want the boy to mess up before they could even get down there.

"Jungkook was not supposed to be here." Jin muttered as he pointed a man who was all dressed in black, shooting some random guards from other gangs.

"Taehyung, shoot him." Yoongi spoke noticing that the other man was too involved to even notice.

Taehyung kept his head hung low not to show the surprise in his face. The thing which he never wanted to happen, something which he wanted to stop is going to happen right there if a miracle doesn't happen. Yoongi pushed Taehyung to the front and asked the same again while Jin took out his gun just in case.


Okk, I am sorry. Just one more chapter. Hang in there!!!

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