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Namjoon looked beat but he couldn't disagree with Taehyung as he slowly sat against the tree, sighing out loud as he looked at Seojoon's men setting up a camp for him and the boys. Meanwhile, Yoongi was cleaning up Jimin's wound, rewrapping and making sure the boy was comfortable. "And Taehyung stitched you up?" Yoongi said with a disgusted facial expression. "Can you stop looking at my leg like that? And yes... he did. Tell me he didn't fuck it up." Jimin sighed, still not having the guts to look at his leg. "Well.. he didn't fuck it up but it certainly is fucked up, you know?" Yoongi hissed while rewrapping Jimin's leg with a slight chuckle.

Distributing the food they got from Seojoon, Taehyung looked over and saw they only had enough for four of them. Maybe five if he proportioned it smaller. "I can eat the granola bars." Jungkook suddenly showed up as he kneeled beside Taehyung who was proportioning the meals. "You think miss Luna would ever let her lover starve? Don't worry, I didn't have you down on my list to feed anyway." Taehyung mumbled as Jungkook clicked his tongue. "Lover? Seriously? Oh and yeah, thanks for the thought. Really appreciate it." Jungkook looked at Taehyung who got up once he was done getting the food together.

Watching Taehyung give out the food, Jungkook rolled his eyes and got up. It was late afternoon now and Luna was busy keeping watch and so the boy decided to pay a little visit. Not for him though, he just thought he could scam a little more food from her. "Luna," Jungkook called out as he stopped by the fence Luna was by. "There you are, couldn't stay away huh?" She teased, walking toward Jungkook who was leaning on the fence. "I guess not." Jungkook smiled a bit to put up an act. "Listen... I haven't eaten in days. I've been saving the food for Taehyung and his friend. You think I could get a little more?" Jungkook bit his lip and looked the girl up and down.

Seeing how Jungkook looked at her, Luna bit her lip and hummed. "I... could see what I could do." The girl smiled back at Jungkook who smiled back, bringing his arm out to trace her jawline. "Thank you, Lou." Jungkook brought out the old nickname as he then moved away and walked off back to his camp. Leaving the girl a hot mess as she watched Jungkook walk away. "Lucas," Luna called Lucas without looking away from Jungkook. Once the boy was next to her, she spoke up once again. "I'm feeling hungry, a little too hungry. Can you bring me more of the yummy food you whipped up?" She batted her eyelashes to Lucas who was more than okay with fetching Luna some food. "I'll be right back!"

And within minutes Jungkook was grabbing the extra food from Luna. "Hey, Kook?" She stopped Jungkook from walking away. "Would you be able to help me tonight? Since we lost two guys I had to take a night shift. It would be nice to catch up." Luna looked excitedly at Jungkook who froze for a moment but went with it as he nodded. "I'll... see you tonight." Jungkook forced a smile before heading back to the place Taehyung was. Making sure Luna couldn't see him grab out the food and make separate plates. Making sure to pack one of the plates as he then walked to the tent Taehyung was in. "Hey," Jungkook whispered as Taehyung looked away from the magazine he got from the school gym office.

Seeing that Taehyung was snacking on a granola bar, Jungkook placed the plate next to Taehyung. "Lover Luna couldn't let me starve but me? I couldn't let you starve so, eat up." Jungkook sat down at the corner of the tent and grabbed out his own plate. Taehyung blinked a few times as he looked at his packed plate and then at Jungkook's plate that had just enough but still didn't look like enough. "And I was right huh?" Taehyung scoffed. Chewing his food, Jungkook cleared his throat and waited to be done chewing and swallowing his food. "Is it so hard to say thank you Taehyung?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

Looking at Jungkook, Taehyung bit his lip and sighed as he looked at his plate of food. "You didn't have to give me this much," Taehyung complained to Jungkook who rolled his eyes and was sick of Taehyung's shit until he saw the boy get up and walk over to him. Seating himself next to Jungkook, Taehyung put some meat on Jungkook's plate. Not saying a word as he sat next to Jungkook and started to eat. Not wanting to ruin it, Jungkook shrugged it off and continued eating but as he did so he heard a mumble come through from Taehyung. "Thank you..." Taehyung said lowly which made Jungkook smile. "Was that so hard?" Jungkook questioned.

"Shut up Jungkook." Taehyung tried to shove food into Jungkook's mouth but the boy only laughed and moved his face away until eventually Taehyung was stuffing food into Jungkook's mouth and Jungkook was forced to shut up and chew.

Later that night Jungkook left the tent that he was in with Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi to go help Luna guard the place or so that was what he assumed until Luna was leading him to her tent and what happened next? Luna pounced on him, literally. Lips against Jungkook's as she pulled him in by the nape. Directing Jungkook into the tent as they both fell onto the foam bed that was neatly made with a bed cover. "Missed you-" Luna whimpered out. "Missed you so so much." She breathed out, trying to get Jungkook's shirt off. This feeling- felt so familiar.

Being with Luna was so familiar. It was almost comfortable because when Jungkook was with Luna, the world was normal. There were no dead people- no reason to worry. So he kissed back, locking his lips with Luna but was brought out of that state of being comfortable once he realized that this isn't what he wanted. Luna isn't the person he wants. "Can't-" Jungkook breathed out, breaking away from the kiss only to be pulled back in. "Yes you can, you can Jungkook." She said between kisses. Jungkook had his eyes closed as the girl kissed him.

There it was, the familiar feeling. Luna always had control over Jungkook. From the moment she met him to the moment she broke up with Jungkook. Always so controlling... so mean. "No... no, no I can't." Jungkook pulled away and grabbed his shirt. Not listening to another word Luna spoke as he quickly left the tent. Head a mess as he pulled his shirt over himself and walked back to his tent but there Taehyung stood, leaning on the tree. "... You're still up." Jungkook stopped just before he got to the tent. Not saying a word, Taehyung walked to the tent he was sharing with Jimin and Yoongi. "There's not enough space here. You can bunk with Namjoon and Seokjin." Is all Taehyung said as he got in the tent and zipped it up.

"... Fuck." Jungkook whispered out to himself, running his fingers through his hair as he looked back to where Luna's tent was. Kicking the dirt that hit someone else's tent, Jungkook hissed. "Sorry! sorry-" He apologized once he heard a mumble. Rubbing his forehead, Jungkook took a look around before he saw Luna coming out of the tent which made Jungkook hurry to get into Namjoon and Seokjin's tent. Luckily the two were fast asleep and so Jungkook made a little spot for himself in the corner and laid down but was not able to sleep at all. His head non-stop thinking about what happened so far and what was about to happen.

As for Hoseok, the boy sat in his own lonely tent that was being guarded. After being fed good, Hoseok was left to converse with himself- which didn't work out and so he tried to talk to the people guarding him but they were quick to shut him up by pointing a gun at him. "Not like I wanted to talk to you anyway." Hoseok moved away from the netted doorway and sighed. "Why'd they sacrifice me only anyway?" Hoseok questioned himself. "And I'm not crazy!" Hoseok suddenly said which made one of the guys look into a tent. "You've been talking to yourself since the minute we put you in here. Trust me, dude, you're crazy."

"Who else am I supposed to talk to? You? Yeah, cause you're soooo excited to talk to me." Hoseok argued back to the male who sighed and looked away from the opening. "Go to bed kid." The male groaned. "Kid my ass," Hoseok mumbled along with a couple more words that no one could make out while he laid down and got comfortable on the bumpy... hard ground. "Not even a bed?" Hoseok spoke up after being quiet for a bit. "For god sakes-" Hoseok heard one of the men. "Okay- alright! Are you on your period? Jesus." And just like that, they hit Hoseok's tent once more. "I'm sleeping! Jeeze! Impatient." The boy scoffed and closed his eyes, forcing himself to go to bed since there was nothing else better to do.

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