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It was there last night in the hotel with Seojoon's group. Since Jungkook was awake, the group wanted to get going on what they were supposed to be doing. Not that staying at the hotel was bad but it did stall them big time. They found out they were more near China than they were near South Korea. They've been knocked off their paths and the map they had? Complete shit and so Seojoon helped them out there. Got them fully loaded with weapons, water, and food which was much appreciated. It was a good thing Seojoon still had a heart. Their plan was to try find a train station, get a train started and figure the rest out from there. Using a vehicle would be risky but a train? It sounded like the perfect plan.

Although there were also risks of the dead on the rail tracks or even bad guys who would want the train- but they were prepared for that. If it looked bad, abort the train and run- they haven't thought it all through. Then again they didn't exactly talk it all over either. Whatever, they would all have enough time to talk when they were back on their feet and in the woods again. Which brings Taehyung here, bent over the toilet as he let the supper flow from his stomach and into the toilet bowl. Feeling like he was transforming into a fucking werewolf every single time he puked. Puking until he couldn't puke anymore, Taehyung flushed the toilet and fell back onto the tiles.

Wiping his mouth and swishing his mouth with water, Taehyung spit it back into the toilet and groaned. "You alright?" Jimin walked into the room after hearing Taehyung puke his guts out since his room with Yoongi was just right next door. "Yep, fantastic." Taehyung shut the toilet lid and sighed, holding his head. "You think Jungkook's thing is... infectious?" Jimin asked Taehyung who looked at Jimin with a laugh, shaking his head. "No Jimin- I think I'm just coming down with the flu or something. Stomach bug even, but I'm fine okay?" Taehyung assured Jimin who was hesitant on asking more questions but Taehyung was already excusing himself.

All Taehyung needed and wanted was to fall asleep peacefully on the bed he grew to love oh so much. They were soft and the blankets that came with the rooms? Taehyung wishes he could wrap himself up in them forever, though- he couldn't and so he just wanted to spend as much time as he could with the bed before he had to sleep on the hard ground again. Instead of staying in his room though, Taehyung entered Jungkook's room. "Hey, you okay?" Jungkook asked Taehyung once he saw the boy walk in and go straight for the bed after kicking off his shoes and taking off his hoodie. "Mmm tired." Taehyung mumbled.

Smiling, Jungkook finished up brushing his teeth as he then went to lock the door. The only light in the room came from the moonlight shining through the curtains as Jungkook approached the bed. Only in his joggers, and underwear of course, Jungkook climbed into bed without disturbing Taehyung who was drifting in and out of sleep only because he felt slight movement on the bed but when Taehyung felt Jungkook move closer and wrap an arm around him under the blanket, he smiled lazily and got more comfortable with Jungkook by his side. Loving the warmth that came from each other. The thing was- it didn't last too long. Sure, they did get a few hours of sleep in before Jungkook heard screaming.

This woke Jungkook instantly as he opened his eyes. As he woke up, he heard nothing and for a moment Jungkook thought it was just a dream but then he heard another- but it was like they were muffled instantly. "... Taehyung." Jungkook started to piece the things together and when he did, shots were going off and more yelling was heard. "Taehyung!" Jungkook shook the boy before he was getting off the bed, hurriedly got dressed and grabbed his throwing stars along with his knife. Jungkook did have the selection of using his gun but from what happened last time? He was kind of afraid to hear a gunshot so close by now.

As Jungkook got dressed, Taehyung woke up and it took a minute for Taehyung to process what was going on. "Jungko-" Taehyung called out but stopped once Jungkook was already outside the room. Struggling to put on his shoes, Taehyung grabbed his katana and was just about to pull it out as he left the room but instead he was met with a runner tackling him down from behind. The dead scratched through the fabric of his clothing before there was a knife poking out of it's forehead but just seeing eye to eye, Taehyung could tell that it was Lucas. Eyes widening, Taehyung couldn't process it as Seokjin grabbed Taehyung and forced him up.

"Out the back!" Seojoon came running up to Taehyung's group, hearing his men screaming for help. Not able to speak as everyone rushed to leave the building as the dead started to screech and moan from within the building. Seojoon didn't even know what happened- one moment it was all fine. There was no threats until he found two of his men as zombies. The one's that were supposed to be guarding- then one by one his men died, leaving them to turn and before Seojoon could get control of the situation, they were attacking people who came out of their rooms from the noise- then it just got too out of hand to handle.

There was at least fourteen of them that escaped. Some others may have escaped elsewhere or died but Seojoon had to worry about the ones that did follow him. Once out the back, Seojoon stayed back and waited for anyone to come out but only the dead did. Leaving Seojoon to fight them off, killing as much as he could out of frustration. The one's who weren't apart of Taehyung's group were long gone, running to save themselves but the seven of them stayed for Seojoon who was fighting off the dead but they just kept coming. Seojoon killing the people who were alive just hours ago. "We have to go!" Jungkook said frantically, suddenly having a bad feeling.

When Jungkook ran out of the hotel room, he ran down to the entrance but was stopped halfway down the stairs to see what the hell was going on just to find the dead having a meal with the people of Seojoon's group. Though the zombies didn't just come from anywhere. It was like they were being released. Just like how Seojoon would keep a group of runners for threats, but it was a mixture of the two. Giving it a subtle approach... like how Jungkook's camp did things. "Out the back!" Jungkook heard from Seojoon and in a panic, Jungkook ran back up and tried to get back to Taehyung who was in his group. Trying to warn the boys and by the time he did reach them, Seojoon was killing the zombies like a mad man.

"What?!" Taehyung looked at Jungkook worriedly. "My group. Taehyung- they're not all dead. This is what they do- I... I should've known I- we need to go! Now! Taehyung-" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him but Taehyung stopped only because he had to tell his friends but before he could do so, shots were heard and Seojoon fell to the ground the same moment. Eyes widening, Taehyung looked back just to witness Seojoon falling back and Luna yelling out for the male. Instinctively, the group of seven pulled out their guns and took cover. "Seojoon!" Luna yelled as she reached him. The male looking at the sky with a painful expression. Seeing that they only got his shoulder but she needed to get Seojoon to safety-

Quick to help Seojoon up, Luna helped the male out of there but not unharmed. As Luna got closer to the safe zone with Seojoon, a bullet nicked her leg. This caused Luna to scream out of pain as she fell, having Seojoon fall onto the ground too. "We have to go now!" Jungkook yelled out for everyone to hear. Not having to be told twice, the boys started to move out but as Jungkook ran with them, he saw that Taehyung wasn't anywhere near him. "Tae-... Taehyung fuck! I- fuck!" Jungkook cursed frustratingly as he ran back just to find Taehyung helping Seojoon and Luna. The girl limping and trying her best to run as Taehyung wrapped Seojoon's arm over himself.

All while the dead came running out of the house. "Fuck... okay fuck- fuck." Jungkook breathed out shakily as he grabbed out his gun and loaded it. Panicking as he then aimed and started shooting. Blocking out the sound as he kept the dead away from the three- until his bullets ran out. Looking back up from his weapon, Jungkook watched Luna and it was like the moment was in slow motion as the dead toppled over her. The screams echoing in Jungkook's ears as he grabbed out his knife. Within seconds Jungkook tossed his knife which landed dead centre of the dead's head... but not before ripping some of Luna's flesh from her shoulder out. Did it stop Jungkook from running towards her though?... of course not.

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