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"What are your blood types?" Jungkook came out of the room with papers in his free hand. Dropping them in front of Namjoon and Seokjin, the boys looked up at Jungkook. "I found everything. My mother- that lady stole me and hundreds of other kids to experiment with us. Originally she just wanted to cause a virus but along the way she wanted more... more power. So she created me... a human that can control the dead." Jungkook gulped, spilling everything and anything he found in the room. Dropping it all on Namjoon and Seokjin. "My father tried to make a cure and he found a way to neutralize the infection. If we can find blood AB and my medicine? We can neutralize Jimin until we can figure out this cure shit."

Although the boys had so many questions- this was their chance to save Jimin. "Your medicine... I think..." Namjoon thought back to where he saw the bottles and when he remembered, he mentally wanted to shoot himself because the room he saw the locked-up medicine was in the room he found his father in. "...I can grab the medicine. My blood type is A so I can't help there." Namjoon gulped as he got up but Seokjin was quick to stand too. "My blood is type O, I'll help Namjoon." Seokjin nodded with his own words, ready to follow Namjoon until Namjoon stopped him. "Taehyung is unstable. If something goes wrong Taehyung needs you, okay? I got this."

Looking at Namjoon, Seokjin gulped and nodded. Namjoon was right, Taehyung needed him and so Seokjin looked at Jungkook who just realized that Taehyung was still out and unconscious. Somehow it still felt like Taehyung was right by his side even though the boy was out like a light. Then again, Taehyung technically was. With their little boy, a little piece of Taehyung was with Jungkook and it was like Jungkook could hear Taehyung's voice. 'You can do this' popped into his head as Jungkook teared up. Gulping back, he nodded and began walking towards the room Jimin was in. There he found Jimin laying his head against Yoongi's shoulder.

Watching Jimin lightly twitch with his eyes closed, Jungkook hurried in. "What's your blood type?" Jungkook asked Yoongi but it was also an open question in case Jimin was able to answer. "A." Came from the both of them as Jimin opened his eyes but Jungkook was quick to notice the blood shot eyes. The panic set in as Jungkook cursed underneath his breath. "Why?" Yoongi asked while holding Jimin's hand that was twitching by the second. "I found everything my mom left behind. Including when my father tried to find a cure for me. Long story short, we can neutralize the virus with AB blood and my medicine. It'll slow the change in Jimin until we can find an actual cure."

Yoongi looked hopeful for a moment before Jungkook spoke up again. "The problem is, no one here has AB blood." The boy sighed out of feeling defeated. "Taehyung." Jimin mumbled tiredly. Showing no signs of being excited but he did remember that Taehyung's blood type was AB. The boy was a clutz and so it was basically required to know Taehyung's blood type. "Taehyung's AB." Jimin said in a whisper this time. Almost instantly, Jungkook shot up and was heading out the door. There was really no time to waste but he also realized he was going everywhere with his baby boy in his hold. Even though Jungkook wanted to let go, he couldn't. It was like he was scared to let go of his son so he kept him close.

"Taehyung- he has AB blood." Jungkook hurried to Seokjin who was checking on Taehyung. It didn't take long for the two to get working on trying to get some blood from Taehyung. While Namjoon dealt with his father. The male looked at his father from the glass, staring at the man that raised him. The man that would tuck him in at night and give him a long kiss on the forehead. The man that worked his ass off every single day of his life to give Namjoon a life worth living. If there was a cure and that was a big if... Namjoon didn't want to kill his father. So Namjoon had to come up with a different plan to get the medicine in the back.

"Namjoon we need the medicine!" Hoseok yelled down the hall once the boys got the blood from Taehyung. Gulping, Namjoon tilted his head unsurely before he was barging into the room where his father groaned and moaned. Running to the back, Namjoon used his fist to break through the locked glass and was quick to grab the kit filled with Jungkook's medicine. By the time Namjoon got the kit though, his father was right behind him. Turning, Namjoon brought his leg up and kicked the male back with force which caused his father to stumble back and fall over the chair that was behind him. Mumbling his apologies, Namjoon hurried out the door and shut it with force as he fell against the wall from being so quick to move.

"Joon?!" Hoseok came into view as Namjoon cleared his throat. "Your hand!" Hoseok got down to examine Namjoon but the boy shook his head. "I punched glass. Here! Get this to Jungkook, now!" Namjoon breathed out while pushing himself up against the wall. His father up against the glass again, moaning and groaning for the flesh outside of the window. Looking at Namjoon and the dead, Hoseok nodded and stood up before he was hurrying down the hall. Trusting Namjoon to not do anything crazy while they were working on trying to save Jimin. "Okay bring the medicine." Seokjin reached out as Jungkook prepared everything.

"How do we know how much to put in each?" Seokjin asked while Jungkook looked through the notes. His so-called parents wrote down everything. Every single detail and so it should say how much they put. Though there was just so many papers and Jungkook already had so much on his plate. "Guys! Guys Jimin's-" Yoongi came out a mess. "Fuck it." Jungkook dropped the papers and with the needle he did half and half with the blood and medicine. "Hold him." Jungkook handed off his son to Seokjin who didn't waste a moment on grabbing the now fussy baby. "I'll be right back my boy, okay? Dad will be right back." Jungkook kissed his sons forehead before he was off to the isolation room where he found Jimin basically seizing.

This was their last chance to save Jimin. If this didn't work Jimin would die- either situation would leave Jimin dead and so before Jimin could change, Jungkook injected the liquid into Jimin who instantly started to scream which made Jungkook fall back onto his ass and cover his ears. Almost like he was hearing himself in Jimin. As for Jimin he could feel the liquid soaring through his veins. Burning him from within and causing his throat to close up. "Fuck- fuck! Fuck Jungkook do something!" Yoongi panicked even though he knew Jungkook did everything he could. Seeing Jimin in such a state was heartbreaking. Especially since Yoongi couldn't do anything but watch.

Through the pain though Jungkook saw the infection on Jimin's arm start to go away? Disappear? It used to go up to his collarbone but it was subsiding until eventually only half of his arm had the infection and Jimin was out like a light. "Jimin?!" Yoongi hurried over to Jimin's side to check if the boy had a pulse. "Jimin?! baby- baby please." Yoongi begged Jimin in whispers as the boy checked Jimin's pulse. ".... It's weak but he has a pulse." Yoongi looked back at Jungkook who nodded. Oh thank fucking god. Jungkook was able to do something right. Jungkook was able to help someone instead of ruining their fucking life. He was able to...

Then just as Jungkook took in his proud moment, something switched within him. Just like any other time he'd blackout but this time it was worse. Forgetting about his bite on his arm, Jungkook felt an instant burn. Usually it was from the inside out but this time it felt like Jungkook was burning from the outside. Like his skin was grazing against sandpaper over and over again. Then the flashes came into mind. The blood, the flesh and before Jungkook knew it, his whole body was changing. The infection spread through his body within seconds and his skin became pale. The twitches worsened as Jungkook held his head. "Go!" Jungkook yelled.

"Grab Jimin!" Jungkook screamed once more and rolled onto his back just to hit his head against the floor over and over again to get rid of the feeling he was going through. And although no one noticed, Jungkook's eyes changed in the moment too. They were bloodshot red. His pupils being pure black as he looked at the ceiling, blood falling from his eyes like tears. Jungkook's vision changed after so and the heartbeats coming from out of the room made Jungkook feel hungry for flesh, for blood and so before Jungkook could do anymore damage, the boy forced himself up and was forcing himself to leave the room.

"Jungkook?" Seokjin asked but Jungkook looked out of it as he headed towards the front. "... Jungkook?!!" Seokjin repeated. "Need to end this." Jungkook breathed out just barely. The strong heartbeat coming from behind him made Jungkook want to attack but instead Jungkook opened the door and fell to his knees outside of the door. "Jungkook!" Hoseok yelled, hurrying down the stairs to approach Jungkook. "Watch it Hoseok!" Yoongi screamed.

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