Chapter Eighteen

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07 - 24 - 20

"Hey, be quiet." Alexis tells Claudia as she walks into the room. She has Jessica in her arms while I have Julain in mine. Claudia looks like she's going to scream.

"I'm trying. Give a Grandma a break." She says walking to Jessica. "Let me steal her, please." She whispers. Alexis carefully puts Jessica in her arms and Claudia sits down. "She's just too cute." Alexis walks over to me and pulls Julian's hat down a little further.

"Will you take him? I'm going to start dinner." I say. She nods and takes the little bundle away from me. I smile and kiss her forehead before walking to our kitchen.

As I start cooking the meat there is a knock at the door. I quickly walk over and open it. It's Mackenzie. She waves before running into living room. I laugh as I hear her squeal and then Alexis tell her to be quiet.

Once the meat is almost done I add in the sauce. I start to stir when I feel to arms wrap around me. "Smells good, honey." Alexis says.

"Well thank you." I say while turning around to pull her into me. She pecks my lips before grabbing the spoon and starts to stir. I smile and she raises an eyebrow at me. "I love you so much." I say and she smiles back.

"And I love you just the same." She says and I lean in to give her a kiss.

"Get a room you two." We hear Mackenzie say. Alexis and I smile as we turn to her.

"This is our house, and it is a kitchen, so technically it's a room." Alexis says to her sister.

"Whatever. What are you two cookin?" She walks over to the stove and takes a deep breath. "Smells delicious."

"I know, that's what I said." Alexis responds and then turns the oven off. "Honey, can you get the table ready?" She asks. I nod and grab the plates. Once everything is set out Alexis and I walk over to Claudia. She has both twins in her arms and is smiling like a maniac. She hands Julian to Alexis and gives me Jessica. We walk to their room and put them in their cribs. We quietly walk out of their room and I silently close their door.

"Hopefully they'll stay sleeping." Alexis says and I nod my head. Before she can walk away though I grab her arm. She looks up at me confused, but I kiss her square on the lips.

"Mackenzie interrupted us." I say and we both start walking in the dining room with smiles.

"Thier just so cute." Claudia says as we sit down.

"Cute, adorable, and a pain." I say making her laugh.

"Yea, tell me about it." She says and looks at Alexis and Mackenzie multiply times. We all then start to dig into our food.

"Sam Antony." I hear Alexis yell. Crap. What did I do? I slowly walk down to the hallway. "Sam get your butt down here." She yells again. I find her in the washroom on top of the washer.

"Yes?" I ask confused. She then points to a mouse on the floor. Phew, I didn't do anything. "Hang on." I say and turn to leave and get the broom.

"Don't leave me in here with that." She says and I try to contain my laugh. "I would rather be afraid of rats then fish." She says before hopping on my back.

"That's not fair." I say while pushing her further on my back.

"Rats vs Fish. Rats are.." She doesn't finish and I feel her shiver.

"Ok, whatever you say baby." I set her down on the couch and then go to get the broom. Once I do I walk to the washroom and make sure it gets out the door. "The rat is out of the house," I say and she gets off the couch.

"Thank you my hero." She says walking over to me. She puts her arm around my neck and smiles.

"Anything for my wife, but how should you repay me?" I ask and she leans into me. She kisses me and pulls me close to her. I pick her up and put her on the couch. "I love you." I say in between kisses.

"I. Love. You." She says and then turns so she's straddling me. She starts to kiss me again, but before any else happens we hear a baby cry. I groan and she laughs. She tries to leave, but I pull her under me. "We. Need. To. Get. Them." She says between kisses. I give her one last kiss before pulling away. She shakes her head at me and starts walking to the kid's room. I follow her and she picks up Julian. She tries to quiet him down, but he's not having it. She rocks and takes him out the room. I look over the crib at Jessica. She slowly opens her eyes and giggles. Her eyes shining brightly. She has the same purple eyes as Alexis. Julian's eyes are more crystal blue than purple. They both look so much like her, though.

I carefully lift her out of the crib and into my arms. She grabs at my shirt as I walk to the living room. Alexis is reading while breastfeeding Julian. I shake my head and walk to the kitchen. "Daddy is going to make himself breakfast." I say to Jessica. She watches everything I do. I sit down with her in my lap and eat my Raisin Bran. I'm halfway done eating when she starts to whine. "Are you hungry?" I ask standing up. I walk her over to Alexis. She's putting Julian in the cradle. I hand Jessica over and Alexis walks to the table with me.

"Will you make me something to eat?" She asks as she starts to feed Jessica.

"Sure, what do ya want?" I ask going into the kitchen.

"I'll just have a bowl of Raisin Bran." I hear her say. After making her a bowl I bring it out and set it on the table.

"Thank you." She says and smiles at me.

"Your welcome." I say and continue to eat. We eat in a comfortable silence. "Hey, don't you have to go and see Claudia's concert today?" I ask looking at the calendar on my phone.

"Oh, yes. She would kill me if I missed it. It starts at noon right?"

"Um..Ya. I'll watch the kids." I say and she smiles. She tilts her head a little while looking at me. "What?" I ask smiling.

"I never would have thought this is how my life would be. I always thought I'd be in some shelter running or even living paycheck by paycheck. Never living a happy filled life." She responds with a warm smile on her face.

"Well, it's been a great turn out for both of us." I peck her on the lips before going to rise my bowl out.

"It's still weird for little Claudia to be in something like singing and having a solo. I remember when she didn't even like to talk in front of people." I hear my wife say.

"Well people can change." I reply with a double meaning.

I hear her say something like "I guess they can."

*** (Year later)

"What do you think you're doing Julian?" I ask playing with him on the floor. He continues to eat my finger. "Does it taste good?" I laugh as he giggles. Jessica is playing on the little piano thing. She loves it. "I'd like my finger back Julian." I remove my finger and hand him one of his toy's. He starts to attack the elephant's ear.

I then hear the door. "I'm home." I hear Alexis voice from the kitchen. I stand up and walk to her.

"How was work?" I ask and she smiles.

"It was so beautiful today. The tourists loved the waterfall." She says while starting to go through the mail. "Just bills today." She groans and drops them on the counter. "How were the kids today?" She asks while we walk to the twins.

"Just fine." I say smiling as she picks up Julian and twirls him around. He laughs and then falls on his butt when she sets him down.

"How is my little musician doing?" She asks Jessica as she hits random notes. Jessica giggles as Alexis tickles her neck. She then stands up and walks over to me before giving me a hug. I hug her back and pull away.

"Is everything alright?" I ask and there are some tears in her eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask cupping her head in my hands.

" Had a bad dream while on break. It's just because he's out." She says and I pull her into me.

"He's not going to try anything because I will kill him if he even tries." I say and she nods into my chest.

"I know it's just..."

"I understand." I say and look down at her. "Claudia wants to steal the babies today. Are you ok with that?" I ask and she nods. She hands me her phone before going to play with the babies. Right as I'm about to send the text her phone rings. Mom is on the screen. "Hello?" "Hey are the babies mine tonight?" "Ya, just wanted to check with Alexis before telling you." "Ok, when can I pick them up?" "Um, whenever I guess." "Ok, I'll see you a about an hour. Oh, wait. How is Alexis? She didn't text me back today. Had me a little worried." "Ya, just had a bad dream so to say. She'll be fine." "Ok then, bye." "Bye."

"Hey, your mom was a little worried about you." I say and just shrugs.

"She's always worried." She responds before Julian grabs her hair. "Hey, hey, hey. Ow." She pulls his hand out of her hair. "That hurts buddy." She says and messes his little bit of hair up. He just starts chewing on another toy.

"Your mom will be here in less than an hour. I'm gonna go pack there bags." I say and she nods. I walk into the baby room and grab both of the baby bags.

Once there is everything I can think of that they will need I walk back to the living room with them in my hands. "Ok, I think I have everything." I tell her and she raises her eyebrows. I always forget at least one thing.

"Their food," I nod my head. "Dippers," nod "wipes," nod "extra toys," nod "both of there stuffed animals," nod "their water bottles," nod "and their blankets." I go to nod, but remember that I didn't grab them. 

"Hey, I folded them, just forgot to put them in the bag." I quickly run back and grab them. "There now I have everything."

"There will be a time where you don't forget something." She says and then adds, "Hopefully."

"Hey, I heard that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says with a smile on her lips.

"Really?" I ask and she nods. I run over to her and sing her up on my shoulder. She laughs and hits my back. I sent her down and she leans into me, but then runs away. "Oh, you're so not getting out of this." I say and start chasing her.

She runs around and around the island and the counter. Her being her though she trips on her own two feet and I grab her by the waist. She squeals and tries to get out of my grasp. "I got you." I whisper in her ear and she turns towards me.

"Is that what you think?" She asks and raises her eyebrows.

"Well, you're in my arms, married to me, and had my children, so yes I think I got you." I say and she laughs a little.

"I guess you're right." She says and I kiss her. You would think that after a while of kissing someone the feels might dwell down a little, but not with her. They always increase.

Just then Claudia opens the door and barges in on us. "Wow, you could wait until I took the kids away." She says making Alexis's cheeks as red as a tomato.

"Shut up ma." She says and Claudia laughs. She walks to the living room where the kids are. Alexis pops off the island before following her. Didn't even notice I picked her up. I start walking to the living room and see Claudia trying to get her hair back from Julian. I shake my head at him as Alexis tries to help her mom.

"Ok, then. See you tomorrow." I say as Claudia leaves.

"A nice little break." Alexis says and leans against the door.

"Yes." I say and grab her hand. We walk to the living room and watch whatever is on the TV. Alexis cuddles into me and I wrap my arm around her waist.

*** (Six years later)

"Jessica wake up." I hear Alexis say to her. I laugh as I hear her groan. Waking up Jessica is a pain. She's a night owl. Alexis and I switch days waking her up.

"Julian wake up." I say and turn his light on. He squints and huffs. It takes him like five minutes to actually get up, but he does. I walk passed Jessica's room and get hit with a pillow. Alexis is getting up from crouching and starts laughing at me. I shake my head and walk into the room. I put the pillow down and quickly pick Jessica up. She thrashes in my arms and I carry her to the bathroom. I put her down in the tub. "Time to wake up, sweetie." I say and she glares at me. I walk out and close the door.

"How'd the pillow taste?" Alexis asks smiling.

"Just great, thanks for asking." I say and she laughs making me break a smile. We walk into the kitchen and Julian is eating cereal. He looks dead as he stares at us.

"It's eight already." Alexis says and he groans.

"Ten is a reasonable time, eight is too early." He whins making us laugh.

"Ok, bud." I say and he continues to eat.


"Ok, meet us for lunch at" Alexis asks me.

"Sure, love ya." I say and she pecks my lips.

"I love you too. See you boys soon." She says and takes off with Jessica. We are at the mall because it's two days before Valentine's day and the kids wanted to get gifts for each of us. We are going to switch kids at lunch.

"What should I get mommy?" Julian asks looking at all the stores.

"Why don't we start looking around and see what we can find." I say and he nods his head really fast. I laugh and we start walking.

After a few hours of looking we both have gifts for the girls. We walk around for a little while and then hear screams. Julian looks up at me. I look around and push him into a bathroom. It happens to be the boys. I push him into the stall. "You stay here until I come and get you or a cop gets you. Do you understand?" I ask and he nods his head. I make sure the stall is locked before running out and looking for the girls. People are running out exits and in every direction.

I then hear another gunshot and a child screams. I run in the food court and see a man with a gun. I hit him from behind and we start fighting. The girl keeps screaming mama and it sounds like Jessica. I get a look and see her shaking Alexis. My angry raises passed the breaking point. I hit the guys so hard he falls into the glass. I hit him a few more times until I know he's out. I run over to Jessica and Alexis. Alexis can barely keep her eyes open. "Alexis baby stay with me. Help is coming." I say and see the gun wound. It didn't exit her body. She starts to struggle for breath.

"I love you with all my heart. Look in my journal and make sure the kids know I love them." It takes her a while but she gets the words out.

"They know you love and I love you. You stay with me. You can't leave me." I say and Jessica is next to me. She stopped screaming and has silent tears streaming down her face.

"Mommy, stay with Daddy." She says in her cute voice. Alexis smiles at her daughter before looking at me again. I pull her closer to me and smiles and then, then her head falls back.

"Alexis. Alexis. No, stay with me." I say and start CPR. "Baby come back to me." I say with tears in my eyes. The police come barging in and they already have the guy in cuffs. The ambulance people try to get Alexis heart to beat again, but they can't. Jessica is in my arms and Julian runs in with an officer. He can't see Alexis because of all the people, but he knows something is wrong. I'm on my knees with both of my children in my arms.

An officer tries to pull me away from my wife, but I refuse. They tell me she's gone, but they have to be wrong. The officer grabs my children as I break down next to my wife.


"Claudia, I'm so sorry. I should have-"

"Don't you dare blame yourself. You did what you could." She says before breaking down again. Mackenzie is just standing and staring at me. She looks like her brain is still trying to process it, but when she does she's crying on the ground with her mom.

It's hard to believe it myself and I don't know how to comfort them.


"Mommy isn't coming back is she?" Julian asks looking up at me. I turn away from her casket.

"She didn't have a choice buddy, but she will always be in our heart ok?" I ask and he nods. Jessica hasn't talked to me, she has been very quiet lately. "Jessica, you can talk to me." I say as we walk out of the room. The kids wanted to say goodbye other wise I wouldn't have let them in there.

"It's my fault." She says and starts crying. "I-if s-she wa-wasn't protecting m-me."

"No, it's not your fault at all. She loved you and that's why she was protecting you. She couldn't live without you. Never blame yourself." I say as she cries into my shoulder.

Carol walks over with her husband. "Hey." She says in a soft voice. Jessica turns her head. She puts out her arms to Carol and Carol takes her. "Hey, big girl it's ok." She says and Taylor, her husband, gives Julian and I a hug.

"Sorry about this. Shouldn't have ever happened to her." He says and I nod my head. Julian walks with me and Jessica wants to stay with Carol, so I let her. I see Mackenzie and Matt talking and then they see me. It's still really hard to see her. I can't always look straight at her. Matt gives me a big hug.

"Thanks man." I say and he nods his head.

"If you need anything, I'm here for you." He says and I nod my head.

'"I know."

"Sam, Claudia was looking for you." Mackenzie says and she starts to talk to Julian.

"Ok, thanks." I say and she nods her head while having a sympathetic look in her eyes. When I find Claudia she's talking to Jake. Jake nods and then leaves. "Claudia." I say and she turns towards me.

"Sam, hey. I was wondering if you wanted me to take the kids for a week. If you just need some time." She asks and I consider the idea.

"Um, if they want to go, I'd be ok with it. Just for a week though." I say and she nods her head.

"I'll ask them sometime today." She says and I nod my head. She leaves to go talk to someone else. I take a seat and watch everyone that came here today.

I sit for a while and then Ashley takes a seat next to me. "Corrine had made a video when you left. She had said that she just needed to get some things out and she had kept adding videos ever sense. She said that if she ever left to give it to you." She hands me a CD and I look up at her. "She will always have your back." She says before getting up and walking away. I stare at the CD and then put it in my pocket.

Julian comes running up to me while pulling Claudia behind her. "Is it ok if we go with Grandma?" He ask and I nod my head. He smiles and it's the only thing that would make me even crack a smile. "I'm going to tell Jessica." He says before running off. Claudia stays by me and sighs.

"They are going to miss out on so much now that she's gone." I say and Claudia shakes her head.

"Yes, their mom is gone, but look how many people love and remember her. They are still going to have an amazing life. Those two are just going to grow a stronger bond and be stronger than anyone else. They know who their mom was and will love her forever." She says and I nod my head. Hopefully, they won't hate me. "Don't start blaming yourself again." She says like she heard me. "Your kids love you and they will know how much you did for Corrine." She says and I try to believe her.

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