Chapter Eleven

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Kinda goes with chapter, depends on how to interpret it.

09 - 30 - 15

"Told you." I say as Sam pukes in my bucket. I haven't puked today and my head doesn't feel like it's pounding anymore, so hopefully the sickness is leaving me, but for Sam it's just started. I massage his back as more of his lunch comes out. Once he sits up I hand him my water. He's already sick, so I don't think it's going to do much more damage. He barely gets out thanks before puking again.

Once his stomach is empty he sits up and takes another drink. "This is gonna be hell." He groans leaning back against the wall.

"A least I can help." I say trying to make him feel better. He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Ironic. You feel better I get sick-" Only he doesn't finish the word sick because he starts having a coughing fit.

"I'll get you the honey and water thing." I say standing up, but he grabs my arm.

"You can't or you'll get another allergic reaction. If it touches you and gets into your pores where going to have another water show. " His voice is more of a whisper.

"I'll have Ashley get it, but I'm making you take a mint because the smell is horrible and if I smell it, I might puke." I ramble to him before walking out the door. I quickly walk to Ashley's office, but she's not there. Of course. I walk into the kitchen and see Rick.

"How are you? You still look sick, what are you doing up?" He interrogates me.

"Sam is sick and apparent this honey thing can help, but I can't touch honey so I tried to find Ashley, but she wasn't in her office, so I just came down here. Could you make the stuff? I can't touch it because apparently I can get an allergic reaction." I explain to him and he nods his head with a small smile. He hands me a cloth I'm assuming to hold the bottle with, I'm really not going to spill it.

"I have some honey still made. I'll put it in a cup and he can drink it." I watch as he pours some into a cup before handing it to me. Carefully I walk. By the time I reach our room I have almost dropped the cup three times, tripped two, and ran into either someone or a wall about four times. Why did I have to have two left feet or two right, whichever the saying is.

"Here." I hand him the cup. Sam drinks it all down quickly before handing it back. I pick it up and make my way back to the kitchen. "That was fun," I say entering the room again. Sam opens his mouth and I see two mints in his mouth. I laugh and shake my head at him. I sit next to him and he grabs my book. I raise my eyebrows.

"Your turn, might as well find out what's going to happen." He says and puts a pillow on my lap and then his head. I try not to blush, but fail and hold the book up. I begin reading.


He finally falls asleep and I put my book down so I don't finish it. I grab my phone careful not to disturb Sam and start reading another book.

Quite a few hours pass and my legs start to tingle, but I don't wanna move. I laid on him for like a whole day and he didn't move. I carefully lift his head and move my legs. After changing my position I lay his head back down. I feel a cough coming and I try to hold it in, but it just makes it worse. I cover my mouth with my elbow and try to get it to stop before waking up Sam. Then I feel Sam's head come up.

"So-sorry." I say once I stop coughing.

"It's fine, not like you can control it." He says and sits up, but then his face goes pale and he falls into me. I grab his arm and opposite shoulder pushing him onto the wall.

"You should eat something," I say and he nods his head a little. I help set him up in the corner and get up to get some food. "I'll be back," I say before walking out the door. When I get to the kitchen Ricks there cooking something, as usual.

"Nice to see ya again Corrine." He says stirring something.

"I'm just gonna grab some crackers," I say and hop on the counter. Rick shakes his head at me and I smile. After grabbing two things of crackers and making myself a sandwich I walk back to the room. After tripping on the door jam I sit down next to him. "Got some crackers," I say and hold them up. He smiles and I open them. I place like five in his hand and he puts one in his mouth. I grab my sandwich and take a bite.

"What's in that?" He ask looking at my sandwich.

"Different meat, mayo, mustard, cheese, lettuce, pickles, and any else that looked good," I say and he looks down at his crackers and then at me.

"Not fair." He says like a child making me laugh.

"You think your stomach can handle normal food?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Pshh, ya." I smile and hold the sandwich to him. He takes a bit and makes a weird face. "Is there bologna and chicken in there?" He asks and I shrug.

"Probably." I say and take another bit. He shakes his head and eats another cracker.

"I'll stick with these." He says and I smile.


"No, green lantern." He says shaking his head.

"What no, he gets power from a stupid ring," I say rolling my eyes. "Fine, what about Superwomen?"

"No, she's a copycat of Superman."

"You're impossible." He groans making me laugh.

"I'll take that as a compliment," I say making him glare at me. I start laughing again.

"How are you sicklings?" I hear Matt's voice. I turn and look over at him.

"Good." I say and Sam shakes his head.

"She doesn't have a favorite superhero. Like I've gone through all of them." He says and Matt shakes his head.

"You guys are something else. What about Batman?" He asks.

"He's ok. They're all just... I don't know how to describe it." I say shrugging.

"Women," Matt says and then I hear a smack. "Ow, what the- Carol." He says and she sticks her head up.

"What was that about women?" She asks all cocky. Matt groans before walking away.

"Great know I'm outnumbered." I hear Sam mumble.

"I would slap you, but you're sick and you helped me get better, but next time it won't slide." I say making him look at me confused. He starts to talk, but a coughing fit interrupts. I grab a water and hand it to him.

"Told you, you'd get sick," Carol says still in the doorway. He glares up at her. "Corrine, can we talk?" She asks. I nod my head nervous and walk to the door. She pulls me to the other side of the hallway, but Sam can still see. Carol talks in a lower voice. "You like him." She says as a statement.

"What? NO, no I don't." I say, but I know I do.

"Lying isn't going to work." She says and puts her hands on her hips. I do the same and she huffs. "I know you do. Might as well admit it."

"I don't have a clue about what you're talking about." I lie and she gives me a look telling me she's not buying it. "Fine I do, but it's not like he likes me back," I say barely above a whisper.

"YES, ha I knew it. I knew it when I saw you walk in." She squeals making me blush.

"Shhhhhh. Shut up."

"Oh and yes he does like you come on." She says and elbows me.

"I'm not going through this. And even if he did I'm not ready for a relationship. I just finished high school and with everything here. Just no." I say and she tilts her head to the side.

"You're afraid." She says and I look at the ground. "Why?" She asks.

"I know he told you how I was when he found me. I'm afraid of almost everything especially a relationship. There are so many risks, so many things to go wrong and so many ways to get hurt. I would just mess it up." I say looking back up at her.

"I see where you're coming from, but you gotta take chances." She says looking me right in the eyes.

"It's more complicated than that though. I don't wanna get into this, ok." I say and she nods her head.

"Kay, but I still knew. Now go have fun being sick." She says and pushes me a little. I glare at her back and walk into the room.

"What was that about?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nothin." I say and then he gives me a way to familiar look. "Just some stuff. Not that important."

"You're lying." I go to say something, but he beats me to it. "You play with your necklace when you lie or are nervous." He says and I pull my hand down. "You're afraid of something that you guys talked about, that or you're guilty about lying to her."

"How? You are too observant for a sick person." I say looking down at him. He smiles and raises his eyebrows. "She asked me a few personal questions and one was about relationships." I shrug and sit down on the cot. He turns his head towards me.

"What you are afraid of?" He questions and I take a deep breath. "Ok, I know that you think relationships are a pain and most don't work out, that they are a heartbreak waiting to happen, you're afraid you'll mess it up, you'll go too far or vice versa,'ve never seen a healthy relationship so you think you can't be in one, that he will find out, and I think that's all I know." He says and my eyes are wide.

"H-how'd you-" I can't even finish my sentence, I'm too shocked.

"Notebook." He says that one word and I groan.

"You know too many things already," I say and shakes his head no.

"There is always more to learn." He replies, but I shake my head.

"You need to sleep," I say and pull a blanket up to him.

"When you're uncomfortable you shut people out. When someone gets to close to close to you-you do the same thing, but it won't work with me." He says and then closes his eyes. Why did I have to like someone who is smart? 

I turn the light off and make sure not to run into anything using my phone's flashlight. I organize the baskets, waters, and tissues for leaning on the wall next to him. His breathing is already slowed down. Wish I could fall asleep that fast? I lean and grab my bag from the floor and pull my notebook out.

He gets me all messed up. He knows so much about me, yet I know very little of him. He makes me feel safe, warm, and like there is a reason for living, but he's not always going to be here. I need to break away, but how, I can't, It's too late. I wish I was a normal girl that never went through the stupid crap so he would like me. I shouldn't think about it. People should like you for who you are, but it's just so hard, yet around him, I can be myself. Grrr, why does everything have to be so confusing?

I huff and put my pen down. After putting my notebook away I hear Sam mumble something. "Ya.. umgh." I can't really understand what he's saying and he doesn't seem to be talking to me. He must sleep talk. I laugh thinking about that. Curse him, he's asleep and can make me laugh. I feel around the floor but can't find a pillow. Where the heck. Sam must still have both. Well, this shall be fun. I lean him forward and try to grab a pillow, but he weighs too much. I slowly lean him onto my lap and pull the pillows. Once I get it I almost lose my balance. "Gesh." I whisper. I prop a pillow up where I want to sleep and Sam moves his arm under his head which is in my lap. I slowly move and make sure not to hurt him or wake him. 

I grab the other pillow and put it next to mine. After finally moving him to lay down I squeeze into my place. Sam starts moving and puts his head on my stomach. Really all that work for him just to move. He wraps his right arm over my stomach and kinda holds my side and his left arm lays next to me. Well, um.. I don't know where to put my arms. I normal lay on my side so this is weird. I put my left arm by my side, but it touches his, ok, this is impossible. After 20 more ways I give up. I put my left arm on my side and my right hand on his back. He is the most cuddly person I know and he doesn't even see that he does it. 

I close my eyes, but can't seem to sleep. I look down at Sam and his face looks so concentrated. You know when people say that stressed out people look so at ease when they're sleeping, he looks like the exact opposite. Must be a dream or something. I look at my phone and it's already 12:04. I need to get sleep, but my body just doesn't want to. Must have all this energy because my body isn't fitting a cold. I look back up at the ceiling and close my eyes.


"Shh, go go." I hear someone say, but I don't want to open my eyes. I go to turn, but there is weight on my stomach. I open my eyes and realize Sam's still asleep. I laugh because his hair's a mess and he's snoring a little. I stop my laughing because then he moves against stomach, I smile down at him. Both of his arms are around my stomach and his hands are laced together holding me in place. Not like I was going anywhere. I look at my phone an see it's 10 in the morning. Wow, longest I've ever slept, mostly likely because I was up forever. I play a few games on my phone and look through some articles. I start to do stupid quizzes when Sam opens his eyes. He still looks tired and lays his head back down.

"Tou earely." He mumbles and I barely get the words.

"It's 11, but ok." I say making him open his eyes again.

"Really?" He asks and I nod my head. "Still too early." He says and closes his eyes again. I laugh making his head bobble. "Pillows aren't supposed to move." He groans making me laugh more. He opens his eyes to glare at me.

"I never volunteered to be a pillow." I say making him close his beautiful blue eyes.

"Well I think you did, so you're stuck." He says squeezing me.

"What if I get hungry?" I ask and he mumbles incoherent words. "What?" But he doesn't respond just goes back to sleep. I grab my phone and take more pointless tests.


"Looks like you're stuck." Ashley says looking down at Sam and me.

"Apparently I volunteered to be a pillow." I say making her smile.

"I wanted to check up on you guys, but he's still sleepin. How are you feeling?" She asks with an emotion in her eyes I don't recognize.

"Good. I feel fine now, maybe a little cough and a headache here and there, but other than that I'm fine."

"Good. How's he been?"

"Like how I was. Nothing really stays in his stomach and he gets really dizzy. Hopefully, he'll sleep it off." I say as we both look down at him.

"When he wakes, call me, kay." I nod my head in response.

"Wait, could you bring anything to eat? Having him here kinda makes it hard to move." I say. She laughs and nods her head.

When she comes back she hands me two sandwiches and a bowl of soup for Sam if he ever wakes up. I thank her before she leaves and eat the food. I feel like I've been trapped in this room for months, but it's only been like a week. It's one and Sam is still sound asleep. His phone starts ringing. I reach over and grab it. It's an unknown number so I end the call, but they call back. Sam stirs and opens his eyes. "An unknown number has called you," I say and he looks at his phone.

"What's the number?" He asks in a low groggy voice.

"897-0564." Once I finish the last number he grabs his phone and turns it off. He looks angry, yet also scared. I don't know how to describe it. "Who was it?" I ask as he sits up. My stomach is instantly cold, but I don't care because Sam seems different. His posture makes him look on edge.

"No one." He says in a cold voice. I know he's not telling the truth, but the person must have really ticked him off. "I have to talk to Matt." He says in a cold voice again.

"No, I'll get him. You stay put." I say pulling his arm back. He doesn't say anything but stays seated. I get up uncertain and quickly walk to Matt's room. Carol isn't there when I enter. Matt smiles until he sees my face. "Sam wants to see you. He got a phone call and went stiff and rigid." I say and he pops up and jogs down to our room. I know Sam doesn't want me to be there so I go and find Ashley. "He's up," I say and she smiles walking over to me. I try and smile back, but I'm trying to figure out who would have this big of an effect on Sam.

Ashley finishes talking to someone before walking over to me. "Tell him I'll be there in like 30 minutes, I have to go do something." I nod my head and slowly walk back to the room, before entering I listen.

"She knows somethings up. You should have seen her face." I hear Matt's voice. I hear Sam start coughing.

"I-I can't d-drag anyone else into it." He says while coughing.

"I get that, but it's going to be difficult." I hear Matt again. Drag anyone into it. What is going on? I walk into the room and they both look up at me.

"You guys going to tell me what's going on?" I ask and before Matt can talk Sam does.

"An old acquaintance has called, nothing major." He says and tries to put a smile on his face.

"If you don't want me to know fine tell me that, but don't lie to me. Oh, and Ashley will be here in like 25 minutes." I go to walk back out the door, but Sam calls me back.

"Alexis. Can I ask something of you?" He asks and Matt leaves the room, but he waits by the door.

"Can you print my schedule for work, I'll need to know when I'm free." He says and I silently nod my head and walk out the door. When I find the print room I realize that I'll have to go on the daycare website. Luckily there is a computer in the room. I go and find the website. I know Sam's login and password, now to find his schedule.  

After printing it I grab it and start walking back. Why couldn't he just put it on his phone? Whatever, probably just so he and Matt could talk. I walk into Ashley's office area and she starts talking about something, but I'm not listening. When we get to the room Matt and Sam act like nothing happened and laugh with Ashley.

Once Ashley leaves and says that Sam will probably be fine in two days I give him the schedule. "Thanks." He says and I nod my head. I grab my phone and act like I'm interested in what I'm doing. Sam starts texting someone, probably Matt. He left when Ashley came in. I start reading another book and when I finish it's 8 o'clock. Sam is still texting away still. He isn't as bad as before and only really has a bad cough and runny nose. I then grab a pillow and go to sleep not in the mood to deal with him.


I wake up to a yelling Ashley. I open my eyes and see Ashley yelling at Matt. He holds his ground and says a few words, but that makes Ashley even madder. I get up and walk to them confused.

"Why are you yelling at him?" I ask wiping my eyes.

"You, I can't even-"

"He's finished training. Not like he had to stay." Matt says catching my attention.

"There's more and you are not telling me." Ashley's voice raises even louder. They both start talking at the same time and I'm about to blow up.

"SHUT UP AND TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" That gets both of them to look at me.

"Sam has left," Ashley says and I ferr my eyebrows together.

"What do you mean he's left?" I ask and she points to Matt.

"He wanted to leave so he left. He didn't have to stay here." He says and I don't believe him. Sam wouldn't just leave, not without telling me. No, no, no, no.

"S-so he just left. You don't know where he is?"

"No, he didn't tell me." He says and sounds annoyed. He's lying, they must have talked about it last night. Ashley throws her hands up.

"I'll get Jake." She says and stomps off.

"You're lying. You guys planned it and it's about that stupid number." I say, but he just walks away from me.

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