Chapter One

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Nothing to do with the chapter, just a good video.

08 - 20 - 2015

"I'll look into it thanks." I say to my summer school teacher. I do extra classes so if I get into a collage it will help and be less expensive. Today is the last day and one of my teacher wants me to go to this college, but it's way too expensive. She's the one that helped me be able to take the courses even as a graduated senior. I tell her I'll look, but I'll really be looking for a different collage.

"No problem." She says and I walk out her room. I walk out the school and head to the library.

When I get there I start putting books on there shelves. "Um, can you show me where the college study books are?" A girl asks me with two books already in her hands.

"Sure." I walk to the front left of the library. "Right here." I say pointing at the shelves. She nods her head at me and then starts reading the titles. I go back to putting books away. I love working in the library because I'm away from everyone that hurts me and I can read any of the books after I'm done working.

"Corrine." Sarah says my name quietly. I walk over to her. "Hey do you mind working the counter until 4:00?" She asks coming out from the counter to stand in front of me.

"No, I'll do it." I say with a small smile.

"Thank you thank you thank you." She says grabbing her things and almost running out the library doors. I walk around and sit in the chair. I grab the closet book and start reading it.

"Hello." I hear someone say. I look up front the book and see the girl from before. "Can I get these books?" She asks and sets six books down. I nod my head and start scanning her books.

"They're due back in in three weeks. Would you like the receipt?" I ask. She nods her head. I give her the receipt and then she walks off reading one of them. I look at the clock and read 3:55. I grab my backpack and walk into office to checkout.

"Corrine, glad I found you. Here is your check for this week." She says handing me the check.

"Thanks." I say and walk out the library. After putting the check in my bag I start on my way "home." I turn down another street and see Toby and Tommy. I turn the other direction, but run into John. Well this is just great, I tell myself. He pushes me into the other boys. In the mixed of being pushed I end up on the ground and I feel myself losing control. I get kicked in the side again, but then there is an unfamiliar voice.

"Leave her alone." I hear. I don't open my eyes. Whoever the person is, they probably just want to beat me up, too or get beat up by the boys.

"Just leave. This isn't your business." I hear Tommy say. I tighten my eyes more because I feel myself losing control. That weird feeling is taking over again.

"It is now, so leave her alone." The same voice says. I hear Tommy and the other guys mumble something and then it sounds like they're fighting. Well someone is fighting and the others are getting hurt. "Go." I hear the voice again. I assume Tommy and his group are the ones that run. Someone touches my shoulder and I can't control it anymore. I open my eyes and feel that weird feeling in me. "Hey, hey. I'm here to help you. Calm down." He says and backs away from me almost into the building. I thought he would have ran by now. Most people do when they see my eyes, heck I would too. There weird.

"Stay away from me." I say before turning around and walking away. I don't want to hurt another person. I pick up my speed and start running "home" and finally control that weird feeling in my head and body.

When I get to the house I go to the back. I start climbing up the tree bare footed. I don't like shoes and the only ones I have are old flip flops. They just stay in my backpack for school.

"I need you to come with me." Someone says. I turn around and see the same boy that I saw earlier. Does he want to send me to a psycho place or try tests on me? Whatever it is I don't want to know.

"Would you just leave me alone." I say and jump on the roof. I wobble a little, but gain the little balance I have. The boy follows me and jumps on the roof. Why won't he just leave?

"I want to help you. I just need you to come with me." He says and steps closer to me. I take one back and lose my little bit of balance. I fall right into him. Of course my clumsiness had to show right now. Curse me. "Are you alright now?" He asks and pulls me up. I take a step away from him and go through my window. He follows me in, though. This guy is going to get himself hurt if he doesn't leave.

"You can't be here if Greg-"

"Corrine! Get your ass down here." I hear Greg say. I huff as the boy looks at me confused.

"Leave now." I say and point to the window. I turn around and walk down stairs. "Y-Yes." I say and see Greg. He looks upset again, but I don't know why.

"You drank my beer again." He says and the blonde comes at his side. She's here again and she only has a bra and underwear on. Go figure.

"I promise I didn't." I say and take a step back. I never touch his beer, I did once and he caught me. I ended up going to the doctor. He said I feel down our stairs and into the table. The stupid doctor believed him. He's a fantastic lair.

"I need to teach her a lesson. Can you wait in the living room for me, babe?" He orders turning to the girl. She smiles at him and glares at me before walking away. Greg turns to me and pushes me into the wall. I hit my head and I think in the same spot where I hit it on the concrete the other day. This time the pain is worse and the world looks like it's moving. I grab my head to try and make it stop.

"Hey." The boy's voice says. Why won't he just leave? He is going to make this worse. He's going to get himself hurt or worse killed.

"Are you the boy that she sleeps with? Pathetic." He says and looks the boy up and down. I get on my feet still holding my head. If feels like it's getting pushed together and something is trying to pound out of it.

"No. I'm taking her with me. Leave her alone." He says to Greg. He might as well say that I'm going to fly. I never get out and when I do he finds me and hurts me. I learned that the first three times I got out.

"Leave or you're going to get hurt." Greg says to him with a smug look on his face.

"Just leave." I say to the boy and look at him. He shakes his head.

"No. You're coming with me." He says and glances towards me. I shake my head a little which makes it hurt worse.

"No she's not. Now leave boy." Greg says threatening. The boy doesn't move a muscle. He must have a death wish.

"Corrine you really want to stay with him?" The boy asks and looks at me. Why is he so persistent? What does he want and how does he know my name? Then I think about his question, I don't, but if I say that I'll get beat even more and where would I go? With a boy I just meet, yeah right. "He can't hurt you. Tell me the truth." He says like he can read my mind.

"I-I don't want to stay." I say trusting him that Greg can't hurt me. I don't know why I believed him, but I felt like I could. Greg comes at me and I feel my body tense waiting to get hit, just not knowing where. The boy grabs me and pulls me to the side before I get hit. Greg has a very red, angry face and tries to punch the boy. He blocks it and punches Greg in the stomach. Greg falls to the floor after a few more punches. "We are leaving after we get her things." The boys says and looks at me. I glance down at Greg. He looks so, so... stupid and useless.

I let my hands go from my head and walk up stairs to my room. The boy follows close behind me. I grab my blanket and backpack. "Do you have everything?" He asks me. I nod my head and he walks back downstairs. I follow him even though I should be leading the way. Greg is down there and the blonde is clung to him like a life force. She is wiping blood off of his face. "You won't be seeing her again." The boys says and looks back at me. I look at the ground and follow out the door.

Greg grabs my shoulder before I can make it out. "I'll find you and hurt you until you scream and do-" The boy punches Greg in the face again and pulls me with him.

"We need to go back to your school so I can drive us to your new home." He says and starts walking. I don't say anything just follow. Why would someone do this? I'm not anything special. Just a freak that can't stand up for herself. I know I should, but I don't want to hurt them.


We get to my school and he goes to one of the few cars that are left in the parking lot. I stop a few feet away from his car. I can't go with him. He may have helped me, but I can't trust him. Not to take me somewhere and have me tested on. I'll take a pass to that.

"Are you coming?" He asks. I snap out of my world and look up at him.

"No, I can't." I say and take a step back. The boy huffs and walks towards me.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm trying to help you." He says for what fells like the ninth time and takes another step towards me. I take two back.

"I don't know you. All I know is you punched some people that hurt me and didn't freak out when my eyes changed." I say with some confidence. I don't know where it's coming from, but I kinda like it.

"Everything will be explained when we get to the institution and I'm not going to freak out because I know you can't control it." He says like he knows what's wrong with me. How would he? Why would he?

"How do you know I can't control it?" I ask confused and a little offended.

"Because that's why I'm here. The people that sent me here knew you needed help. There are others like you. People that can't control it. Our group helps you learn it." He says and steps closer to me. This time I don't take a step back, but I'm still am not comfortable with him. "Please come on. We're late already." He says a little inpatient.

I debate if I should or shouldn't, but my positive side is winning over. I don't have a place to go anyway. I just hope he's telling the truth and is not trying not lock me up and torture me. "Fine, but just don't touch me." I say. He puts his hands up and we start walking to his car again. I sit in the passenger side and hold my backpack to me. The boy starts his car and pulls out the driveway.

"My name's Sam, if you were wondering." He says. I nod my head and look out the window at the clouds. I love looking at them and finding what they look like. I don't know how much time passes before he talks again.

"So what do you like, any hobbies?" He asks and looks over at me.

"I don't want to talk." I say annoyed with him. Taking requires a lot of energy.

"Do you mind then if I talk?" He asks me while glancing at me again.

"Why do you want talk?" I ask and turn to look at him.

"Because it's called being social and makes things not awkward. It's small talk. " He says like I'm dumb. He's really going to tick me off.

"It wasn't awkward until you said something." I say, but make sure my voice doesn't rise because that weird feeling is starting again. Sam glances at me and looks nervous.

"Ok, I won't talk. Corrine, calm down please." He says and keeps glancing at me. That weird feeling gets worse though.

"Can you pull over?" I ask knowing I can't control what is happening. Sam pulls over and I open the door. It's all field's so I run right into it. I feel the roots and soil in my toes. It feels cold and good. I can feel everything around me. Every breeze, the warmth around me.

"Corrine, wait." I hear Sam yell and run after me.

"Stay away. I don't want to hurt you." I say, but he continues to run after me. I stop running when I feel my hands start boiling. Then I just move my hands a little and I end up hitting Sam with a ton of water. He falls to the ground with an ump. "Don't." I say as he gets up and walks to me again. "I don't know what will happen. I can't stop it." I say and look at my hands. Water is around them, like they're in puddle.

"Hey look at my hands and do what I do." He says and brings his hands up and then turns them so that his palms are up. I do what he does and the feeling goes away. "There see gone." He says steps closer to me. I take one back.

"Don't touch me." I say and move further away.

"Kay, I won't. Promise. Let's go back to the car and start driving again. I won't talk to you or touch you or anything, ok." He says. I nod my head and he turns and walks to the car. I follow him and stay quiet. I don't understand what the hell just happened.

"Just want to say one thing. Where we are going people are very open. They love everyone and will want to talk with you, some people are very huggie. They're just welcoming you. That is if there wake when we get there." He explains as if it's a waring or a heads up.

"I'm not good with a lot of people. I get panic attacks and I don't like people touching me. I end up hurting them." I say with worry. I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially if they want to help me.

"Ok, when we get there I'll handle it." He says and it reassures me. I don't know why I trust him so much, but I hope he isn't a jerk.

I look back outside and gaze at the sky. I curl my legs into my body and rest my arms on the window. The breeze feels good against my face. I wipe the blood off my hairline that seems to be bleeding again and let the sky hold my thoughts.


A few hours pass by before it gets dark. Sam hasn't said anything which is great, but I think it's hard for him. He looks like he wants to say something, but then decides not to. I feel really tired, but can't go to sleep. Not with him in the car and when I don't know where I'm going.

"Hey I'm getting food from McDonald's, you want anything?" Sam asks as we pull into a drive thru. I get food from here after I get my paycheck from the library. It's every Friday. I didn't tell them I was leaving. They will figure it out, I guess.

"I'm slim on money, but thanks." I say and press the pearl into my chest. It's under my sweatshirt, but I still play with it.

"It's fine, I'll pay for it." He says and looks at me.

"Um , ok, I'll just get a cheeseburger with some fries." I say because it's cheap and that's what I normally get.

"Ok." He says and orders for us. He pulls up to the drive thru window and pays.

"Thanks." I say to him. He looks at me surprised.

"No problem." He pulls up to the next window. He grabs our food and hands me the bag. I set it on my lap and he puts the water bottles in the cup holders. "Can you hand me my fries?" He asks. I nod my head and grab a box of fries. He takes it and puts it in his lap. He looks at me confused. "Are you going to eat?" He asks and looks back at the road.

"May I?" I ask. I'm not allowed to eat anything until Greg gave it to me, when we eat together, which was rare. That was like once a month if I was lucky enough to get food.

"Ya of course. It's yours." He says, but the way he says it doesn't make me feel stupid or a child. I grab my burger and start eating. It's really good, too.

"It's really good." I say before taking another bite.

"Wait til you eat the food at the institution. It's delicious." He says and smiles at me.

I finish my burger and feel full. How do people eat so much? I hand Sam his burger and take the empty box of fries. Our hands brush each other and a warm feeling goes through my body. That's new. I don't think it happened to Sam because he seems fine. Why'd I get the feeling? Whatever maybe I imagined it.

"How do people eat all this food?" I ask more to myself than Sam.

"You don't eat much do you?" He asks and glances at me.

"Not a lot, no." I say and feel a blush. Why am I blushing? It's a simple question.

"You don't have to eat that right now. You can save them for later." He says and glances at the fries. I nod my head and put them back into the bag. I set it down on the floor next to my backpack. I grab my backpack and open it. My blanket is at the bottom so I have to dig to find it. Once I get it, I zip my backpack back up and put it back by the food bag. I curl up in the seat and put the blanket over me. "I can turn the heat on if your cold." Sam says and reaches to turn the air to warm.

"No, I like having it cold because then I can have a blanket on without sweating." I say and look over at him. He takes his hand away and smiles.

"I think the same." He says and looks over at me. I feel my cheeks get warm again. I nod my head at him and lay against the window. I rolled it up a little bit ago. I stare at the road and feel my eyes close. I fall asleep for a second and then pop my eyes open.

"It's fine if you sleep." Sam says looking at my momentarily.

"I'm not tired." I lie to him. He looks at me like he wants to object, but he keeps his mouth shut.

I barely keep my eyes open the rest of the way there. "Kay, remember I'll try to get you to your room, but there might be a lot of people." Sam reminds me when we get to the door. He opens it and I stay as close to him as I can without touching him. We walk passed a ton of people. They all smile at me. Sam rushes through the crowd, but I feel panic start in me. My breathing picks up and I feel like I'm going to get trapped. "Hey your room is here." Sam says and opens a door. That weird feeling I get before I can't control what happens, is coming. I don't know why it's coming more quickly than normal though. "Corrine. Breath. Calm down." I hear Sam say to me, but it doesn't work. I feel my hands boil and see in the mirror that my eyes are a weird purple. They make me look like more of a freak and they kinda glow. I can't stop walking towards Sam. He holds his ground until I get about a foot from him. "Carol, need your help." He says and runs out the room.

Hope you like the first chapter. More to happen, please keep reading and if you liked it tell me and vote. Thanks again for taking time to read my story.

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