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Ragini pov

I went towards boy and patted on his shoulders

He turned towards me and smirked

He was good looking  would be a lie  he was much more than that

He had dark black orbs

He have got the perfect abs and his hair wow it looked so good and I am already in love with his hair

Wait Ragini what the hell are u thinking

I looked into his dark orbs

His look was soo intense that I felt goosebumps all over me.

I felt intimidated by his gaze

I took a long breath and gathered some words

"Leave them alone"I said as calm as possible.

He stared at me for few seconds and started laughing as though I have told him a joke

He then stopped laughing and his eyes turned dark indicating the arrival of his anger.

"Listen you miss whatever your name is, just don't try to come in my way. I suppose you don't know about me. I am giving you one last chance, get the hell out of here " he said sounding dangerously sexy .

Soo much of attitude, wait I should show you who I am .

Before I could speak kavitha came towards us..

"I.... aaapologise n. ..... behalf.....of her.. please forgive her". She said stammering and nervous.

I wonder why? What's wrong with everyone!

Whereas he continued staring at me completely ignoring Kavi.

I did not take a step back nor broke the eye-contact with him.

Showing him I was neither scared of him or his warning.

I am Ragini Gadodia

His friend or whoever he his came and whispered something in his ear.

He gave one last look at me neither say glared at me and went.

The girl who was been teased by him came towards me

" Thanks. I am swara"

"It's nothing , by the way I am Ragini" I said extending my hand for a hand shake.

"So friends?" Swara asked raising her eyebrows

"Offcourse friends "I said smiling

Kavi came and after a good amount of conversation between the three of us I dragged kavi to the washroom.

"Kavi why did you apologize to him?"

"Laksh is his name, do you anything about him?"

Whereas I replied negatively

"Let me tell u, all I have to say is he is a player. He is father is a very rich business man. Laksh never spares anyone who comes on his way. He loves to play with girl' feeling. He has never loved any of his girlfriend's he just usses them and later when everything is done, dumps them"

"How do you know all this thing's?" I asked totally shocked

" U know I have investigating about this college before joining here" she said with a bit of sarcasm

"Anything else about him?"I asked curiously

"All I can say is he loves to trouble people. So take my advice and STAY AWAY from him."she warned and continued " last thing I must say, he is an Greek god" she said blushing

Whereas I chuckled at her last statement


Finally the first day of the college ended and I must say it was a long day!

I decided to go home

"Mom I am home" I said throwing my bag on the couch

"How was your day" she asked arranging the bag on the shelf

"Good" I said as I ran into the kitchen afterall my stomach seem to be growling.

I was happy that I have made friends on the first day, because it was unusual for me. I was always took time to make friends.


Next day

I stood infront of the notice board wearing my knee length pink woolen frock with my hairs tied in a messy bun.

I looked at my schedule. I was glad that me and my friends shared two classes together.

I was walking towards my class when I got a call from my best friend!

I was completely lost while talking to her when I bumped into something.

I looked up and froze

"You" laksh said

"Can't u atleast open ur damm eyes while walking" he said infact yelled at me

"That think that applies to you also" I replied and regretted saying it kavis words rang through my ears

He glared at me furiously and snatched my phone

"Give my phone back" I said trying to be calm but inside I was tensed damm tensed.. my iPhone

"Whom are u talking to? Can I speak?" He said smirking and checking my phone

"I said give my phone back " I yelled at him and the entire crowd looked at us..

"Apologize to me first" he said smirking

"Give my phone back and I would never apologize to idiotic people like u" I said and gave a thought to what I said

The next moment he dropped my phone on the floor and stepped on it crumbling it into tiny pieces.

Tears welled in my eyes

It was special to me, afterall it was gifted by Sanky on my last birthday

I closed my eyes tightly to hold back my eyes

So much for just bumping into him.

By the time people gathered around us and we're talking in whispers

"This what happens when you cross my way" he said and continued to laugh along with his friends.

I felt embarassed infront of everyone.

I don't know what made me do this, he braking my phone or people laughing at me because of him , I lift my arm and without thinking twice slapped right on his cheek.

There was pindrop silence people looked at me as though I have murdered him.

I saw his eyes turning darker

And he made a fist of his arms

He continued staring wrathfully

And without a second thought I ran as fast as I could as far as I could

I reached the washroom and closed the door cooling myself what have u done Ragini I said scolding myself.


Laksh pov

I stood there watching her leave

She slapped me

She slapped laksh Maheshwari

I scanned the crowd as I saw some laugh and whispering in groups

Trust me girl you have no idea what I can do you will regret for what you have done

Just wait

I closed my eyes to calm myself

"I can't believe Ragini did this to you no one ever dared to look into your eyes let alone slap you!" Uv said

So Ragini is her name.

"Let me teach her know, how to behave infront of us" he further said

"Don't interfere in this. Leave her to me."I said

I love playing anyway


Ragini pov

I stood there deep in thoughts when Kavi rushed into the washroom

"God! Ragini were where you I was searching you like hell" she said panting

"Kavi, you don't believe what happened today" I said and told her the whole story

She stood still watching me.

Kavi, say something. Don't you think I did the right thing. He deserves it" I said boldly but inside I was worried that I have messed up with him.

"You did the wrong thing. I told you not to mess with those rich spoilt brats. Laksh Maheshwari never spared anyone who blocks his ways

Especially pretty girls like you" she said and I swallowed the lump in my throat

Just because he played with other girls he can't play with me.

Why should I be scared of that idiot

"Who cares" I said hiding my fear

"Okay,now just be away from me" Kavi advised and I nodded


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