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"Sanskar."Only one word escaped from my mouth.

I stood still while he came and hugged me.

"I missed you so much". He said while I slowly hugged him back. "I missed you too". I whispered.

I broke the hug and looked at him.

"You look....... Dull?What happened? Any problem?"He questioned.

Should I tell him?
No, it will lead to even more problems.
I will tell him later.

"Nothing.Just tired."I said.

"How was the wedding ? "I asked before he could ask any more questions.

"Oh that! Long story.I really enjoyed it. Come, let's discuss it over the cafeteria. I am hungry."He said and I smiled.

He placed his arm on my shoulder and we made our way towards the cafeteria.

I don't know why but I felt very protective and safe under him.

I felt relieved and happy after a long time.

You have no idea how much I missed you Sanky. I thought.

Swara's pov

I yelled a frustrated sigh as the books fell one by one from the book shelf.

I was about to take but a hand landed on it. I looked up.
He took the books one by one and got up.

"You should be careful in library." Uv said and I nodded and took the books from him.

"Thanks."I said but he walked out without saying anything.

I took the books I needed for today and before I could settle myself to read I saw kavii and mahir smiling and chatting with each other.

But as I neared my way towards them, I noticed they were not chatting happily, but they were arguing over something.

"Hi kavi."I said and they stopped arguing and stared at me.

From their expressions they were somewhat not happy.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Nothing.This guy is following me and I am telling him to stay away from me."kavi said and glared at him.

I kept silent not knowing what to say.

"That's not the matter.I am just trying to be friendly with her." Mahir said.

"I think you should try to be friendly with him kari."I said.

As far as I knew Mahir was very friendly guy compared to other bulls in this college.

She rolled her eyes at my comment.

"I will think about that."She said and I smiled.

Other person's pov

Laksh and his gang entered the class.

Girls looked at laksh and tried to grab his attention but he totally ignored them, his eyes set only on one girl that is ragini but she is too focused on Sanskar that she is not paying any attention to laksh.

She is not scared as Sanskar is in her side right now.

Some boys got jealous seeing them as they know the whole class attention will be on them.

Mahir waved at kavi but she faked smiled at him.

Swara, went and sat beside Sanskar. She smiled genuinely at him and he returned. She was about to ask something but he turned away.

Raginis pov

"Hey guys."I heard a voice.
I looked up to see Rajat smiling and waved at us.

Rajat is college's most famous Rockstar.
Every girl drools over him, but I think he is not interested in love or commitment.

"Raj." Sanskar said and almost fell on him by hugging him.

They both laughed at each other.

"Hey, Sanskar this weekend I am hosting a party in my house. You should come OK?"He asked.

"I love parties."Sanskar said beaming with delight.

"Ragini and kavi even you are coming and not to forget swara"He said.

"But......."Before I could protest he cut me off.

"No buts all four are coming."He said and left.

"Please Ragini, you will enjoy, I am sure."Sanskar said with pleading eyes.

" Please Ragini."Shraddha said pouting.

Raj is famous Rockstar in our college and he is very rich. So definitely, the party will be filled with rich spoilt brats and not to forget laksh's gang.

I hate this parties but I will have to go for the sake of Sanskar and Swara.

I looked myself in the mirror and admired myself.

I wore a black dress which ended up in my mid thighs

I did a little bit of makeup to my face.

My mobile buzzed with a message from Sanskar.

"Waiting outside your house. Come soon".

I was nervous and excited at the same time as I am going to the party with Sanskar.

I walked outside to Sanskar waiting for me. I went to him and hugged him.

Sanskar's pov
I was waiting for her since past 20 minutes.

I don't know why girls take so much time to get ready.

I was lost in thoughts when I saw ragini approaching towards me with a smile on her face.

She was looking gorgeous as ever. I couldn't take my eyes of her.

Now, I can say the wait for worth it.

She came towards me and hugged me.

"You are looking so gorgeous ". I muttered in her ear and her cheeks turned red instantly.

" Come on, let's go ". She said. But I stood there like a rock still my eyes on her.

" You can stare at me later, now can me move?" She said and I smiled.

Today will be the best day.

Ragini's pov

We arrived at the party in about half an hour.

The house was the brightest thing in the neighborhood.

We could hear the music from outside.

Sanskar held my hand tightly and we walked inside.

Everyone was either dancing, talking or both.

Rajat came towards us with a drink in his hand.
Raj hugged Sanskar and kissed my hand in a gentleman's way.

I wondered whether Saky was jealous.

"Enjoy the party ragini."He said and turned towards Sanky to talk.

One thing I noticed about Raj is he is a good boy even though he is rich he is not a beast like other people like laksh and the party is a bit decent and I have started to like here.

I turned around to notice any familiar faces.

I then saw uv and Mahir standing near the corner with some guys surrounding them.

But I couldn't see laksh.

Where is laksh? Question pooped in my head.

Why am I thinking about him? I pushed his thoughts aside and felt glad thinking laksh is not here today.
Thank God!

I was lost in thoughts that I didn't notice Sanskar was staring at me.
He held his hand "Shall we dance"?He asked.

I was about to tell yes but suddenly yesterday's incident with laksh flashed in my mind making me feel guilty and upset all of a sudden.

"Sanskar, I need to tell you something."I said.
I don't want to hide things from him.

"Not now later.Now will you?"He asked extending his hand.

I couldn't say no.

"Yes."I said and my face instantly heated up as I held his hand.

Sanskar guided me towards the dance floor where several people were already dancing Sanky looked deep into my eyes as he reached for my other hand.

He bought me close, his hand reached my waist and I guided my hand around his neck.

(Offo! - 2 States)

" Ready?"He asked and we swayed to the music and got lost on the dance floor.

I looked around to see Swara and kavi waving at me. I smiled at them.

" You know, you should look at me when you are dancing. "He said.

I looked up at him. He was looking at me intensely. I smiled at him.

Kavi's pov

" This is soo good. "I said to Swara who was busy searching for someone.

"Who the hell are you searching for?"
She looked at me and her eyes wandered here and there again.

"Where is Sanskar?" She asked.

"Oh! Don't you see the couples dancing and enjoying themselves. Look over there". I pointed towards them.

Ragini looked at us and smiled.

"Wanna dance? "

I looked behind to see Mahir standing beside me.

He was looking somewhat handsome in his attire.

" When did you come? "I asked looking towards the people to see whether I will spot any familiar faces.

" I came when you were busy waving at Sanskar". He said.

I wanted to correct him I was waving at Ragini and not at Sanskar but I let it be.

"Wanna dance?"He asked and I looked at him surprised.

" I mean, I know....... you are bored and even I am bored here. I...... I heard...... You like dancing...... So why don't you give..... a try..... with me?"He asked.

I chuckled.

" Nice try. But no."I replied and turned away.

Other person's POV

Ragini danced with Sanskar enjoying the sensation. She was lost in her own world that she didn't realize pair of eyes dangerously watching her.

Laksh's pov
I watched ragini dancing happily with someone. My eyes got stick to her like a magnet.

I don't know why but my blood suddenly boiled seeing her dancing so happily with some one like that.

I controlled the urge to go and grab that moron and throw him aside.

I clenched my fist and continued staring at her.

"Laksh, what happened?"uv asked.

"Nothing."I said still watching her.

"Are you upset over something?"He asked.

"Nothing."I said turning to him.
Seeing my anger state, he sighed and went away.

I turned back only to see her missing.
My eyes wandering in all directions only then I saw her climbing up the stairs,alone.

I took up the chance and followed her.

Raginis pov

Me and Sanskar were distracted by Kavi.

"I can't find Swara anywhere. "She said confusing me for a second.

" Just a while ago, she was here with you."I said.

"Can you look out for her? She seems upset for some reason."kavi said.

" She will be here somewhere, don't worry."Sanska said.

Kavi still looked worried.

"Fine. I will go and check upstairs."I said and made my way upstairs.

I saw many rooms up there. I went inside one of the room to find no one.
I sighed.

I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around and gasped.

"Looking for me?"He asked.
Swara's pov

I sat in a corner not quite interested in this party. I was very much excited earlier and now I don't know why I am feeling quite bored.

I saw uv and Mahir approaching towards me.

They came and sat beside me.

"Hey." Uv said.

I smiled wondering why they are here?
"Are you not enjoying here?"uv  asked.

" Yes...... I am. "I said.

" Where is you best friend kavitha?" Mahir asked.

I knew he would ask the same thing.
"I don't know."I replied honestly.

He was about to say something but kavi came.

"You are here ragini went looking for you."She said.

" Why?"I asked.

"I didn't find you anywhere so I asked her to look out for you,now go and tell her."She said.

"OK. I will go and see."I said and left the place.

Laksh's pov
I saw her tensed as she saw me.
"Looking for me?"I asked.

She didn't reply.
I checked her. She was looking very hot in her dress.

" You are looking so ho....... beautiful today."I said and I moved closer towards her.

She stood still not moving.

"Good to see you here. "I said.

I moved even closer towards her face. Our lips only inches apart

"Why......"She stammered.

Finally her little brain processed everything and she started reacting.

She moved to the right. I mirrored her movement. She moved to the left and again I mirrored her movement.

She went back and her back reached the wall.
"Wait."I said and looked at her lips.
I felt an urge to kiss her lips again.

" Ragini."Someone yelled behind me. She pushed me and went towards Swara.

I shot a death glare to Swara.If she hadn't disturbed us her lips would have been mine today.

" Swara, where were you? I was searching for you only."She said and looked at me and at Swara.

" Come, let's go."She said and dragged Ragini out. Before going out Ragini turned back and looked at me.

I smirked.She turned and went out.

This is not over yet, ragini.

Ragini's pov

"What were you both alone doing there? Was he troubling you?" Swara asked.

" I don't know."I said.
How can I answer her when I myself don't know the answer.

I spotted Sanskar talking with Rajat.
I went to up and patted on his shoulder.

It's high time I tell him everything.
He turned towards me.

I was about to say but he spoke before I could utter a word.

"Ragini. Just five minutes. I will be back."He said and went with rajat.

I sighed.
"Why are you upset? "I heard a familiar voice behind.
It was laksh.

" Nothing."I replied and turned around.

He stared at me for some time and turned his head away crossing his arms over his chest.

I wanted to go way but strangely a part of me felt to stay.

"Who is he?"He asked suddenly.

" Who?"

"The one who was dancing with you." He said and I looked at him shocked.
Did he see that?

"Did you see? "I couldn't help but ask.

"How can I take my eyes of with such a pretty face like you."He said and my face heated up at his statement.

"You didn't answer my question."He said.

None your business. I wanted to tell but "My boyfriend Sanskar."I replied.

"Boyfriend."He said gritting his teeth and I looked into his eyes only to regret and he was killing me with those glares and his hand formed into a ball.

"Since when?"He questioned again.

My mind was filled with confusion at his weird behavior.

" Why are you bothered and why the hell are you behind me?"I spat back at him.

" Watch how you speak with me or else....... "He said and stopped.

"Or else what?"I asked.
He smirked again and came closer towards me his hand went on my waist and bought his mouth closer towards my ear.

"You really don't want you boy friend to know about our kiss. Will you?"He whispered making my heart thumping in my chest for his statement.

I felt very tensed and suddenly I was afraid of him.

" You..... are..... not doing..... it."I said even though I knew the answer.
I didn't kiss him I wanted to tell him.

" Of course.I can. You have no right to stop me. "He said smirking.
I then realized his hand was still on my waist.

I pushed his hand away and my face heated up due to anger.

"Why are you doing this?"I asked finally.

"What do you want?"I asked.

He chuckled and went away totally ignoring my questions.

laksh's pov

I walked away without answering any of ragini's questions.

How can I answer when I myself don't know the answer.

I turned around to see Ragini happily chatting with her boyfriend.
Why am I being jealous?

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my friends rajat and uv.

"Where were you? We were looking for you? "Uv asked.

"Are you listening? "He asked again.

" Yeah."I said for once diverting my mind away from ragini.

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