Chapter 2

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     "Okay. Dahyun, right?" You asked her and she hummed a yes.

     "I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself and held out a hand.

     She seems to be a little scared and you can see that her mind is debating whether to shake your hand or not. She's still petrified of Stacey.  You thought to yourself.

     "Don't worry, Stacey isn't here." You kindly assured her. This was enough to encourage her. She took your hand and you had a handshake.

     You felt her soft hand touching yours. Because of this, your heart started beating faster and you don't know why. Your hands were trembling, and sweat popped out of your face.

     "Uhmm... Y/N, what's the matter?" She asked. Her voice is filled with concern and it made your heart beat even faster. "Nothing." You said with a smile. "Shall we?" You asked and she nodded as a response.

     You started touring her around the school and explained about the places. She just remained silent while you were talking and she just looked at you in her pokerface. You thought that she wasn't the typical kind of girl in your school that usually gets hyper or switches on her fangirling mode when they are with you. She was just silent. Silent and expressionless.

     You got tired and you told Dahyun that you wanted to take a rest so you both sat down on the bench near the cafeteria. You left Dahyun for a while and then you came back with cola drinks for the both of you. You gave her one of those drinks you bought.

     "Uhmm... thanks, Y/N. It's really getting hot in here." She said. She fanned her face and smiled at you. You smiled back. But this smile is different...

Dahyun's POV

     I can say that Y/N is a nice person. He gave me a can of cola and it's perfect since the weather is so hot.

     I took a sip of my cola and looked at the view. It's so a esthetic. I think my parents transferred me to the right school.

     To my surprise, Y/N put an arm around me and asked, "Enjoying the view?" I then nodded as a response.

     I took another sip of my cola. Y/N also sipped his but afterwards, he threw an empty can away. 

     He stood up and said, "Uhmm... Dahyun, we're not yet done. Let's go back to the uhmm... orientation. You can continue drinking while walking through the corridors."

    Y/N continued the orientation while I drink the cola. After a which, we wens back to the classroom.

     "You're quick." The teacher said. "Just in time for the activity."

     Stacey stared at me like I was dirt as I passed by her on my way to my seat. I smoothed my skirt and sat down.

      "Your activity is this. Get a piece of paper on top and pass the rest to the people behind you. This is a list of clubs. All you have to do is to write your name and encircle the club which you think best suits you. And hand them over to me." Mrs. James said and gave the people in front some sheets.

     We abided by the instructions, get the paper on top and pass the rest to the people behind. After I got my sheet, my eyes scanned the page and looked for a club. I had a hard time since I was new, but the moment I saw journalism, I encircled it at once.

     After 20 minutes, it's recess time so Mrs James dismissed us. I picked up my purse and was about to leave when Stacey blocked my way.

     "What do you want?" I asked frigidly.

     She laughed evilly. "What do I want? Oh, Kim Dahyun, you're just new so don't raise your head up high. Y/N is mine, so please WOULD YOU STOP FLIRTING WITH HIM?"

     "What are you saying? I'm not trying to flirt with him." I defended myself. She slapped my right cheek.

     "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You even have the nerve to answer back, huh?" She pulled my hair and I screamed in pain.  "Well, sweetie, next time, learn to respect a Stacey Parker!" She let go of my hair and was about to slap me again when a hand stopped her. I looked behind me and saw two girls.

     "Stop it, Stacey. You're getting too possessive. You can't claim that she's stealing Y/N if you can't prove that she has interest in him." The girl holding Stacey's wrist said.

     "Yeah. Olivia's right. And don't expect to earn respect if you don't show that you are worth to be respected. " another girl said and grabbed my arm. "Let's go."

     Stacey looked so cross. She jerked her arm and screamed, "Let me go!" She gave me a dirty look and left the classroom. 

     The three of us left the classroom and went to the cafeteria.

     After buying food, one of the girls asked, "You're Dahyun, right?" I nodded as a response. "Well its nice meeting a beautiful girl like you. My real name is Son Hyejoo but they know me as Olivia Hye, therefore they call me Olivia. I am the class beadle." She introduced herself.

     "And I'm Choi Yerim, just call me Choerry. I am the vice president." Another girl introduced.

     "Uhmm... thank you for saving me from Stacey. Her slap really hurts." I laid my palm on my right cheek. "And my scalp hurts as well. Anyways, what is with that Y/N that Stacey is crazy about? That she even gets so possessive and accuses me of stealing him. I don't even have an interest on that guy."

     Both Olivia and Choerry bursted into laughter. "Oh, Dahyun. Y/N is a playboy. He had dated a lot of girls so far. Stacey is his current girlfriend and she is so scared to lose Y/N. That's why she's being possessive and doubtful." Olivia narrated.

"Ah... okay." I said. Now I know.


     You stared blankly at the air while drinking a punch.

     Stacey waved her hand around your eyes. "Hello? Y/ N! Why aren't you paying attention to your beautiful girlfriend, huh?" She said and gave you a dubious look.

    "Oh, sorry." You said and looked at her.

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