𝒙𝒊𝒗. 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔

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𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏; 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆;
❛ 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝒀 𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯 ❜ ↷ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅
❝ 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 ❞

"Fucking bitch." Gabriella swore the second she jumped into the driver's seat of the rover. Luna decided to reject the flame and with that, decided to secretly drug them and then put them back on the boat so they couldn't come back, "And to think I defended her."

Bellamy nodded in agreement, sighing from his place outside as he looked at the battery of the rover that was currently charging and then told everyone, "Rover is almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be home soon."

"Then what?" Clarke huffed, "Run away?"

Bellamy rolled his eyes and rested his hand on the door for the passenger's seat and looked over it to give her a deadpan look, "We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others, and find another way to defeat ── "

"There is no other way. We need to find a nightblood. We need to unlock the flame. It's the only way to stop ALIE." Clarke exclaimed.

Gabriella glared at her through the window and moved her head through the window, yelling back, "Then I'll guess we are just going to die bullshitting our way through this war too since there's clearly no other way. So suck it up, Princess, and start fucking packing."

"Yeah, what do you expect us to do Clarke?" Jasper asked, leaning against the hood of the rover ( something Gabriella would usually scold him for if she had the energy to ), "Walk into random villages asking for their nightbloods?"

"If that's what it takes." Clarke shot back easily, her words causing Gabriella to roll her eyes and get out of the rover.

She gave the fellow blonde a glare and snapped, "No, Clarke. There are no more fucking nightbloods. You have to get over that and start thinking of new plans because there's clearly nothing we can do that has anything to do with the flame or anyone becoming Commander."

"If ALIE can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere." Octavia chimed in, giving Clarke a bored look, "I won't help you destroy another innocent grounder village."

"If we don't find a nightblood, there won't be any grounder villages or a home for us to go back to."

"Well boo-hoo." Wells snapped, clearly getting annoyed by her whining too, "You just have to accept that the world is ending and there's nothing we can fucking do about it. If you want to be helpful then start thinking of rational plans and stop with the nightblood bullshit."

Clarke stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds, before storming off into the woods, her temper tantrum resulting in Gabriella and Jasper rolling their eyes almost simultaneously.

"She'll be fine." the latter dismissed in a bored tone after seeing the regret flash across Wells' face, "Just let her cool off."


Gabriella rolled her eyes when she looked away from the rover battery and towards Wells, who was glaring at the ground, probably kicking himself down for the way he treated Clarke and she wasn't even surprised.

Clarke was Wells' lifeline since his mother died and that happened five years ago. He started losing his temper with her a lot and she really couldn't blame him for doing so and for feeling guilty about it. His loyalty made him rethink everything he ever did and Gabriella really wished she could make him stop doing that but it was his default setting; guilt tripping himself.

She let out an annoyed huff and climbed out of the rover, "Get out of here, Charming. We're about to head back to Arkadia and she still isn't back so if you aren't going to help us pack, at least do something useful."

Her words made him snap out of his gaze and he looked at her in surprise. He hesitated before nodding and making his way towards the woods, following the same trial Clarke left in.

None of them expect Wells and Clarke to come back carrying a huge ass grounder and dragging him towards the rover with his feet.

"Who the hell is that?" Bellamy asked, pushing himself off the side of the rover and towards the two of them.

Wells shook his head, "Just help me put him into the rover."

Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows but still helped him in. Gabriella watched the faintly familiar grounder being placed into the rover and then turned to Clarke in disbelief, repeating Bellamy's unanswered question.

"Who the hell is that?"

Clarke sighed, removing her gaze from Wells and frowning, "Roan. The king of Ice Nation."

"King of Ice Nation?" Gabriella gaped at her, "As in Alina's brother?"

"Half brother." Wells chimed in as he jumped out of the rover.

Shaking her head, Clarke looked between them with a serious look on her face, "It doesn't matter who he is. We need him."

"Need him for what?" the Hastings asked her with furrowed eyes, confused at how Alina's older half brother could have anything to do with stopping ALIE and unless he was a nightblood, she wasn't sure how he could do that.

And judging by Clarke's next words, she had no idea either, "I don't know yet."

Bellamy squinted at her, his annoyance obvious, "You don't know yet?"

"Yeah." Clarke swallowed, nodding and jumping into the rover, ignoring their confused stares.

"She doesn't know yet." Gabriella scoffed under her breath, rolling her eyes and walking towards the left side of the rover and getting inside, starting the engine and waiting for the others to get in too.


Gabriella was happy to see everyone was still safe when they arrived at Arkadia and there wasn't an ALIE attack while they were gone.

"Glad you made it back." Monty said when they started getting out of the rover, his eyes moving from Gabriella and towards Jasper, clearly in a much better mood than he was when they left a few days ago.

Jasper stood there, looking at him in silence before surprising both of them by wrapping his arms around Monty and hugging him. Monty stood frozen for a couple of moments before relaxing and hugging him back.

They whispered something to each other but Gabriella couldn't hear them. She looked away from them with a small smile on her face and her eyes connected with Bellamy's almost immediately.

"He's doing better?" he asked and he didn't even need to say who he was talking about, she already knew.

She smiled slightly and nodded, "I think he is."

"Good." Bellamy nodded to himself, a small smile finding a way to his freckle filled face. They both knew how much Jasper struggled. They were two of the three people that experienced the way he battled his demons firsthand. He even often took it out on them with hurtful words or a weak slap thrown Bellamy's way but all of them tried not to take it to heart. Monty however was Jasper's own personal punching bag because he had no idea how to stand up for himself against the people he loved and often had people like Philip or Gabriella do it for him.

"We were getting worried." Raven smiled, walking into a room. She looked a lot better than she did when they left. Her dark circles weren't as visible and she didn't look that tired or stressed.

Still Gabriella saw a small strain in her smile. It was barely visible but she could see the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. Something wasn't right.

Everyone could see the way Raven's face fell as she looked around the group and then asked them, "Where's Luna?"

"Luna said no." Octavia told her with a frown as Wells roughly pulled a handcuffed, gagged and annoyed Roan out of the rover, Bellamy soon coming to his aid and helping him hold the king in place.

Raven frowned and shared a worried look with Monty.

"Who the hell is this?" Harper asked, warily eying Roan.

Bryan's eyes widened and realization flashed across his face, along with an emotion Gabriella was entirely unfamiliar with, having never privately talked to the boy, "He's Ice Nation."

"King of the Ice Nation, actually." Clarke corrected her, her words causing Wells and Gabriella to roll their eyes, "And he's our way into Polis."

Ah, yes, Clarke's brilliant plan. They had to get into Polis ( aka the capital of the thirteen clans if you don't already know that ) that's also filled with chipped grounders and Skaikru people that are just waiting to kick their asses, take away their identity and all memories they had of them, turning them into practically zombies that did anything the hallucination of a dead scientist's doppelganger in a red dress told them to.

"Let's go, your highness." Bellamy said in a snarky tone, pulling on Roan's forearm and then turning to Philip and Miller, "You two, on me. We'll take him to lockup."

The two boys shared a short look before nodding and following after a scowling Bellamy and Wells. The reason the two hated the Ice Nation king wasn't a secret to anyone. He's the guy that gave Gabriella a head injury and stabbed Wells in the leg when they tried to rescue Clarke.

"You want to use him to get to Ontari?" Raven asked Clarke with furrowed eyebrows making Gabriella's jaw clench in annoyance.

Clarke nodded, oblivious to Gabriella's annoyance, "Yes."

"Okay why am I only finding out about this Ontari girl now?" Gabriella exclaimed, squinting between Raven and Clarke, "Because as far as I knew Luna was the last nightblood and now she suddenly isn't. I thought that the only reason you tried to force her to take the chip was because you had no other choice." she spat towards Clarke accusingly, "But no. Clarke Griffin was just taking the easy way."

"I was trying to do what was best for us." Clarke shot back, her eyes filled with a little anger, "Like I always do but that doesn't seem to be something you understand."

Gabriella stared at her in disbelief, closing and opening her mouth to try and figure out what to say but having no idea what. Well there were a billion things she could say to her. How she was the person there the entire time 𝘩𝘦𝘳 people were recovering from Mount Weather while she was also trying to do the same. How she was the person that stopped Bellamy ( 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 former co leader ) from making the biggest mistake in her life and then helped him take down Pike and free Arkadia. This whole time it was them. Not Clarke, but Gabriella and Bellamy.

She could have gone on a five minute rant if she wanted to but the presence of all these people in the garage made her snap her mouth shut, her jaw clenching painfully hard and her nails digging into the skin of her palm not strong enough to draw blood but enough to keep her grounder.

"What happened to his arm?" Harper questioned, breaking the small staredown the two blondes were having.

The corner of Jasper's lips tugged into a barely there smirk and his eyes filled with amusement as he announced, "Wells shot him."

Everyone's eyebrows shot up in surprise at his words. Monty blinked in surprise before deadpanning, "Good luck with getting him to cooperate."


Gabriella allowed Bellamy to drag her over to lockup where Clarke and Wells were already waiting outside, getting up as soon as they saw them approach.

She didn't think she could handle being in the same room as Clarke right now after the comment she made earlier but she wanted to be there when they talked to Roan. She hated to be the person that had no idea what was going on.

The four of them stepped inside the cell, finding Roan sitting on the bench with his elbows resting on his knees. He raised a pointed eyebrow at Wells and blinked in an almost unimpressed manner that actually made Gabriella just a tiny bit amused despite her frustration at the Griffin in the room.

She pursed her lips and elbowed Wells in the side, giving him a pointed look in the process, clearly realizing Roan was waiting for an apology.

Wells clenched his jaw before clearing his throat, his voice coming out bored and uninterested, "Sorry about shooting you. I thought payback would have been nice for almost getting me and my friend killed."

Gabriella's eyebrows raised in surprise and she saw the way he subtly flinched when her eyes moved back to him and she faintly smirked. 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥.

Roan squinted his eyes, not seeming that satisfied but then shrugging, "Makes us even."

"Like it or not, we need each other." Clarke told Roan firmly.

"Cut to the chase, Clarke." Roan cut her off, clearly having as little patience as Gabriella did, "You said we wanted the same thing. I want an Ice Nation Commander."

"And I can give you one." Clarke stated, pulling out the container that contained the flame, "With this."

Roan furrowed his eyebrows, "And why would you do that when you know she's vowed to wipe you out?"

"Because someone will do it before she even gets a hold of the flame if you don't help us." Gabriella chimed in before Clarke could say anything, "It's either her or ALIE. Either way, Skaikru ends up dead but if we take down ALIE at least we won't be taking the other clans with us. This isn't just our war. It's yours too. You just don't know you're fighting it. The only way we can stop ALIE is to get the info off the flame by putting it into a nightblood's head. In this case, the nightblood is Ontari and you're the only one that can get us to her."

"The Ice Nation isn't afraid." Roan stated although his statement wasn't so confident.

Bellamy narrowed his eyes, "You should be. This thing doesn't care what clan you're from. It controls people and it will take over Ice Nation just like it took us over, one person at a time until there is no one left."

"And who knows?" Gabriella shrugged, looking down at her nails and picking dirt from under them before looking back at the king, "Maybe they already got to Azgeda while we're here wasting oxygen by fighting."

Roan stared between them in thought and Clarke swallowed before saying.

"It already has Ontari."


"I'm listening."

They were all relieved at Roan agreeing and Clarke took over and explained everything again, "We need to disconnect her before she gets the flame, or we'll be giving ALIE exactly what she wants. To do that, we have to abduct her from the center of a city filled with thousands of people whose minds are linked, all of them thinking as one. Whatever one sees they all see. Whatever one hears they all hear."

Roan nodded, "I get it." he got to his feet, "So when do we leave?"


"Knockout gas. Mount Weather's finest." Miller told Gabriella and Bellamy while putting the gas bottles in a bag in the back of the rover, "As soon as they bring Ontari out, we put them to sleep."

"Great." Gabriella nodded with a small smile of approval while Bellamy patted Miller's shoulder. Everyone in the room turned to the doorway when Raven stepped inside and explained.

"Because she's chipped you'll have to EMP her like you did me before you give her the flame." she handed Gabriella all the stuff Sinclair used to take the chip out of Raven.

Jasper frowned thoughtfully, "I thought Jaha destroyed all the wristbands."

"So did he." Raven said with a small smirk, "Then I came home. There's only enough usable parts to rebuild one, so use it wisely." she gave Gabriella a side glance, "I made a few improvements too."

While Gabriella's lips tugged into an almost excited smile, Clarke shook her head, "None of which is going to matter if you can't get us access to ALIE's code."

Raven narrowed her eyes at her, "You worry about the nightblood. I'll worry about ALIE."

"How can you access a code that doesn't exist here anymore?" Wells asked her curiously.

"We got a plan." Monty told him, sharing a look with Raven.

Octavia walked into the room with Roan by her side, looking between them, "What are we waiting for?"

Bellamy looked at his sister for a couple of seconds and then looked around, yelling out, "Let's move out."

They were just going on another stupid mission to save their people but this time, Gabriella wasn't so sure everyone was going to make it out alive. So she hugged everyone that was staying goodbye. Starting from Raven, Monty and Jasper and ending with Philip and Harper.

After that, she got into the rover and drove straight towards Polis. She just hoped Clarke's plan was going to work.


"There it is." Clarke said, leaning between Gabriella and Bellamy from the backseat, "We stop here."

Gabriella bit her bottom lip and then parked there, turning off the engine and only keeping the lights on.

Clarke was the first to jump out of the rover, everyone else following behind her. When she stopped, Gabriella could see a clear view of the big tower in Polis.

"Alright this is where we split up." Roan started, the ease in his voice almost making Gabriella's scoff, "The entrance to the tunnel is right over there."

Wells was the one to openly roll his eyes, "We know where it is."

Roan barely blinked in his direction because he was focusing on Clarke, "I'm gonna need the flame." seeing her hesitation, he continued, "Look this only works if they send Ontari out to get it. If they don't see it, they won't do that, not much of a trap without the bait."

Clarke made a point of sharing a look with Wells, who was too busy looking at the floor with furrowed eyebrows thoughtfully to look back at her. Then she looked at Bellamy, who simply shrugged and then at Gabriella who sighed and bit the inside of her cheek before saying.

"I mean he has a point." she pointed out with a small shrug and Clarke swallowed before taking out the flame and reluctantly handing it to Roan.

"Fine." she sighed in defeat, "But I'm coming with you."

Gabriella squinted and rubbed the side of her forehead, "Clarke that's not a great idea. You're just gonna get yourself killed by doing something stupid and then we'll have another thing to worry about."

"Yeah, that was not the plan." Wells agreed quickly, shaking his head.

"It is now." Clarke told him, and once his face flashed with annoyance, she added, "I'm not letting that out of my sight," then she turned back to Roan, "and I'm the only one who knows the passphrase, so you can tell them that without me, Ontari can't ascend."

The Hastings girl huffed under her breath, knowing how stubborn and stupid Clarke could get in situations like this.

Roan was quiet for a few moments before he said, "You'll need to look like my prisoner."

"Okay." Clarke easily agreed but Wells wasn't having it and quickly chimed in.

"Hold on." he scoffed and gave Roan a dismissive look, "Give us a second."

The Ice Nation king stared him down for a moment, looking completely unimpressed, the looked Wells easily mirrored and their short staring contest ended with Roan shaking his head and walking away from then and towards the rover.

Wells immediately turned to Clarke in confusion, "What the hell are you thinking? Just tell him the passphrase and let him go in alone. You can't seriously be willing to trust that guy with your life."

Bellamy huffed in an awkward manner, clearly as uncomfortable as Gabriella was with standing in the middle of them. The only thing that hasn't left them to talk on their own was because Wells only asked Roan to leave and they weren't about to leave with him to be on babysitting duty for a grown ass adult man.

"No . . . " Clarke trailed off, staring at Roan over Bellamy's shoulder for a couple of seconds before looking back at Wells, "But you'll be covering me the entire time." her eyes drifted from him towards Gabriella and Bellamy, "And I trust 𝘺𝘰𝘶."

That seemed to be enough for Wells since he nodded and gave her a small weak smile in return. Gabriella on the other hand, was left a little speechless at her words, not expecting for Clarke to still trust her after everything. Especially after all the shit she told her and the things she responded with. She didn't think their relationship could be mended or if she could ever actually forgive her for leaving multiple times but she could see that Clarke was at least willing to try.


"Move, move, move." Bellamy rushed them, while they were sneaking through the tunnels to get into the tower in Polis without ALIE catching them, "Come on, let's go."

Gabriella rolled his eyes but quickened her pace when Bellamy placed his free hand on her lower back while gripping his rifle in the other hand.

"All right, this way." she called over her shoulder, clearing her throat.

They reached the grates and Gabriella immediately rushed to try and looked through the glass on top of the wall but it was blurry so she couldn't see anything.

Bellamy walked behind her, doing the same, "This is it." he turned to Miller and Bryan, "Get these graters opened."

The two nodded and he turned to look between his sister, Gabriella and Wells, "Let's get ready."

Gabriella nodded, taking out her knife and using the back of it to break the glass, ignoring the look Wells gave her pointing her rifle through it so she could look outside.

"Are we ever gonna be done fighting?" Bryan asked Miller as they put bullets in different rifles.

"Hell yes." Miller told his boyfriend with a small confident smirk, "We're gonna build a house on a lake and you're gonna plant corn."

Bryan laughed under his breath and added, "And raise chickens."

"And grow old." Miller said, looking at him softly.

The two of them chuckled between themselves, staring into each other's eyes lovingly and Gabriella felt a small smile tug at her lips. Neither of them had any idea if that was even going to be possible but it was nice to see someone have a little hope around here. Even if it was a little unrealistic.

She looked at Bellamy out of the corner of her eye, hoping to be subtle and not expecting him to already be looking at her with an unreadable expression on his face.

They stared at each other, neither saying one word and completely oblivious to Octavia and Wells simultaneously rolling their eyes. The latter snorted under his breath but turned serious when he caught sight of Clarke and Roan walking in the street and called over his shoulder with his eyes still glued to them through his rifle, "Eleven o'clock."

Bellamy and Gabriella snapped their attention towards them too and the former filled in the couple and Octavia about what they didn't know, "Roan will signal when he sees Ontari. We wait until she's standing in front of them and when we launch the gas."

Bryan took out the gas bottles and looked up at them from his spot on the floor, "They're gonna be holding their breath," he threw one of them at Octavia, "so we gotta move fast."

"Anyone who gets in our way, we use nonlethal force." Bellamy ordered, his words leaving zero room for argument, "These people are not the enemy. They're being controlled. The only thing we're here to kill is ALIE. Is that clear?"

"Clear." his sister responded easily, her eyes solemnly set on Clarke and Roan outside.

Miller nodded, "Clear."

Gabriella watched as Roan gave Clarke a subtle nod and then Clarke's eyes connected with her own. It was barely visible but it was there which meant Ontari was coming out.

"I am Roan, King of Azgeda," Roan yelled out, "and I have what the Commander seeks."

He raised the flame up in the air for everyone to see and the chipped people around them rose from their kneeling positions, walking towards them at a dangerously slow pace.

Roan said something else but none of them were able to hear him because he wasn't yelling anymore but it didn't seem to phase the people around him. As a response, Jaha was the one to come out of the tower with his chin raised high and a neutral expression on his face.

Gabriella saw Wells stiffen in the corner of her eye and resisted the urge to ask him if he was okay, instead choosing to solemnly focus on the scene in front of them.

"It's Jaha." Bellamy said to those who weren't looking, his eyebrows furrowed.

Octavia blinked in surprise, her head tilted, "What the hell is he doing here?"

"You see Ontari?" Miller asked and Gabriella immediately shook her head.

"No. Hold the gas."

"Something is wrong." Bellamy noted when Roan slowly lowered his hand that was holding the flame down.

Next second, the king was holding a knife to Clarke's throat and looking at Jaha in a threatening manner.

"Do it." Wells told Miller hurriedly, "Now."

They were about to listen to him, when every single one of them was tackled from behind. Gabriella's rifle was forced out of her hands and she was pinned against the wall, someone holding her hands bound behind her back.

She looked around the room out of the corner of her eye, seeing everyone in the same position as she was.

They were fucked.


They were all dragged towards an empty dark hallway, forced to kneel down on the floor with their hands bound behind their backs.

The chipped Arkadia guards were beating them up one by one. They started with Wells, then Bryan and now moved on to Miller. Just as one of them landed a harsh punch on his jaw, he stopped and furrowed his eyebrows before turning to the others.

"Let's go. She wants Wells."

Two guards lifted him up from his kneeling position and Gabriella immediately tried to get back on her feet, "Where the hell are you taking him?"

In response, a guard threw a punch to her stomach, making her wince. Bellamy's jaw and fists clenched, his glare protective and heated, "Don't touch her."

Wells glared at the guy who hit her, "Leave her alone! I'm going." he turned towards the blonde and gave her a reassuring nod, "I'm gonna be fine."

Gabriella couldn't do anything besides fight the guard's firm grip as they dragged Wells away, only stopping when a familiar voice rang through the hallway.

"You know, if I were you, I'd hit the deck."

The guard lifted his flashlight to the dark part of the hallway, revealing a dirt covered John Murphy standing there with a lazy smirk on his face.

"Murphy?" Wells muttered in surprise at the same time as Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows and whispered under her breath in pure disbelief.


Bellamy did not stay focused on Murphy too long because he soon saw Pike and Indra standing behind him in the shadows with their weapons raised and turned to everyone with wide eyes, "Everyone hit the floor."

Gabriella didn't have time to react before she was practically throwing herself on the floor and away from the guard holding her and seconds later, gunshots rang through the hallway and the guard dropped dead on the floor.

"Fancy meeting you here." Murphy slowly walked towards Gabriella. He offered her a hand to get up but she only glared at him and got to her feet on her own.

"More will come." Indra announced knowingly, "We have to hurry." she turned to Gabriella with furrowed eyebrows, using her knife to cut through the rope bounding her wrists together, before moving towards Octavia.

"What the hell are you doing here?" the blonde immediately turned back towards Murphy with a heated glare.

In response, he rolled his eyes, "You are welcome." he turned around towards the others, giving a beaten up Miller a sarcastic smile, "Nathan, you've looked better."

Miller rolled his eyes but allowed him to help him up, grunting in pain, "You haven't."

It didn't take long before Octavia caught sight of Pike and then turned to give Indra an accusing look, "You're with Pike?"

"The only way we get out of here is together." her former mentor told her.

Octavia's eyebrows furrowed, "But he killed Lincoln, put him on his knees, shot him in the head.

The look on Indra's face turned stone cold, obviously just hearing the news for the first time and immediately turned to glare at Pike.

"O," Bellamy sighed, "Indra is right. We need every fighter we can get."

"You guys missed the part where it's time to go?" Murphy chimed in, a backpack thrown over his shoulder now.

Gabriella clenched her jaw, glaring at him again and deadpanning, "We aren't leaving."

Her ex boyfriend let out a humorless laugh, "We just saved your asses and you're going to die if you stay here longer."

"Clarke is in trouble." Wells announced, as annoyed by his presence as Gabriella was.

"Clarke's always in trouble." Murphy shot back without missing a beat.

Bellamy sighed and informed him, "They took her and the flame to the tower. It's a safe bet Ontari is there too. Everything we need to stop ALIE is in the same place."

"Alina could be there too." Wells added, crossing his arms over his chest.

Octavia shook her head, "If we go up that tower we won't be able to fight our way out again."

"If we stop ALIE, we won't have to." Bellamy stated and Pike was the first to react, sighing and passing Bellamy a small gun.

"Up tower." Murphy chirped sarcastically, "Great. You know after this doing the right thing and saving the girl can kiss my ass."


Half an hour later, they all split up. Octavia, Miller and Bryan went one way with Indra and Pike who were pushing the elevator to the throne room while Gabriella, Bellamy and Wells were going to the throne room with Murphy.

Which meant Gabriella was now stuck in an elevator with her ex boyfriend, her new sorta boyfriend and Wells who was currently trying to get to his two girlfriends while also awkwardly fourth wheeling if that was even a thing.

"You get that we're screwed right?" Murphy interrupted the awkward silence, his words making the other tree roll their eyes but he ignored them and continued, "ALIE already knows that we're coming."

"Woah, John." Gabriella spoke with a sarcastic smile, "How we all just missed your constant negativity and terrible sense of humor."

"Why are you even here?" Bellamy asked him with narrowed eyes.

"I'm just trying to survive." Murphy shrugged, avoiding their gaze and looking at the floor of the elevator. Eventually he looked down to see Gabriella avoiding looking at him while Wells and Bellamy were giving him knowing looks so he rolled his eyes and said, "You're not the only one trying to save someone you care about."

Gabriella could feel his gaze burning a hole at the side of her head but still kept her eyes locked on the door, refusing to give him the satisfaction of even looking back at him. She was planning on spending the rest of her probably short life without having to look at his face ever again and him showing up again was just throwing her off and making her overthink literally everything that was going on right now.

All four of them froze and snapped their heads towards the top of the elevator when it stopped moving completely.

𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬. 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬. 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬.

"Well, that's not good." Murphy noted.

"No shit, John."

Their gazes moved towards the elevator doors when they heard noise coming from the other side. Bellamy subconsciously moved to stand closer to Gabriella, shielding a part of his body with his own while raising his gun in the air, "They're coming in."

"Murphy, get the baton ready." Wells yelled, moving to try and stop whoever was on the other side from opening the doors while Bellamy and Gabriella were aiming their guns at the door, ready to shoot. Despite Wells' best efforts, someone got close to coming in so he called over his shoulder, "Someone shock him or shoot him."

Gabriella was getting ready to shoot but Murphy brushed past her and towards the small gap on the door, shocking everyone that tried to get in while Wells was trying to close the doors.

"Give me the gun." Gabriella told Bellamy, who looked at her in confusion.


"Help him close the door." she hissed back and reluctantly he gave her the gun, left her side and joined them at the door just in time for one of the people to drag Wells out of the elevator. Bellamy punched the guy and pulled Wells back inside. The three of them kicked off all the grounders and Skaikru people and the elevator finally started moving. One grounder managed to jump inside, tackling Murphy to the ground as the doors closed and starting to choke him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Gabriella cursed, putting one of the guns in her pocket and shooting the grounder with the other one. The bullet went straight into his head, making him fall off of Murphy and onto the floor.

The Hastings stared at him silently, a little afraid of how quick she was to shoot him without even thinking about it. When she recovered she avoided Wells and Bellamy's gazes and looked at Murphy, "Get up."

Murphy swallowed but got to his feet, looking down at her softly, "Thanks."

As expected, she completely ignored him and moved to the other side of the elevator, staying quiet until they reached the top floor.

a/n: yall are gonna hate me for the next chapter lol

I know gabi snapping at clarke all the time is getting a bit annoying but it's part of the process ( sorta )

just a little reminder that I'll be muting people that aggressively pm me/comment about who she ends up with or I'll purposely change the ending so she doesn't end up with either because the people that pm me telling me she "needs" to end up with murphy are starting to get really annoying and I already blocked them

it's also kinda funny how some people have the audacity to never once interact with the story unless it's to criticise me or to tell me what to do with my own book

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