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There is no place where Taeyong would rather be. He is perfectly happy where he is.

Wrapped in Jaehyun's tight embrace, beneath the blankets of what is now their bed.

He is home.

The older stares at the sleeping younger as he smiles softly to himself. He keeps forgetting how beautiful Jaehyun is when he is sleeping peacefully.

It's truly a beautiful sight to see.

Just as Taeyong goes to kiss his lover on the nose, the alarm begins to go off.

The younger is quick to move his arm to turn it off. The arm soon takes it place on Taeyong's waist again.

"Morning Jae" Taeyong leans forward to place a peck on his lips.

"Good morning Lee Taeyong" Jaehyun smiles sweetly as he slowly opens his eyes.

The pair just hold each other's gaze for a few moments, taking in how stunning each look with their bed hair and he dried drool around their lips.

That's when Jaehyun notices he dark circles which have formed under Taeyong's eyes.

"What are these?" His gaze fills with concern as he gently drags his thumb across he bags.

Self consciously, Taeyong pushes his hand away and frowns. "It's nothing."

"Come on" Jaehyun sits up pulls the older into a seated position beside him. "Are you okay?"

"I haven't slept well for the past two nights. That's all" Taeyong tries to brush it off but the doctor knows better.

"He's in Thailand Taeyong. He's been there for four months now."

Taeyong shakes his head softly, the younger places his hands on either shoulder and meets his gaze once more.

"Is it about your father? Lisa?"

"I'd prefer not to talk about it now, Dr Jung" Taeyong speaks softly but firm.

"I love you" Jaehyun kisses the top of his head gently.

"I love you too" Taeyong manages to smile briefly as Jaehyun gets out of the bed.

"We have to go to work. Are you showering with me or nah?"

"Just give me one moment and I'll be in there" Taeyong states. The doctor nods and heads to the bathroom.

Once alone, the older pulls his fingers through his hair as he takes a few deep breaths.

One down side about dating a psychologist, you can never hide when you are struggling.

"This guy called Taekwon wants to see Jaehyun but he is assigned to Taeil." Yuta explains as he places a file on Taeyong's desk.

"Apparently he was transferred to Taeil from Jaehyun after Dr Jung assessed him and decided that he wasn't sick enough to require his treatment."

Taeyong opens the file and scowls at the person who is inside. He has a history of anxiety and OCD.

"Can doctors transfer patients as simple as that?" The older asks his friend who just shrugs.

"A little birdie told me that this Taekwon guy went to school with Jaehyun. He blames him for his anxiety and always threatened to harm him so Jaehyun transferred him to save his skin."

This makes Taeyong shiver. A patient who has a dangerous past with his boyfriend wants to come back.

Like hell thats going to happen.

"Well I'll call him and tell him to stick with our buddy, Taeil."

"Be careful. Apparently he's good at twisting situations to trap you before ripping you apart" Yuta warns before walking back to his desk.

Taeyong searches for the phone number in the file and keys it into the phone on the desk which is connected to his headset.

Recently he was promoted to just work on Jaehyun's schedule, with his patients.

It's actually harder then before. A lot of people request to see Jaehyun because of his well known name.

But only those on the most severe cases get in.

Taeyong has to sort through them and decide who goes through the door with Jaehyun's name printed on the front.

The phone is answered within four rings.

"Hello?" The person on the other end sounds extremely annoyed already.

"Hi, is this Kim Taekwon that I'm speaking to?" Taeyong remains calm and polite.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"My name is Taeyong. I work at the clinic where you have requested to have a session with Dr Jung."

"I see. Are you calling to book my appointment?"

Taeyong turns to his desktop and opens Taeil's schedule.

"Your appointment with Dr Moon, yes."

"Dr Moon? I want to see Dr Jung. I don't want to see Dr Moon ever again. He does nothing for me." The voice begins to grow angry.

"Mr Kim, I have to ask you to calm down. Your request to have a session with Dr Jung has been declined. You need to make an appointment with Dr Moon."

"Don't 'Mr Kim' me you piece of shit. Why can't I see the doctor who I requested? What kind of clinic is this?!"

"My files tell me that you were transferred from Dr Jung because of legal causes. So I'm afraid I can't allow you to have a session with him."

"Well your files are wrong. I never did anything to that man! He just transferred me without explaining! As soon as I told him about the death of my parents he transferred me."

Taeyong pulls out his phone and brings up Jaehyun's contact. The doctor isn't seeing any clients at the moment.

He quickly types and sends a message asking for Jaehyun to come out.

"I'm sure that isn't the full case now if you'd just—" He is cut off by Taekwon.

"No! I'm not going to do anything that you want me to do! You won't help me! Your job is to help me and you can't even do that! I reckon your single. I reckon you were cheated on you know. You sound like the kind who would be easily screwed over."

Taeyong finds himself pausing at the last statement. He can't bring himself to speak.

Someone takes the headset from him. He looks to see Jaehyun placing it on his own head.

"Kim Taekwon, this is Dr Jung. I'll schedule your appointment with Dr Moon at 12pm in three days time. Thank you" He speaks quickly and hangs up the phone.

Placing the headset back on the desk he turns his attention back to the older.

"Are you okay?"

Taeyong nods slowly as he stands from his chair slowly.
"I need some air."

He takes off to the elevator and manages to get in just before Jaehyun can follow.

Once he is out on the main street, he finds a place on the wall where he can just lean against it.

He starts to hyperventilate as he tries to calm himself.

This is a daily process for Taeyong. A certain string of words or even a image will trigger this response.

Jaehyun warned him this would happen for quite awhile and told him to stay away from work for awhile but Taeyong couldn't bare the idea of being home all the time.

"Hey" Jaehyun calms softly as he gently raises both hands to caress the older's cheeks.


Taeyong holds the younger's gaze as he slows his breathing.

"That's it" Jaehyun exclaims and steps forward, kissing him.

"Do you need to go home?"

"I'm fine. Just a small attack. I'll be fine" Taeyong assures him.

"Let's go back inside, okay?" He grabs his hand and slowly leads the older back into the clinic.

They get back to his desk and Jaehyun pulls out the chair for his boyfriend.

"Just call or text me if you need me. I don't have a patient for another twenty minutes." He tells him before heading back to his office.

Taeyong takes a deep breath through his mouth as he turns to his desktop.

A new email flashes at the top of his screen. Clicking on it, he feels himself feeling as though he can't breathe.

It's from Jaehyun's Aunt. His mother died a month ago now. Apparently it's been an absolute mess in America, where she lived.

His Aunt says his attendance is necessary to help go through the will and her belongings.

She wants Jaehyun to go to America for four weeks.

A/N - so after quite a bit of thought, i decided to make a sequel for Good Thing. I hope you all look forward to it and enjoyed this chapter :)

thanks for reading!!

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