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Taeyong thought the day would never end. He knew he had to talk to Jaehyun about Ten.

He didn't want to.

He was scared about Ten coming back. He couldn't help but think that his ex would try to seperate him and Jae.

He shouldn't be afraid of this but he is.

Especially with Jae going away as Ten is coming back. He won't have his boyfriend to protect him.

Taeyong has never been good when it comes to confronting others.

"Are you ready to leave?" Jaehyun asks as he comes out of his office.

Taeyong quickly closes the file and smiles at the doctor.

"I'll meet you in the lobby, there are a few things I have to take care of first."

Jaehyun nods without question and heads over to the elevator.

The older opens the file and reads over the details once more. He can either shove it it his draw and shred it later or place it in Jae's desk and talk to him about it.

It's hard to know which decision is the right one.

Taking a deep breath, he picks up the file and takes it into Jae's office.

He places it on the desk and hurries to the elevator. Arriving on the ground floor, Jaehyun stands right outside the elevator doors.

"Are you okay?" The younger asks as he gently places his hand on Taeyong's lower back.

"Fine" The older shrugs off his concern as they leave the clinic.

The pair just maintain a small talk between the two of them as they head home.

Once they get there, Taeyong goes to wash his face. By this stage Jaehyun is concerned.

His boyfriend is too quiet. Especially considering how he is leaving for a week tomorrow.

"Come here" Jaehyun extends his hand as he stands in front of the couch.

Taeyong walks over to him and takes his hand gently. Jaehyun sits down pulling the older to sit beside him.

"Talk to me."

"I have something to talk with you about" Taeyong states, his voice low.

"Go on" Jaehyun does his best to sound gentle. He knows Taeyong well enough to know he will shut down at any moment is he makes a mistake with his words.

"Ten is coming back to Korea and he needs a psych. Yuta has passed him onto you."

Jaehyun wasn't expecting to hear that. He is shocked to say the least.

He just stares at Taeyong with a blank gaze as he tries to think of how to respond.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I think you should see him." The older says.

"Is that what you really want?" The doctor's tone is thick in the younger's voice.

It annoys Taeyong but he decides that it isn't worth getting angry about. Especially as it's his last night here.

"You can't decline patients because of me. I shouldn't interfere with that. Ten genuinely needs to see a psychologist and he needs you. Who am I to decline him of that?"

Jaehyun frowns before leaning over to press his lips to the soft skin of the older's temple.

"I just don't want you to fall apart as soon as he comes back. I'm worried about you, Tae."

Taeyong smiles softly as he caresses the doctor's jaw.

"I'll be okay. At the end of the day, you're coming home to me. As long as you are then I'll be fine."

Grinning, Jaehyun grabs the older by the waist and moves him so he straddles him.

Taeyong initiates the kiss. The younger rolls his hips up into the older who gasps into his mouth.

"Care to give me a goodbye gift?" Jaehyun queries and Taeyong answers by kissing him again.

Just as Jaehyun begins to undo the buttons on the older's shirt, his phone rings loudly across the room.

Taeyong is instantly turned off by this. Sighing, he pulls himself away from the younger and goes to grab his phone.

"It's your Aunt" He states as he throws the device at his boyfriend.

Jaehyun catches it before swiping to answer it.

"Hello? No it isn't a bad time" The doctor lies as he stands from the couch.

Gently he pats Taeyong's shoulder as he walks past him and into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Awkwardly, the older just stands in the lounge room with his arms wrapped around himself.

Looking around, he tries to think of how he is going to cope being in this apartment with someone who isn't his Jae.

It's going to be difficult. But it's only a week. He can do it. He has to prove to Jae that he can do it.

Taking two steps, he jumps onto the couch and picks up the remote. Turning on a drama he just watches it quietly as he waits for the younger to get off the phone.

He gets through two episodes and Jaehyun is still in the bedroom.

Turning off the TV again, Taeyong heads to the closed door. He places his ear against it and just looks confused as he hears no sounds coming through the wood.

Gently he opens it and just sighs at what he sees.

Jaehyun is lying on top of the blankets, still in his work clothes and has fallen asleep.

His phone has been tossed onto the floor.

Smiling at how cute his boyfriend is, Taeyong walks over and gently shakes his shoulder to wake him up.

"Is it morning already?" Jaehyun groans as he rubs his eyes with his palms.

"It's late, get under the blankets you'll freeze" Taeyong chuckles softly as the younger fumbles around until he is beneath the blankets.

"Come here" He pats the space beside him.

Taeyong shakes his head as he crawls into the space.

Jaehyun pulls up the blankets so they are both covered before pulling the older into his tight embrace.

"I'm going to call you every hour. Okay?" He mumbles causing the older to smile to himself.

"I wish."

"Your wish is my command" Jaehyun's voice becomes hoarse as he slowly falls asleep.

Soon soft snores emit from his mouth. Taeyong is still wide awake as he stares at the sleeping man before him.

Quietly he speaks his greatest concern, knowing the doctor can't hear him.

"What if I do something stupid while your gone? I'm scared I'll get hurt Jae, I don't think rationally without you."

The younger stops snoring causing Taeyong to have a mini heart attack as he thinks that he was heard.

But then Jaehyun just sniffs before snoring softly again.

Eventually, the older manages to settle in the younger's embrace and manages to fall asleep himself.

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