Chapter 29 - You Trust Him Blindly!

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"Do you wish that we didn't happen, Fiza? So you could've been free to be with the man you were meant to be with?" Alan finally voiced the question that had been gnawing at him from within.

"Alan..." Fiza began, her voice tinged with hesitation and uncertainty. She searched for the right words. She loved Alan deeply, but his words were stirring a whirlwind of emotions within her.

Faisal, too, had a place in her heart - a place she had never fully acknowledged until now. The possibility of what might have been had she not met Alan first was a haunting thought she had suppressed.

But she knew for certain though that she loved Alan and she couldn't imagine being with anyone else but him. She simply belonged to him and he to her.

"You and I, Alan," Fiza said with a touch of emotion. "We are the only thing real in this world. You are mine and I am yours. The rest of it is all distraction. Just noise. I've told you this before."

"Yes, you have," Alan replied, his tone reflecting a mix of doubt and introspection. "But what if I am the distraction in your love story?" His restlessness grew, causing him to shift between pacing, sitting, and standing as he grappled with his thoughts.

Fiza gently reached out, grasping his right hand with both of hers, her gaze meeting his. "Look at the truth, Alan. We are in this together. Maybe in an alternate reality, without you, I could have settled for Faisal and a steady, comfortable existence. But you're here, and I chose you. I love the highs and endure the lows. I love you deeply. Doesn't that trump everything else?"

Alan locked eyes with her, a mixture of contemplation and vulnerability in his gaze. "I think you should give him a chance."

Confusion crossed Fiza's face. "What do you mean?"

"I think you should date him for a bit," Alan explained, his tone surprisingly calm. "See if there's something more between you two. Maybe even kiss him. Explore if there's something there..."

"Have you gone mad?" Fiza exclaimed, a mixture of shock and confusion painting her features.

Alan's gaze remained steady as he spoke, his words surprisingly resolute. "I'm okay if you want to kiss him. See if you feel anything. Just let it out. If you realize that you want to be with him, I'll respect your decision and step aside. Otherwise, I promise I won't bring it up again."

Despite his inner turmoil, he acknowledged that Fiza deserved a chance at happiness. He loved her enough to let her go if that's what she truly wanted.

Fiza's eyes widened, a hint of disbelief clouding her expression. She hesitated before speaking, her voice wavering slightly. "You're crazy." She shook her head, a tinge of suspicion creeping in. "Unless..." Could Alan be using this as an excuse to push her away?

She recalled Aarthi's words, "We experimented a lot," the weight of insecurity settling in. Perhaps she was just too plain for him, overshadowed by his extensive experiences. He had shared intimacy with numerous girls, ones who likely knew how to satisfy him in ways she couldn't fathom.

Unshed tears welled up in her eyes, driven by the fear that she could never measure up. She convinced herself he was growing weary of her.

Curiosity etched Alan's expression as he regarded her, noting her sudden silence and vacant stare at the pony wall that divided his space from Faisal's.

What was going through her mind? Anxious uncertainty gripped him, his heart racing at the thought of Fiza's choice. What if she took his suggestion and dated Faisal. What if she chose him? Even if she decided not to choose Faisal, would their relationship ever be the same after that? How would they navigate the aftermath?

Regret washed over him for even suggesting such a thing.

"Do you..." Fiza's voice faltered. Less than an hour ago, they had crossed a threshold of intimacy that had shattered her boundaries. She had never imagined exposing herself that way to anyone, ever, but she had, to him. Her mind raced with thoughts - had she failed to satisfy him? The realization that he was suggesting she try things with someone else was like a dagger to her heart. She fought back the tears, her gaze dropping to avoid his penetrating stare.

"Yeah, give it a shot, go on a date with him," Alan's voice was a blend of reassurance and vulnerability. "Maybe kiss him and see where things go. I won't hold it against you." He spoke softly, the turmoil within him evident. "I've had experiences with others before being with you. It's only fair that you have the chance too."

Maybe she was with him, he thought, because she hadn't been with anyone else. Her happiness was his priority. He would give anything to see her the way she was when they were in college. The way she still was with Faisal.

Fiza's disbelief was palpable. Did he truly want her to seek more experiences? Could he really expect her to consider such a thing? She shook her head, her voice a whisper. "I can't..."

"Alright, then. Just go out with him, have an open conversation, as if I'm not in the picture, and let things unfold naturally," he suggested, his words a mix of sadness and dread. He silently wished she would decline, hoping that she would choose him due to genuine feelings, not any sense of obligation.

"Okay..." Fiza's response was barely audible, her voice carrying a heavy weight.

Alan's world seemed to be falling apart. His heart raced, a wild mix of emotions coursing through him. He found it hard to believe that she had actually agreed. The fact that she wasn't even looking at him amplified his inner turmoil.

Fiza, on her part, simply wished he would drop the subject. She yearned for him to shift the conversation away from this relentless fixation on Faisal. She had a solid connection with Faisal, having spent countless hours together during the pandemic and continuing their friendship afterward. Going on a date with him was something she had no intention of doing.

During their second year, Fiza had found herself spending more waking hours with Faisal due to Alan's demanding schedule. It wasn't lost on her that, were it not for Alan's presence, she might have gravitated towards Faisal. He seemed to fulfill all the criteria on her checklist.

However, having experienced the depths of love and passion with Alan, she was no longer willing to settle for anything less. While Faisal might represent a safe and comfortable option, he could never evoke the same intense passion that Alan did - a feeling she wasn't willing to compromise on.

After a prolonged silence, she finally suggested, "Do you feel like taking a walk?"

His gaze turned piercing, his eyes narrowing. "I'm exhausted. Why don't you go for a walk with Faisal?" He knew he wasn't being fair. He had said he wouldn't hold it against her but he was already feeling betrayed by her decision to move forwards with this.

"What is going on with you?" Fiza's patience snapped, her frustration taking over. She rose from her seat, her anger fueling her words. "If you want to end things, have the courage to break up with me directly. Don't dance around it by suggesting I date someone else!" Her eyes shot daggers at him, a mix of anger and hurt in her gaze.

"That's not what I meant," Alan responded, taken aback by her sudden outburst.

But Fiza wasn't finished, her words rushing out before he could respond.

"If I wanted to be with Faisal, I would be with him. I'm not, because I don't want to be, alright?" Her voice escalated to a shout now, frustration and emotions bubbling over.

Alan simply stared at her. He couldn't believe they were arguing. He had only been trying to show understanding, prioritizing her happiness above his own feelings. Couldn't she see how hard this was for him? Didn't she see how much he loved her?

"Aargh!" Fiza's frustrated exclamation echoed through the room as she stomped her foot, annoyed by his silence. Swiftly, she put on her kurti over her slip and tugged up her leggings, determined to leave.

"Where are you going, Fiza?" Alan's voice held a hint of concern, anxiety lacing his words as he watched the situation escalate.

"To hunt down Faisal, of course!" Fiza retorted sarcastically, her tone laden with irritation as she swung open the door, only to collide directly with Faisal.

Faisal instinctively caught her, his hands steadying her. His bewilderment was palpable; he couldn't fathom why she was about to go looking for him. What had transpired in his absence?

"Fiz, it's late. Can we just call it a night?" Alan's voice was tinged with pleading, his desperation evident.

But Fiza's eyes bore into him before she turned her attention to Faisal.

"You wanted to talk, right? Let's head out and have that talk," Fiza declared, her expression determined.

Fiza found herself in a tricky situation now. Walking alone with Faisal, her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She was upset by how he had inserted himself into her world, by his persistent pursuit despite her heart belonging to Alan.

They walked in silence, Faisal sneaking occasional glances her way. He couldn't shake the image of her from his thoughts - her cascading wavy hair, the sheen on her lips, the gentle curves beneath the lavender slip, and the pendant hanging from his chain around her neck.

He couldn't escape the memories of what had transpired afterwords. "Where are we headed?" he inquired, attempting to break the silence.

However, she continued walking ahead without even sparing him a glance.

Eventually, they arrived at a bench, and Fiza sat down, her breath a little unsteady.

Faisal settled beside her, concern evident in his voice as he asked, "Fiza, are you okay?" His words were gentle, laced with genuine worry.

"No, I'm not. Why do you keep meddling in my relationship?" Fiza's gaze met his, the fire in her eyes replaced by a sense of vulnerability.

"I care about you," Faisal responded, determined to express his perspective. Though she gave him a skeptical look, he pressed on. "He got you pregnant and cheated on you."

His words struck her like a blow, the accusation echoing in her mind. "Not once, but twice," Faisal continued, his eyes searching for a connection in hers, a mutual understanding.

"He didn't cheat," Fiza murmured softly, defending Alan. She had been through this before, defending him from similar accusations.

"You're turning a blind eye then! You trust him blindly. He's barely ever in his room, even when he's not on call. Where do you think he disappears to?" Faisal's voice was heavy with emotion, his frustration evident.

"You're lying," she whispered, her voice shaking. Her loyalty to Alan was unwavering, and she refused to accept these allegations. She believed in him; she had to.

"This isn't something new, Fiza. I've heard things about him. You must have too. There was a girl, Mownika, in your class, who he..." Faisal began, only to be cut off by Fiza.

"I know about Mownika," Fiza interjected, her voice a mixture of resignation and understanding. Mownika was a girl from Alan's past, someone he had a casual relationship with during their first year of college.

"He was into drugs, and he... he engaged in things with her that you wouldn't even be able to imagine," Faisal continued, his tone heavy with accusation.

Fiza felt her heart drop, a sense of unease settling over her. She didn't want to hear any more of this. Alan's past was his own, and it had no relevance to their current relationship.

"Fiza, I want you to step away from this situation before you end up getting seriously hurt. Someone like him... he's not the type to settle for a normal, steady life. He'll eventually grow tired of it," Faisal persisted.

Fiza's gaze averted, her emotions swirling inside her. She didn't want to listen to this, to have her deepest fears voiced by Faisal.

"Fiza, I heard you," Faisal whispered gently, his tone filled with sincerity.

She met his gaze, her surprise evident. She blushed as she realized that he must have heard her moans, her loss of control, the sounds and words that had only been meant for Alan.

He took her hands in his, his eyes holding hers. "I heard the fear in your voice when you begged him not to hurt you."

He leaned in, his touch tracing her cheek softly, his intention clear.

Fiza closed her eyes briefly, her emotions a whirlwind. But she pulled away, ending the moment abruptly.

"You know what happened to your aunt," Faisal stated slowly.

Fiza regretted revealing her personal history to him.

He continued, "It's easy to forgive someone you're in love with, to overlook their flaws. She didn't realize it until it was too late. Don't let that happen to you." His voice was tender, his eyes reflecting genuine concern and worry for her well-being.

"Alan would never hurt me," Fiza declared, her words firm. However, even as she spoke, a lingering doubt clouded her mind. She recalled the night in Agumbe when he had aggressively entered her. Although he had stopped as soon as she had confronted him, the memory still haunted her.

Could she truly believe that such a thing would never happen again?

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Author's note

Is love passion or is love comfort?
Where do you draw the lines in a passionate relationship?
Should Fiza give Faisal a chance?

Let me know what you are thinking.

Please vote and comment!

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