Chapter 5 - PGY1

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Fiza and Alan were finally done with their NEET PG exams. They felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. Though they believed they had done reasonably well, the anticipation of the results tormented them.

As Fiza packed up her belongings, she marveled at how much she had accumulated over the years.

Alan arrived at the hostel to help her load the suitcases into his car.

During the car ride, Alan tried to sound casual as he asked, "When will I see you again?" But his voice betrayed the strong emotions he was trying to hold back.

Fiza sensed his turmoil and replied, "I'll be back from vacation in about ten days. By then, we should have the NEET results, and we can..." Her words trailed off as Alan pulled over to the side of the road.

Confused, she asked, "Alan, what are you doing?"
The traffic was heavy, and she worried about making it to the airport in time.

But before she could say more, Alan broke down in tears. Fiza had seen him with tears in his eyes before, but this was different - he was crying, truly crying.

Tentatively, she reached out to him, rubbing his back gently, and whispered, "Alan, I'm not leaving you. We have forever together." Yet, even as she spoke those words, she couldn't block out the uncertainty that loomed over their future.

Looking up at her with red eyes, Alan's emotions were raw. "It's over, Fiza. I can feel it," he confessed, his voice quivering. "I don't think..."

Fear gripped her heart. "Are you breaking up with me, Alan?" she asked, her shock and disbelief evident.

"No, no, of course not," he replied hastily, as if the very thought pained him. "I just have a bad feeling, and I can't shake it off."

Her heart ached for him, and she knew she needed to reassure him. With a gentle smile, she said, "Alan, look at me. I'm yours. I'm forever yours."

As they reached the airport, reality sank in that the moment of parting had arrived.

Alan helped Fiza with her luggage, but his touch lingered as if he wanted to hold onto her a moment longer. When he finally embraced her, it was a tight, desperate hug that conveyed all the emotions they couldn't put into words.

Fiza's heart clenched, and tears welled up in her eyes. She could barely breathe, not only from the tightness of the hug but from the overwhelming emotions swirling within her.

When they pulled away from each other, she felt a sense of loss, as if a piece of her heart was being left behind. She tried to smile through her tears, but it was bittersweet.

"I'll miss you, Alan," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

He turned away, unable to watch her leave, unable to contain the tears that were threatening to spill. The pain of separation was too much to bear, and he needed to gather himself before he completely broke down in front of her.

But as he walked away, he couldn't help but glance back one last time, memorizing every detail of her, knowing that this image of her would be etched in his mind until they were together again.

Fiza watched him walk away, feeling a profound ache in her heart. She wished she could stay, wished she could hold onto him and never let go. But life had other plans for them, and for now, they had to part ways.

As she boarded the plane and looked out the window, she thought about the countless memories they had created together. The laughter, the tears, the dreams they had shared -  it all played like a movie in her mind. The love they had for each other was undeniable, and she clung to that love, knowing that it would be their anchor during this time apart.

During her vacation, Fiza confided in her sister, Farzana.

"I'm scared, Farz, scared of not securing a PG seat, and even more afraid that if I do, it'll be far away from Alan."

Farzana, true to her carefree nature, chuckled at her sister's worries. "Being scared won't alter the outcome, Fiza. Live in the present, enjoy this vacation, and when the results of your entrance test arrive, then you can think about this. Let this be a stress-free time for you."

Fiza probed into her sister's love life. "What's happening between you and Fahad?" she nudged Farzana gently.

"Meh!" Farzana replied with a hint of nonchalance. "I don't know how we would make it work if we weren't living together and if I weren't earning."

Intrigued, Fiza sought further clarification. "What do you mean?"

Her sister's gaze turned wistful as she revealed, "He's engrossed in his cardiothoracic PG, and he only comes home at night. I don't know if this is the life I really want."

Shocked by her sister's unexpected revelation, Fiza couldn't fathom how Farzana could detach herself so effortlessly and move on from one relationship to another. She had assumed Fahad was a significant part of her sister's life, but now she questioned the depth of their connection.

Quick to clarify, Farzana added, "No, no, I'm not going to end things with him. He's fun to be around when he's available. It's just that he's constantly busy, and I'm starting to question if this is the life I want for myself. I want a partner with whom I can have fun and travel, not one whose presence feels sporadic and mundane."

Fiza rolled her eyes, realizing that Farzana was just putting on act and was deeply attached to Fahad.

As she contemplated her future with Alan, she couldn't help but wonder if they would face similar trials amidst their demanding schedules.

When they got home from the trip, NEET results were out. Both Fiza and Alan had done well. Fiza went to Bangalore for her counselling with her parents.

"You should take a government seat," advised her father. However, pediatrics was in high demand and all the government seats that were available were in remote places.

With the counseling process finally concluded, Fiza found herself assigned to a prestigious hospital in Mangalore for her pediatrics training, while Alan secured a spot in Orthopedic Surgery at Manipal.

As the news sank in, a mix of relief and apprehension swelled in Fiza's heart. While she had achieved her dream of securing a seat in pediatrics, the reality of the distance between her and Alan loomed over her.

"It's just an hour," Alan reassured her, trying to offer comfort amidst their newfound situation. "I can visit you every weekend! This is literally the best case scenario."

She settled into the girl's hostel, sharing a room with her roommate, Bharti, a first-year postgraduate specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. Bharti was intelligent and sweet, but her introverted nature left Fiza feeling disconnected. It was different from the connection she had shared with her close friend Shahana during their time in medical college.

Fiza and Alan realized the importance of staying connected despite the distance, so they synchronized their calendars to have access to each other's schedules and shared locations on 'find my friend'

However, to their dismay, they soon discovered that their demanding training programs left them with very limited time off, making it difficult to plan visits to see each other.

In the first month of their separation, Fiza's schedule was filled with outpatient clinics during most mornings, followed by intense hospital duties in the evenings. The long hours left her physically and emotionally exhausted, but her passion for pediatrics kept her going. While she missed Alan deeply, she found comfort in the knowledge that they were both pursuing their dreams and growing in their respective fields.

Meanwhile, Alan's days were equally filled with surgical rotations and lectures. His orthopedic surgery training demanded unwavering focus and dedication, leaving little room for personal time. Yet, he remained determined to be there for Fiza, even if it was just through their nightly phone calls.

They would talk until they fell asleep, and it was usually Fiza who dozed off first, her quiet breathing a comfort to Alan as he listened on the other end.

"Fiza, why do you stay on the phone with me if you are just going to sleep?" Alan, asked one night, chuckling as Fiza had dozed off for a few seconds while they were on facetime.

"You make me feel calm, Alan. I just feel happy and safe when I talk to you," Fiza mumbled, her eyes just slits as she tried to block the light from the phone.

A few minutes later, she was asleep and Alan as always, listened to her breathing for a few minutes before hanging up.

Their post-graduate training brought its own challenges and responsibilities, but Fiza found herself immersed in the hospital environment once again. While juggling patients and studies, she discovered a keen interest in developmental disorders and behavioral science. This newfound passion drove her to spend her free time researching and studying more on the subject.

"Alan, were you hyperactive as a kid?" Fiza asked one day, curiosity evident in her voice.

"What are you diagnosing me with today?" Alan chuckled playfully.

"Today, I think you have ADHD," Fiza replied with a smile.

Alan scratched his head, humor in his eyes. "Yeah, possible," he conceded, teasingly accepting her playful diagnosis.

"I'm serious," Fiza continued. "You are so impulsive and easily distracted!"

"Do you know what I think you have?" Alan asked with a mischievous grin. "OCNS."

"I'm not asking you what that is," Fiza rolled her eyes, playfully humoring him.

"Obsessive Compulsive Nerdiness Syndrome," Alan quipped, laughing at his own joke.

"That doesn't even make sense," Fiza retorted, pretending to be unamused.

"And point proven," Alan chuckled, enjoying their banter and the easy connection they shared.

It was during the second month of her rotation when Fiza was posted in the pediatric wards, that she crossed paths with Faisal.


Authors note

Drum roll!!!
Enter Faisal. Please pay close attention yo this dude.

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