Chapter 55 - Still the One

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Afterward, they decided to change into comfortable clothes, but Alan couldn't help but notice Fiza's slight limp as she walked with her legs slightly apart. He couldn't resist a playful smirk, until he saw the worry in her eyes.

"I can't go outside like this. I can't walk." She blushed.

He reassured her, "Don't worry, Fiz. Just stay behind me and sit quickly."

Dinner consisted of Thai takeout, a delightful treat ordered by Alan's parents via Swiggy. As they savored the rich flavors of red curry and fragrant basil fried rice, Alan's father broached a serious topic with Fiza.

"You need to inform your family about the marriage," he advised, his tone earnest. "Once they are on board, we can plan the reception. It would make things much smoother for all of us."

Fiza nodded, promising to make the call soon.

However, beneath the table, she felt Alan's hand inching upwards on her thigh. Her body was still tingling from their earlier activities, and his touch made goosebumps erupt on her skin. She bit her lip as her body stilled and her breath caught, her attention consumed by Alan's sensuous exploration.

Alan's mother, curious about Fiza's sudden change in demeanor, asked, "Are you okay, Fiza?"

Fiza nodded in response, her focus solely on Alan's tantalizing touch that continued to roam her thigh beneath the table.

Summoning a deep, shaky breath, Fiza decided to intervene. She discreetly stamped on Alan's foot, causing him to wince and swiftly withdraw his hand.

Alan's mother, witnessing the exchange, shook her head knowingly, sensing that something had transpired beneath the table.

After dinner, Fiza decided to give her parents a call. She shot a stern warning at Alan as he circled his arms around her, while she prepared for the Facetime call. "Don't try anything while I'm on the phone with them!"

Alan chuckled, his desire for her barely contained. He nodded, understanding the importance of the moment but struggled to keep his hands to himself. The fact that she was finally his, completely and unequivocally, was almost too much for him to handle. He craved her touch relentlessly.

As the phone began to ring, he couldn't resist leaning in to kiss her neck, pulling her close.

Fiza gasped in response and swatted his hand away.

He gazed at her with longing and said, "I just want to be close to you. I feel like I could just live inside of you and be content."

Fiza narrowed her eyes at his suggestive comment. "I'm sure, you psycho. No more touching until bedtime," she warned with a playful tone.

Alan couldn't resist a mischievous grin as he teased, "Oh, and then round three?"

Fiza's response surprised him as she winked and replied, "Maybe," causing him to chuckle in delight at her playful response.

Lock or no lock, they were not going to sleep tonight, he decided.

Her mother's face finally appeared on the screen, her eyes widened at the sight of Alan, standing close to Fiza. She recognized instantly that they were back together, and she waited for Fiza to confirm her suspicions.

"Mamma, I met Alan at our reunion," Fiza began, her voice trembling with nervousness. "He has been getting... help... for his impulse control issues." She chose not to disclose the extent of Alan's PTSD, wanting to protect his privacy. "He still loves me, and I still love him."

Her mother, perceptive and aware of the late hour, waited patiently. She understood what it meant, to find Fiza and Alan clearly together in what appeared to be his room.

Then, Fiza dropped the bombshell. "We got married today," she confessed, anxiety coursing through her as she awaited her mother's response.

Her mother was shocked, struggling to find the right words. This was beyond what she had suspected. After a moment, she composed herself and asked, "Are you happy, Fiza? Is he treating you well?"

Fiza's relief was palpable as she answered, "Yes, mamma. I am happier than I've been in years. Alan is the only person I can see as my husband, and it's always been like that. It feels so good to finally make it official."

A genuine smile crossed her mother's face, mirroring Fiza's own. "I'm happy for you, Fiza, but I wish it didn't have to be this way," her mother sighed, her love and concern evident. "Please, Fiza, just promise me that if things don't go well in your marriage, you will tell me. We will help you work things out. We will never try and force anything on you again. We just want youto be happy."

Fiza sensed the lingering doubts her family held regarding Alan. She felt compelled to address their concerns.

"Yes, mamma. I am not Fiza ammai, and Alan is not Ronald Chitappan," she reassured her mother, her voice carrying a tinge of sadness. She paused for a moment before continuing, "Please tell pappa about this. I can't... deal with him."

Her mother gazed at her with a mix of understanding and pain, her heart aching at the strained relationship between her husband and their daughter. She had tried to persuade him against conducting the marriage with Faisal, but her pleas had fallen on deaf ears. She had watched him suffer in regret, carrying the weight of not only what he had done to his daughter but also for going against his own principles.

Her mother knew the role her husband had played in convincing his parents to allow his sister to marry her husband when they had been opposed to it. She understood how he had held himself responsible for her sister's death, and this irrational protectiveness had extended to Fiza.

With a deep sigh, she finally relented and said, "Okay," signaling her willingness to discuss the matter with her husband, hoping bring some peace to their family.

A few minutes later, Fiza's phone buzzed, and she saw her father's name on the screen. With reluctance, she picked up the call. "Yes, pappa," she said formally.

"I'm happy for you, Fiza," her father's voice came through, his words carrying a mix of emotions. "You and Alan found your way back to each other."

Fiza clenched her teeth and narrowed her eyes, the memories of the past year's struggles flooding back. She had endured so much because of this man.

Yet, she also couldn't forget the time when she had separated from Faisal and he had reached out to help her with her loans. He had apologized repeatedly for his actions. She realized that it was her own inability and reluctance to forgive him, that had kept them apart.

"Yes, we did," Fiza replied, exhaling heavily.

"We'd like to hold a small ceremony for you, something like a reception," her father offered.

"Yeah, Alan's family was talking about coordinating with you," she replied nonchalantly.

Her father's voice softened, laden with regret, as he asked the question that had weighed heavily on him for a long time. "Will you ever forgive me, Fiza?" Tears welled up in his eyes, and he held his breath, waiting for her response.

Alan, standing behind her, squeezed her shoulders, his presence offering silent support.

"I... I miss you, mole." He told her swallowing his pride. Realization had struck him some time in the last few months that perhaps, just perhaps, if his parents had accepted his sister's marriage, she would have had the courage to seek help and shelter from her family, when Ronald had been hurting her. Maybe having supported his sister and allowing her to break her engagement with Kunjali to marry the man she loved, hadn't been the wrong thing to do. Maybe, just maybe, his sister's death hadn't been his fault. But Fiza's misery sure was. He didn't know how to make amends but knew he needed to.

Alan, misunderstanding his expression, for worry about their relationship, spoke up.

"Uncle, a year ago, I was probably not the right person for her. But I have worked on myself, I have dealt with my demons," Alan spoke earnestly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise you, I will be the best husband to her that she could want. I love her. I won't let anything hurt her."

Her father's eyes softened, and he nodded. "I know," he said quietly, his voice holding a depth of understanding. "I believe that. You... you let her go when you thought she could be happy without you. I don't think you would have gotten back with her unless you really believed you could make her happy."

Tears welled up in Fiza's eyes as she witnessed the sincerity in her father's words. She hadn't fully forgiven him yet, and she knew their relationship might never be the same as before. But she was willing to start working on it, to rebuild the bonds that had been strained for so long. "I miss you too, pappa," she whispered.

She would forgive Farzana too eventually, she thought with a sigh. She realized for the first time, that no matter what jealousy or underlying rivalry Farzana may have had with her, she had probably been genuinely concerned about her spending her life with someone who had hurt her. It occurred to her that if roles had been reversed, she would have done the same for Farzana.

Perhaps Alan and Fiza had needed this time apart and this year of healing before they found their way back to each other.

With Alan by her side, everything felt lighter.

Everything was finally going to be okay.

The End

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Link to "Still the one" by Shania Twain up above. I think it captures the essence of this book.

I know many of you wanted Fiza to end up with Faisal but don't you think Faisal deserved better than to be someone's second choice?

I love you all for following through till the end. I may write an Epilogue or a bonus chapter. Not sure yet.

Here's a shout out to my favorite readers who kept me motivated to keep writing when I felt invisible and felt like my work would never see the light of day. I couldn't have done it without you all.

CEcrazy   Thank you for your kind words and your feedback!

saltedcaramelswirls  thank you for all your comments and votes

koodgoodwood   Thank you for your votes and your appreciation.

Readinglasses8  I'm surprised you actually read my book, you duffer. Keep your mouth shut and never bring it up IRL.

itz_ema  your comments on the book have been very encouraging! Anyone reading this, do check out her books, they are really fun and interesting.

Taleweaverr  Thank you for all your candid comments - I love that you put so much thought and effort into what you wrote in the comments.

Let me know if you are not comfortable with the shout out, I'll remove it.

So here are my ideas for the next book. Tell me which one I should pursue

1. Shahana has an arranged marriage with Arman, she learns to love him, adjust to a new family and get over Vineet.

2. Priya (remember Priya from Stay?) is doing her PG preparation in Mumbai. Her roommate, Meena has gone to her home town and her brother, Rajiv is visiting when the City is shut down for the pandemic. Meena asks her to take him in until the city opens up again. Stuck together in a small apartment for 20 days. Love or hate? Can't be neutral when someone is in your face 24/7 can you?

3. Faisal is heart broken after Fiza leaves him. His parents arrange a marriage for him with Asfia, a quiet and sensible dentist. Asfia navigates his emotional unavailability and eventually captures his heart

Okay, so that's where my heads at right now.

Also, should I change the title of this series?
Stay-> Save me
Stay Mine-> Save yourself


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