Dedication, Warnings and Disclaimer

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I dedicate this book to my aunt, who was an amazing person; beautiful on the inside and the outside, compassionate, nurturing, intelligent and inspiring. She was also a victim of domestic violence, who in spite of her education and support system, could not reach out for help in time.

This book is additionally dedicated to a close male friend who experienced violation and manipulation at a young age. I pray that he finds the peace and healing he deserves.

I do hope to shed light on not only the trauma and confusion a woman in a violent relationship experiences but also on the struggles of men who have suffered at the hands of women, often feeling gaslighted or threatened into believing they are at fault.

It is crucial to recognize that the cycle of abuse must come to an end. While past traumas can shape our actions, they should never serve as justification for inflicting harm on others. Let us strive for understanding, healing, and ultimately, compassion for one another.

If you are in an abusive relationship, the time to exit the relationship is now.


Trigger Warning

This book contains mature content.

Covid - 19, death, sexual violence, toxic behavior

Proceed at your own risk. This is not as light and airy as the prequel. It could invoke strong feelings and opinions about the characters, their choices and their actions. As you read further, it'll all make sense.

If you have a rigid sense of right and wrong, this isn't the right book for you. Real people aren't black or white. Real relationships aren't black or white.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author does not endorse or condone any actions, beliefs, or behaviors depicted in this story. Reader discretion is advised.

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