Chapter 4

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Kenny POV

You know my room, or cell, or whatever it is. Isn't that bad. I mean it's big enough for both me and Michelle to live in, and have a little privacy. It's quiet during the night . . . sometimes. Nya moved in 3 days ago. She's been sleeping peacefully with Michelle by her side. The only downside is the screams from downstairs. You can't ignore those. How Michelle and Nya sleep through those? I have no clue, maybe because they've been here so long. But I've been here a week and I don't think I'll ever get used to them.

A knock on the door startled me out of thoughts. Michelle and Nya were still asleep luckily, so I got up and went to the door. It was Philip and Alex from the laundry room.

"Heyyyy." I waved rubbing my eyes, hopefully ridding any sleep that may be in my eyes out.

"Hey Kenny," Phillip spoke. "Come to our room we wanna tell you some stuff." He said cryptically. I hid my slightly scared expression and follow them to their room.

Phillip opened the door and we walk in. Alex closes the door behind me, I gulp silently.

"Chill out Kenny boy were not gonna put you in your place!" Phillip says relaxing me.

He continues, "We just wanted to tell you about Michelle. I mean we love her and all, everyone here does. But when you've been here pretty much all your life, your not 100% right in the head." He says I nod. "I mean she doesn't here voices or anything like that but she zones out and just stares off into space, not often just randomly. She really energetic I guess she never really learned how to grow up since Master always liked her as a child. She's really cool we just wanted you to know since your her new partner. Sometimes she thinks of us being here as a big story. She likes it when things are big and dramatic y'know?"

I nod, this was definitely good to know. Alex hadn't uttered a word and just nodded his head every so often. Phillip wasn't done though so I kept listening.

"You gotta watch her though dude. Always be aware of where she is. Because she'll run off and do," he shrugged his shoulders. "something."

"Ok." I reply simply. Michelle just seemed energetic and kiddish to me, but I guess if you have an energetic kid you gotta watch them. Made sense though if you never experience adult like situations, you don't become an adult. But she did posses the qualities of a big sister or a mom. I guess that just instinct.

I thank Alex and Phillip for telling me and walk back to me room. Michelle and Nya are still sleeping peacefully. When I lay done in my bed Michelle stirred.

"Where'd ya go newbie?" She said drowsily.

"No where Michelle go back to sleep." I say, shutting my eyes to do the same.

"M'kay." She says before turning back and pulling Nya closer to her. Yes, Nya has her own bed, but Michelle wanted to sleep near her in case of a nightmare, and laid down with her instead.

I lay with my eyes shut, wheels turning in the back of my head.

"So Phillip said he thinks Michelle isn't completely sane. That's ok though. She's been cool while I've been here, I don't think she'll change." I think to myself. "This is by far, unlike any kidnapping I've ever seen. Well I haven't seen many, but normally there more dark and creepy then this. ." That was my last thought before my body was devoured by sleep.

BAAAAMMMMM!!!! That's what I wake up to. Pretty much falling out of my bed, scratch that definitely falling out of bed. A super duper large noise, that sounds like a . . . an air horn?

Michelle and Nya wake up, but a lot more gracefully. They grown but separate and stand up. Was this how they woke up every morning? Awww come on Mr. Evil Dude!

Michelle walks over to the dresser and pulls out her uniform, and Nya's too.

"Newbie go in the bathroom and change, me and Nya will do it or here." She instructs. I should've known that other door led to a bathroom, where else could it lead, Narnia? I grab a uniform from the closet and walk into the bathroom. The uniform fits perfectly.

"Ewww did he measure me while I was unconscious." I think, "Or he just looked at the tag on the back of my stuff." I stop thinking about the situations all together. I didn't need to know, nor do I want to know.

I finish putting on the outfit and look in the mirror. "Looking star stellar," I make finger guns at myself in the Mirror.

"Quit googling at yourself Newbie I can hear your vanity through the door!" Michelle almost yelled through the door. I quickly put my finger guns away and blush vibrantly. I open the door and Michelle and Nya walk in. The bathroom wasn't big so they grab their tooth brushes, put the paste on with water, stuck them in their mouthes and walk out. I do the same. We brush our teeth and do a normal morning routine. We look each other up and down looking for something the other may have missed, before walking out the door.

Multiple people were standing by their doors, Michelle and Nya stop once they left the door and stood up straight. I looked at them confused.

"Stand up straight and still Newbie. Masters gonna inspect you before we go down for breakfast." Michelle whispered to me. I mouthed and 'oohhhhh' before following her instructions. After a minute or so Master walks towards us. He looks each of us up and down before nodding and walking away. Michelle and Nya relax with me following.

The servants who have breakfast duty had prepared it the night before. Keeping it in heating container like things. They were the first to be inspected so they could set the table, and put food out. I guess we skipped the dinning room when Michelle gave me the mini tour. Because this place was huge. They weren't that many servants if I had to guess I'd say around, 50 to 60. There were 5 large tables each fitting around 10-15 people. There was one table at the head of the room, which I assumed was Masters.

The breakfast duty servants had set the tables and had a large dishes full of food in the middle of the table. Master's single table had the most food. Master wasn't obese, but I guess he had a small stomach. Maybe kidnapping people works up an appetite.

Michelle, Nya, and I walk up to the table Phillip and Alex are at. Two other groups are sitting down there. I look at the food hungrily. But no one at the table had touched the food so I didn't try and get any yet.

The room is filled with chatter, but then abruptly died. I look towards the door having an idea to why the noise suddenly stopped. Master was standing at the door, awaiting complete silence which came in mere seconds.

"You May eat!" He bellows before walking to his table. Everyone digs in, myself included. This kidnapping is really strange I don't like how 'nice' Master is, its very suspicious.

I eat the food while zoning in and out the the conversation at the table. I'm primarily thinking of ways to escape and what Master could be planning.

"Yo Newbie," Michelle waved her hand in front of my face, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yah?" I say trying to figure out what I missed.

"Nothin' you just zoned out while looking into space." Michelle shrugged.

"Oh sorry." I replied sheepishly. "So how long does breakfast usually last?"

"It shouldn't be much longer. We should actually be leaving real soon." Phillip answered me. I nodded. A large bell rung making me jump, the others did not.

"Relax Newbie it's just the bell. Means breakfast is over." Michelle chuckled, seeing me jump. I scowl at her before standing up like they had. Everyone moved out of the room, Master leaving last.

Michelle grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowd.

I took my hand out of her grasp, "Why'd you pull me away Michelle?" I asked.

"Oh I just wanted to ask what you wanted to do first. Garden Duty or Laundry?" Michelle was strange. I guess being here does that to a person. I can live with that though.

"Did I just accept being here! Pull it together Kenny, we are going I escape and then kill, or call the police on, the creeps!" I mentally slap myself, doing a quick pep-talk before answering my partner.

"Let's go do the garden first." Michelle nods and walks to the garden door.

We walk through the large doors. I look up and the bright blue sky.

"Hey Michelle why don't we just climb those walls and escape once Master is asleep. We could grab Nya and everyone else and all escape. Then call the cops and tell them where Master is." I formulate a plan out loud.

"Now I wouldn't like to if you left me pretty boy. I'd be so sad if all my servants up and left." A voice from behind me says. A lot of colorful words run through my head before I turn around and see Master, aka Mr. Evil Dude. Oh I am so so so screwed.

"Hmm maybe a day in the dark room will teach you to not attempt and escape." He says darkly. I can see the fear on Michelle, it was the first time I'd seen her scared. But I don't think she was scared for herself, more for me. I gulped visibly.

Master roughly grabs my wrist dragging me out of the garden. I see Michelle give me a look of pity before the doors are shut behind me. Master drags me past a lot of other kidnapped personnel. We finally get to the room he was dragging me to. I saw how it got it's name. The room was pitch black, like the one I woke up in. But the stench of blood and mold was 10 times stronger. I gulp again.

Master takes my wrist and hooks me to the wall. "Oh God . . ." I think. He walks out of the room and returns with a few knives. I am so screwed. "Whatever happened to my Kenny Rogers luck? It used to be awesome! But now I'm kidnapped and about to get TORTURED!" Another wave of profanities runs through my mind.

"This is gonna hurt me a lot more than its gonna hurt you beautiful." Master leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. THAT SICK FU- a third wave of very harsh profanity ran through my head yet again.

Master threw his knife between his hands, as if egging me on. He stepped backwards then studied my body. I attempts to push myself against the wall, but being hung up makes it hard. He took my pants off, leaving my boxers on. Then unbuttoned my shirt. He took one of hands of the cuff to take it out of the sleeve, then put it back in the cuff. Doing the same for the other. I was left dangling in the air with nothing but my underwear, to say I was scared for what was about to happen was an understatement.

Luckily what I thought was about to happen, did not happen. But what happened wasn't good either. He took the knife and cut my torso many different ways. It looked like he was drawing a picture, I think he even signed his name near my belly button. I did try my hardest not to scream, but failed miserably near the fourth cut.

He moved to my arms. He made long, slow cuts, not deathly deep, still painful though. He made another slow cut, I felt tears form in my eyes. Master made a horizontal cut circling my entire upper arm. It's felt like my arm was falling apart. I let out the most horrified scream I'd ever heard. It was bone chilling, nothing like what I'd heard the other nights. But the pain, it was so awful. I wanted it- no NEEDED it to end! God, I thought I could see puddles on the floor from my tears. Or maybe it was blood? Probably both.

To many cuts later my body was beyond weak. I was beginning to see black spots. I hung limply from the hook. Master stepped away from me. I think I sighed, but truly I don't know.

"I think you've had enough 75." He said, his smile plastered on his face. Was it that annoying when I smiled all the time? Oh I hope not, because I smile all the time. Not since I got here obviously, but once I'm out I don't know if I'll ever want to smiled again.

Master took me off the hook. He tried to stand me up but I was too weak. So he threw me over my shoulder and walked to my room. The day was long over so Michelle was in our room, Nya was there too, she was asleep though. Master set me on the floor and threw three roles of bandages into the room. He walked out and left. Once the door was shut Michelle walked over to me with the bandages in her hand.

"So how was your first punishment Newbie?" Michelle said attempting, and succeeding to move me to the middle of the room.

I groaned as my response. She chuckled "That's what I expected." If I wasn't to out of it from blood loss I'd be deathly embarrassed. I was in nothing but my boxers and Michelle had her hands all I've my body wrapping up all the cuts. She didn't even spare a glance anywhere other than the cuts. Either she's done this to other dudes before, or just doesn't care.

Once she finished she backed away and allowed to me to attempt and stand up. It was a fail. She easily half picked me up, half dragged me to my bed.

"Thank you." I mumbled about to pass out.

"No problem Newbie, just get some sleep." She said, she had yet to climb into bed with Nya. As if listening to her commands I fell into a dreamless sleep.

2433 words

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