Chapter 3

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I live.

Hello everyone. This is Mlp fan Celine, and I am so, so sorry for this late update. I didn't intend for it to take this long, but university and life have kept me either busy or unmotivated. I also felt uninspired then it comes to fighting scenes (as I never wrote such a scene before), and as we have one in this chapter, I was quite intimidated. But I hope it is okay.

For this chapter I have created a song called "A friendly duel between two friends", which you can hear on my YouTube channel "Mlp fan Celine".

I already apologies for any misspellings you might find. As a reminder, I have dyslexia (a reading and writing disorder) which makes it hard for me to find my misspellings and fix them and English is my third language, so some wordings might sound more like a direct translation from German (which I tried to avoid but oh well).

I hope you all enjoy this chapter that is filled with mystery, angst and so much fluff (I am actually quite proud of some scenes that I have created, and I hope you like them just as much).

So, without further ado, let's get reading.

Word: 5605

Pages: 9

With a sweety forehead, Link put away his sword and walked back towards a shadowy area where his water bottle stood. The applause he got after winning the duel between him and a recruit slowly started to fade. Opening his water bottle and bringing it towards his lips, he felt the cold liquid go down his throat. A sigh escaped him once he was done drinking. It was a very hot day.

Putting his bottle down on the table, he turned around and looked at the recruits. A smile formed on his face as he saw the progress they all got over the last few weeks. All of them are still not at the level he wants them to be, but they are getting there, even if it takes a bit of time. He let out another sigh as a new thought entered his mind and his smiling face turned into one of a small thrown. A certain "feeling" came over him while duelling.

It was a feeling he grew quite accustomed too. He knew the feeling of being watched based on his adventures and needed to be ready for literally anything. But since the twilight invasion ended, he relaxed, and though he still was ready for anything to happen wherever he went, he didn't react like he used to do. Especially since this didn't feel like any other stare that wants to harm him. No, this felt more like a stare of curiosity. It took him a while back then to really comprehend it, but once he figured it out, he didn't quite know how to react to it.

Call it his 6th sense, but after those years of living in the castle, with her running about, he got accustomed to these kinds of stares. After all, she made sure that he was well accounted for doing his first few months of staying and working at the castle. Those months consisting of meeting her for dinner and talking about their days. She even taught him some useful things that he would need for the future, which he was very thankful for.

So he, of course, got accustomed with her stare, as she often looked at him to see if he was hurt, lying or if he had a question at the tip of his lips. She was very good at reading him like a book. Lately though, he couldn't help but notice, that her stare was different. For the last couple of months, he had to stop his own thoughts to go in that dreamful state of thinking that she was watching him in a more different sort of way than what she used to do.

He had to stop thinking like that. Even though he would love if that would be the case, she is probably just making sure that he is ok. After all, his ascension to the role of general was at first met with detestation from certain lords and knights. Especially those from noble families.

Letting out another sigh, he looked down at a towel he had laying on a bench. The towel was a gift from Uli, who made it extra for him after his ceremony into the royal guard. Remembering his mother figure back in Ordon, he thought about a certain memory from his childhood. Closing his eyes, the memory played in his mind.

He was sitting with Rusl on the dock. On that beautiful day, they were fishing. Or at least, Rusl was while Link was having trouble with his rod. Their bucket was already full of all kinds of fish that you could find in Ordon. Rusl was whistling until Link suddenly griped his rod tighter, as something began to pull. He remembers how Rusl was encouraging him excitedly before the rod flew away from his fingers. Before Rusl could laugh, Uli suddenly ran towards Link. Her hands immediately on his face and checking for injuries. A small gasp escaping her as she saw the blood streaming down his face. The end of his fishing rod has hit his nose.

With haste, Uli got her towel from their house, dipped it into the water, and went to work on rubbing the blood off. A focused look on her face. Link held still and let her work. He didn't mind her fussing over him. After all, she always had been so gently with him after his parent's died, and she reminds him of his own mother's gently touch. So, he let out a small smile and a thanks to let her know how he appreciated her gesture, and in return, he was rewarded with her own big smile. Making sure that his nose did stop bleeding, she took him in her arms. "Remember that I always will be here for you if you need it", her kind voice left her lips, and he held her tighter.

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and the memory faded away. Blinking, he looked to his left. Ashei had her right hand on his arm and was shaking him furiously. "You alright Link", the question hung in the air. Shaking his head, he gave her a smile and replied: "Yes, just remembered something. Nothing to worry about". Ashei returned his smile and let go of his arm. "Good, because you, standing there with your eyes closed and not moving, made me concerned, yeah", she shuffled a bit and looked towards the recruits. "They are doing great, yeah? I'm proud of them", then she let out a small sigh, her arms crossing as a proud smirk appeared on her face. With a sideway look towards him, she added: "You and the captain did a great job. I seriously wouldn't have thought that they would work the way they do now after what happened doing the twilight invasion. Looks like the cowards do know how to fight".

Link couldn't help letting out a small chuckle while also looking at his recruits. Indeed, these men have learned a lot since then, and even the new ones are doing splendidly. He is sure that they will do well if anything should happen.

Another round of applause was heard, with recruits patting each other's backs, before the captain went towards the middle and rustled his voice. "Good job everyone. You all have done very well. I am pleased with everyone's progress and hope that it will only improve as time goes on". With a nod towards Link, the captain continued: "With the help of General Link, you all have achieved tips and tricks for your moves in order to learn them quicker, and I do have to admit that you all are improving in record time. So, a big thanks goes out to him". Cheers were heard as Link couldn't help hiding a small blush as he bashfully smiled while scratching his head.

The captain let out a small chuckle before raising his voice again: "Doing the break, I want you all to reflect on yourself. Talk with your comrades and think about the things you could improve on or not. Am I clear"? The captain eyed each recruit. "Sir yes sir", was the responds from all the recruits while they simultaneously saluted. The captain gave them all a nod before dismissing them and making his way towards Link.

Seeing that, Link stood a bit straighter and gave a small nod. The captain returned it while giving him a smile. "I mean it, you know? I wanted to give you, my gratitude. Since you became general, it only became better here. The queen made a good choice recruiting you and making you our general, Hero of Twilight", the captain said in a proudful tune and gave Link a salute. Chuckling bashfully again, Link gave a small thanks as the captain turned towards Ashei. "There are a few things I need to discuss with you, second in command" the captain said to her and nodded towards a bench in the corner. Ashei gave him a salute, turned towards Link, and gave Link a small wave before going with the captain. They are probably talking about her upcoming test to become a captain herself.

Shaking his head again, Link turned around to take another sip of his bottle, were he noticed that he accidentally must have kicked the table or something, as the bottle lay on its side, empty and dripping. An annoyed sigh escaped him as he picked up his bottle and made his way towards the side of the barracks to refill it at the fountain.

His mind again drifted off to the certain feeling he felt doing his duel. Doing this time of day, Zelda was normally occupied with her royal duties. While yes, he did a few of her papers, as they were concerning anything to do with the guards, and stuff he knew she would be coming to him to approve, she also had her meetings and such she needed to attend. So why was she watching him in the way she did in that time of day?

Before Link could contemplate more on the matter, he could feel his ears perking up. He heard the recruits shushing at each other and becoming quiet. Taking a small and fast sip of his now refilled bottle, he made his way back to the main part of the barracks to see what was ging on.

Turning around the corner, Ashei bumped into him. "Link, there you are", Ashei said while being out of breath. Link's right eyebrow rose a bit. She must have been running. "What is it?" he couldn't help but ask concerned. Ashei took another deep breath before answering: "The queen is here, and she is asking for you".

That got Link curious. Zelda was here? What could make her come here doing this time of day? Without thinking much more about it, Link went back to the main part of the barracks and sure enough. In the middle of the barracks, there she stood. She was wearing her typical pink and white dress, but what he noticed straight away were her golden shoulder pauldrons as well as her elegant but sharp rapier in her hand. Her hair was also braided in the way he knows them to be once Zelda comes out to train. The captain was talking with her.

Link was in awe. Like every time he sees her, no matter what she wore, her beauty always stunned him. Wherever she went, the glow of the sun, as well as the moon, always made her look like a goddess. And right now, the sun was shining on her in a way that made her eyes, as well as her lips, pop. He could even see her faded freckles on her cheeks, which he finds very endearing. And once she noticed him looking at her, his heart fluttered. Her gentle quirk in the corner of her lips as well as the slight sparkle in her eyes drew him in. His heart swelled with a mix of awe and affection. Her beauty was something. He must have imagined her smile widening just a bit.

He could see her saying a few more words to the captain before she took her first, then her second, third and fourth step towards him. Her shoulders were straight and her eyes sharp. She came with intentions, that's for sure. But for what, he didn't know. Though he felt an excited energy come off her, and he couldn't help to marvel at it. He felt his own feet moving towards her, to meet her in the middle, and gave her a small and clumsy bow. He could feel some of the recruits' stares when she gave a small, but much more elegant bow in return. After all, the newer ones do not know much about their close relationship like the older ones. It was indeed a sight to see their monarch bow towards an ex goatherder.

Trying to ignore their stares, Link looked up at Zelda's lovely blue eyes and gave her another small nod. "My queen. It is a rare sight to see you here at this hour", Link straightened himself a bit more. He could see another sparkle in her eyes as she gave a very slight smirk. "Well general, I have a bit of time left before my royal duties demand my attention and I heard cheering doing my midday meal", her smirk grew a bit more, unbeknownst to anyone but him. Her arms folded elegantly in front of her, with her head moving slightly to the side, she continued: "I am sorry to say that I couldn't help my curiosity and needed to come her to see whatever the commotion was about", he could see her left eyebrow moving up in a teasing manner.

His heart fluttered, but he tried to shush it. He can't keep thinking that way. She is the queen and he a goatherder. She probably did not tease him in that sort of way, so he tried to ignore it. A different thought though came to mind. Not only did she come here unexpectedly, but also dressed in her royal armour and trusted rapier in hand. She came here to challenge him, didn't she? That must be why she is teasing him. He knows how well she is with her rapier and bow. She can be a force to be reckoned with. She must have seen him duel his recruits, which, fair enough, were not tough opponents for him. Though he didn't duel with them for his own benefits but for theirs, she probably thought that he needed a challenge.

So, with that conclusion, he smirked as well. Two can play the same game after all. He crossed his arms: "Well, your majesty forgot that I know her well, and I know that you didn't come here just to see what the commotion was about". He saw her eyes twinkle in challenge as she feigned innocents. Good, she took the bait. "Sir Link, whatever do you mean? Are you saying that I am a liar"? She stood her ground as he saw her smirk grow.

He couldn't help but chuckle at that. Time to corner her. Folding his arms behind his back, he started to walk around her: "Well, normally her majesty is not running around with her rapier in hand now does she? Some would think that you came here to challenge someone". He stopped right in front of her while staring in her eyes. "Could that someone be me, perhaps"? He saw her eyes tighten just slightly in challenge; her smirk still present.

Silence was his answer, while they both stared at each other. Both drowning in each other's eyes. No sound was made. Instead, you heard the call of birds around the barracks. All the recruits stared and waited for something to happen, someone to say something. But their pleas were met with silence. Ashei and the captain looked at each other from the corners of their eyes.

Ashei wasn't stupid, she suspected and knew of Link's feelings towards the queen. After all, he wasn't very good at hiding it like he thought he was. And while the queen was harder to read, this moment, like a few others, gave her the answer she needed to know how queen Zelda felt. Seeing movement from the corner of her eye, she looked up towards the wall where a few lords were standing. One in particular, caught her eye. Biting her lip in worry for her friends, her eyes moved back toward them.

It took a few seconds after that, when Zelda's smirk gave way to a faded smile, which turned into a chuckle. Link's smirk also faded as he smiled back at her. His heart fluttered again as her chuckle filled his mind. The sound was like a melody, light and carefree, wrapping around his heart. She straightened herself a bit more before nodding towards him. "Is that a yes then? A friendly duel between me and you"?

Link turned and walked towards a wall, where he reached out for one of the swords that hang there. It wasn't a rapier like Zelda has that found it's place in his hands, but a light sword similar too it, good for fast and précised swings. Giving a few practice swings to feel the weight of the sword, Link gave a satisfied grunt and turned back towards Zelda. "Well then, don't want to keep you waiting. After all, you don't have a lot of time left before your royal duties demand your attention again". He gave her a playful smirk, which she returned.

Both went towards the middle of the arena while the recruits, Ashei and the Captain searched for good spots to watch the duel without problems. The younger recruits being especially excited to see their hero and queen duel each other. To see how it is really done.

Zelda stood poised, her regal bearing a stark contrast to the playful smirk dancing on her lips. Clad in her ceremonial armour, she looked every bit the warrior princess that he knows her to be, and her eyes reflect her determination. Opposite her, Link stood with his sword at the ready. His uniform billowed slightly in the gentle breeze, and a confident grin matched the twinkle in his eyes. Zelda broke the silence, her voice steady and calm. "Are you ready, Hero of Twilight"? A title he hasn't heard in a while since he became general, and he couldn't help the smile that spread on his face. A title she liked using on him whenever she wanted to tease him. He tightens his grip on his sword. "Always, my queen".

With a graceful motion, Zelda drew her rapier, its slender blade singing as it left the sheath, which she gave the captain after waving him over. Assumed her stance, with every movement precise and elegant, she closed her eyes with a playful smile. "Don't go easy on me, Link, just because I am a lady or my status as queen, please." To which Link chuckled, adjusting his stance as well. "Alight, my queen. I'll give it my all."

There was no malice, no intent to harm—only a deep-seated respect between the two of them. The world around them seemed to hold its breath, the chirping of crickets and the rustle of leaves fading into the background as both of them focused on each other, waiting for who was going to do the first move.

And it didn't take long. With a sudden burst of speed, Zelda made the first move. Aiming at Link's shoulder, her rapier sliced through the air with pinpoint accuracy. Link sidestepped gracefully and parried effortlessly, their swords clashing with a metallic ring that echoed through the arena. With a bit of effort, he pushed her back and went for a horizontal strike. With an elegant jump to the side, Zelda went for a strike towards his thighs, which Link again parried without much difficulties, the sounds of their weapons piercing through the air.

Letting out a distinguished grunt, Zelda began to slash left and right while spinning and moving forward, making it hard for Link to keep op as he had to block and move backwards. Needing to find a way out of this sticky situation, Link decided to use one of the hidden skills he learned from his ancestor, the hero of time, without hurting Zelda. So, when her next attack towards his chest came, he rolled to the side and around her in order to not slice at her back, but by spinning to the left for him to attack from her right. But to his surprise, Zelda blocked him swiftly and without any disorientation, and gave him a smirk, as if she suspected it.

His mouth agape and in awe, Zelda used this as her opportunity to push him to the side and delivered a quick slash towards his midsection, which Link just blocked at the last moment, though the force of the blow was reverberating up his arm. He must admit, he did not expect her swiftness. Her form and elegance were a sight to see, and he admired her quick-thinking skills to either foresee or expect his next moves. He had to think hard on what to do next and that quickly.

Blocking another of Zelda's quick attacks, Link understood that he needed to use his eyes much more than he realised, because when he saw her prepare her next move, he noticed a slight twitch on her arm as she feinted to the right before attacking from the left. It was small, but noticeable. Jumping backwards, Link saw that he had to act, because the jump had brought Zelda out of her momentum as she had too much force on her swing, bringing her a bit out of balance. Pressing down on his knees and lifting his sword to his left, he performed a spin attack. His sword and her rapier meeting with full force while Zelda tried to block, but the force was too much for her.

Her rapier flew out of her hands and op high before it landed with a satisfied clunk a few meters beside them. The arena was quiet. All the recruits were in awe as if under a spell. Even Ashei was quite captured by their movements. It looked more like a dance then a fight between them. Looking op towards the lords above the castle walls, Ashei could see that even more people from the noble families have watched this spectacle, and that many were in awe. She couldn't help but smile proudly back towards Link and Zelda.

Link held the tip of his sword towards Zelda and gave a bashful, but proud smile. "Do you yield, my queen"? Her face showed surprise. "Guess she didn't see that coming" was what his mind told him proudly. His smile turned into a slight smirk because of it. He noticed her eyes looking at his. And the swift turn downwards towards his lips before looking up again. Then her cheeks started to darken a little and he swore that he felt butterflies erupting in his stomach, his own cheeks darkening and his smirk faltering, about to become an awkward, shaky smile.

The world around them began to blur as his focus was all on her. Zelda. His heart pounding in his chest, almost as if it would jump out of him, echoed loudly in his ears. He faced many battles, but none of them ever made him feel such nervousness, like this very moment. Her eyes, wide open and filled with surprise and something else, were mesmerizing. He looked down at the ground and tried taking deep breaths in order to steady his ever so fast pounding heart, not noticing that she faced similar difficulties in winning back her composure.

When his heart finally started to settle down, he heard a small cough and looked op, though that was probably a mistake, as he felt his heart starting to speed up again. Zelda had her left eyebrow slightly lifted; her lips curved into a small, playful smile despite her flushed cheeks. "Well, hero, it seems you caught me by surprise". She lifted her hands up in a surrendering gesture, "I yield". Her voice was soft, but it carried a hint of amusement and composer. It seems like she was much better at regaining her composer then he is, though he guesses, that it was to be expected.

All of a sudden, cheers and applause was heard throughout the arena as Link brought the tip of the sword down. Looking around all his comrades, he felt his heart swell with pride as well as awkwardness. He never liked the attention, but at the same time he couldn't help but be filled with pride and happiness. His eyes landed on those of Ashei and the captain, who each bore a bright smile while clapping. Then he looked at his recruits, with the newer ones looking at him with awe while the older ones smiled, nodded and saluted him.

He even looked op towards the castle walls and saw some nobles clapping as well. Though his eyes caught a specific someone staring at him. Clapping, but with a small frown, was lord Caleb. Link could feel his heart sinking a little at the disapproving glance. After all the meetings Link attended, he knew of lord Caleb's scepticism towards common born. He, to this day, still couldn't understand how Zelda, as said by herself at one point doing one of their private meetings, saw him as a father figure, even with her annoyance about him once in a while, as he never showed him any of those fatherly characteristics.

Link tore his gaze away and instead focused back on Zelda, who was clapping along everyone else, but more elegantly. The redness of her cheeks has vanished, but her eyes were filled with happiness. She, too, looked op, her smile growing, while looking back. "You have impressed the nobles" Zelda said softly. Link scratched bashfully the back of his head and said with a nervous chuckle: "I wasn't trying to impress anyone".

He glanced back up at the castle walls, seeing the nobles slowly disappearing. Lord Caleb, too, had turned away, his frown lingering in the back of Link's mind. Zelda must have seen Caleb's expression too, as she said something in a whisper only he could hear: "Do not worry about him. I am sure he was impressed as well. And if something should happen, let me know and I will talk with him". This reassured him a bit and he gave her a timid nod, to which she smiled in return. She then stepped towards her rapier to pick it up, inspecting it for any sort of damage.

Hurried steps were heard, and Zelda turned around to be met with her maid, Lara. "That was amazing, your majestic. The way you both moved looked like a dance and-...oh hello sir Link", Lara waved excitedly at him once he stepped closer. Giving a bashful smile, he waved back: "Hello, Lara". Lara gave him a big smile and turned back towards Zelda: "I am happy to have witness such a great duel, is all I wanted to say. Really impressive". All of a sudden, Lara's face showed surprise and she clasped her hands together in front of her chest: Oh, I almost forgot. Your majesty, I got news from the kingdom of Razohan".

Razohan? Link had never before heard of the kingdom of Razohan. With a puzzled expression, he turned towards Zelda and saw with a mixture of surprise and confusion her face lightning op. "The kingdom of Razohan", she repeated with excitement, her smile growing. Then her faced turned into one of worry, "What did they say"?

Then without another word, Lara gave Zelda a document with, what Link thought, the royal seal of the Razohan kingdom. He watched her open up the document as her eyes flew over the words. A small gasp escaped her delegate lips, as her eyes lit up and a smile grew on her face. "He accepted". Her voice was filled with so much wonder. She hugged that document and looked up towards the sky, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in and out. Her maid, Lara, couldn't help but let out a small gasp of her own. "Really? Oh, that is great news. You haven't seen each other since you were children", Lara exclaimed with so much excitement of her own.

But Link was not amused or excited. For him, the world stopped. Him? Who in the name of the goddess was this he? And why was Zelda so excited about him? So many questions flew through Link's mind.

It took him a while to realize, that Zelda had turned towards him again. Her left eyebrow was raised, and she looked like she waited for something while staring at him. It was clear that he missed something. Again. He really had to stopped getting his mind caught up like that. A little cough brought his focus on her. She had another one of her playful smiles on, one that only he noticed as she tried her hardest to not let anyone else see it. "A ruby for your thought, Link"? was all that came out of her elegant lips, with a teasing melody in her voice.

Link did everything in his power to not let the heat, that he could feel growing on his cheeks again, win. Bringing his left hand up towards his mouth and letting out a small cough of his own, he said: "It was nothing important. I was just trying to recall if I heard of the kingdom of Razohan before, and realized that no, I do not". Standing up a bit straighter, he continued: "So I have no idea who you're talking about and why you're so excited for this person", he winced a bit once he heard the slight jealous tune in his voice. He didn't mean to be angry, but he could feel is heart shaking in fear and anticipation. He couldn't help his hearts curiosity and distaste after all.

Zelda chuckled slightly. "I am sorry, Link. Of course you would be in the dark about this, as it is a kingdom no one really speaks about. I apologies", she bowed her head slightly. "The kingdom of Razohan lies way up north from Hyrule. It's a kingdom filled with snow and ice, often plagued with wintery storms, but mostly known for its sled dog races and coal production". Zelda turned back to Lara and gave her back the document. "Bring this please to my study. I will write a reply to Damion after my meeting with the council".

Link watched as Lara nodded, took the document, and left. Now his mind was reeling again. He had a name now. That just left him feeling more jealous. The way Zelda spoke that name. Her voice was filled with so much wonder and fondness. She seemed to be close with that "Damion". But wasn't she the one that always denied any marriage proposals from the council?

Link shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. This wasn't the time to let his emotions get the better of him. Zelda had always been independent, making her own decisions despite the council's pressures. Could Damion be someone she truly cared about, someone she had kept hidden from everyone, including him and the council? But the document had some kind of royal seal on it, so that must mean the council knows who this person is. But even they did not mention any sort of "Damion".

Looking back towards Zelda, his eyes saddened. She looks so happy, and he doesn't want to ruin it, even if it hurts him. So, without another thought, Link straightened himself and gave her the best smile he could give. "Well, whatever the case, you seam happy about whatever was written, so I am happy for you". Link did not notice Zelda's smile fading once she turned back to him as he spoke. She noticed his forced smile.

Link looked towards the ground and let out a small sigh, hoping no one saw. His heart told him over and over, how this all must be a dream, but his mind thought back, telling him that it was never meant to be. How foolish he must have been, thinking that she was looking at his lips for just a slight second. Thinking that her cheeks became darker.

That's then he felt it. His breath caught in his throat. A dainty hand was elegantly placed on his left shoulder, stroking it gently. He looked back up, only to be met with her face up close. To close for what was considered formal. Looking around him, he noticed that no one was looking at them, all being too occupied talking about the duel between him and the gorgeous queen before him. Facing her again, he couldn't help being mesmerised by her magnificent eyes again. He truly could drown in them. Her voice brought him back.

"Link. Everything is going to be okay, that I promise you. Prince Damion is indeed someone I am excited about to see, just because we have not seen each other in so long". She gave him another of her well-hidden smiles, that no one else could see. She came even closer and whispered while making sure no one else was listening: "I want you to come eat dinner with me later today. There is something I need to ask you, and it is better done in private then here". Stepping back, Zelda gave him another nod before taking her hand off him, turning elegantly around and going back towards the entrance from the barracks to the castle. Her form vanishing behind the door.

Link stood there, processing her words. She wanted to speak with him privately. His mind raced with possibilities. Could it be something important about Damion? Or perhaps... something more personal? He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. There was no point in speculating.

Turning back around, he tried to find either Ashei or the captain, who both appeared to be missing. And as the recruits are still on their break, Link decided to go back to his shady spot to take another sip of his water bottle. It was there that something snapped to place in his preoccupied mind.

Did Zelda say Prince Damion?

You're sure you didn't try to impress Zelda, Link?

Well would you look at that. We got some new characters (some oc's of mine that I still need to flesh out as well as canon characters), a duel (my first fight scene i've ever written so please tell me what you thought of that. Any ideas for improvements are appreciated), a bit of flirting here and there and last but not least, a bit of information regarding a new kingdom and it's prince. Nothing much, just enough to give you a few ideas.

Razohan is a kingdom that I created by the way, as I wanted something new for a change. We have even seen it in the last chapter. The relationship between Damion and Zelda is, let's just say, probably not what you are expecting. I will not tell you more about. That you will have to find out either in the next chapter or the one after that (I write as I go).

Another big apology that it took me so long to finally give you all an update. I didn't mean for it to take this long. I will try to finish the next one much quicker, but I of course, can't promise anything.

Another reminder for any misspellings you might have found; I have dyslexia (a reading and writing disorder) as well as having English as my third language. So please don't be to hard on me.

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon.

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