Chapter 2~

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Finally I thought I'd breath. This man here. Who seemed to wear a suit as I still could not figure out anything except his silhouette, maybe I can save myself now with his help. I got up taking the chance, when this sucker's grip loosened on me to get up. I stood at a distant and tried going towards this new person.

"What? Why you're running towards me ?" The new guy questioned, not showing a slightest amusement or surprise in voice.

"Please, please help me" I teared up, trying to stand hard in pain.

"And why would I? What do I get in return?" He sounded extremely toxic, showing off his business minded skills maybe.

"Who are you ? See kid. Do not interrupt anything. Or you will have to pay for it." The attacker tried sounding terrific but it seemed like he was the one shitting bricks, knowing I wasn't alone now.

"Who am I ? As I said. I am going to buy this land. The entire street. Who do you think I could be ? Ever heard of the Adams family?" The not-such-a-good-saviour guy bombarded him with questions, to which I tried answering to myself too. The attacker felt weak in knees I guess or maybe in brain. The metal dropped from his hand and, he ran for, god knows what he had except a pathetic existence.

"T-Thankyou" I hesitantly thanked the rude guy, knowing he isn't a mellow person to understand how terrified I was . Or ... that's what I thought.

"Save it. Wasn't for you anyways." He sounded so arrogant. But as closed I walked with my purse sticking to my sides, that luckily didn't fell off, I could see him in the lights. A figure so tall with those cold eyes, that could haunt you even in the dark. But that flawless fair face. That face, filled with muscles positioned doing nothing but making him look like a Greek god and, speaking annoyance. Well annoyed by me I felt.

All my fear and pulsating heartbeats now turned into angered nerves. I could rant at him now. Is it even a way to talk a human?? Forget the part that I am a girl who was gonna get raped minutes before.

"Uhh, I cannot let this slide anyways. Mark get on it." He groaned with a sigh, when
another man with some equivalent height and broad shoulders paced to him. "Yes, sir." he followed his words and rang someone. Which I assumed was police.

I thought I was needed to be inquired to know about whatever happened. "Should I wait-" "You may leave Miss.unknown. This ain't got to be your business". This arrogant brat. I gritted my teeth with blood boiling in me, which he didnt seem to notice in dark. I walked away, limping a little with each step. I saw him turn back with the peripheral of my vision. Whispering something to the Mark guy. Who could he be ? Adams family ? I never heard much about it. A business oriented family? Nope. I dont know.

I walked a bit faster hoping to reach to John's cafe. Trying hard not to turn back and start something which I could not finish with this rude sassy guy. Or trying to forget this tragic thing that ever happened with me. 'Do not turn back Diana. Do not ' I told my mind harder with each step. I somehow walked and crossed the roads and reached the cafe. Should've reached hospital though.

"Hey Johnny, you in there ?" I questioned entering the place, slowly.

"Boo~" he appeared out of the blue snapping me hard. I could hear my heart out.

"Damn - don't scare me like that bitch." I glared my anger with eyes into his blue oceanic ones.

"Hehehe - sorry I won't again." He said with some chuckles. "And thankyou for helping me. I thought you won't make it" he smiled at me.

Oh how right you were Johnny... ."Of course I had to make it. ~ If I get paid you know " I replied trying to act cocky.

He closed his eyes looking done with my words. Then gestured me to some places. "There, you work. You earn." He has always been this good boy. Trying not to hurt anyone. Being sensible all the time to other's needs. It made me feel I could let him be a great friend of mine always. But I felt a lump of hesitation to share tonight's incident.

I spaced out for some seconds when he snapped fingers in front me, "Are you drawn into my charms? Or thinking about someone I am yet not aware of ?" again with that sheepish smile.

"Yeah. You sound as if I think of people on a daily basis. Right in front you. Enough to space out from the work." I said unbothered with his statements.

Is this the right time to tell him? It's not like I was killed right ? Why bother him ?

"Aaah you speak too much - first do these plates and glasses. I will sweep the floor and tables. Then we can end up by dusting and some placements of table. I don't wish to make you more tired" he boomed.

"Cool. Imma start it now." I walked ignoring the pain in my waist. It hurts bad. Guess it would leave bruises.

But will that animal get caught? Am I really not needed for the investigation or file complaining procedure ? I thought hard, while washing the dishes. One by one. There weren't many. But enough to make me tired and sleepy.

"You wanna take a break or have a coffee ?" John asked with concern, when he noticed me yawning. "Umm ,a coffee would be good. But after we complete this. Okay ?" I asked back. He nodded humming back, while bringing a tray with some cups that were left on tables.

Soon my unpaid job was done. And I was sipping down my coffee.

"How was your day? I am sorry I didn't even bring a gift for your opening of- " I paused noticing the interior of cafe "-your grand cafe" I said trying to break the silence.

"Oh that's okay man. Even I didn't get you a gift for you clinic till yet." He said mugging down his cup. I shook my head feeling some disappointment.

"But let's have a party here. We can contribute equally, on a closed day so that you too are free" his eyes brightened trying to suggest an idea. I nodded my head. "Let's get some of your friends too" I advised.

It was sharp 11.30 pm. And I was a bit afraid to walk alone again. "Can you- can you like" ,"Shall I drop you ? It's late now" he spoke as if he read my mind. I thanked him very sincerely. He doesn't eve know. And he dropped me till the bus stop safe and sound. I waved at him. He returned a flying kiss. To which I acted disgusted and laughed out loud.

He waved back and shouted "Go back safely" I nodded and said him the same. I was happy to have a best friend like him.

I was listening to some random songs played in the bus, while looking out of the window. When a name on one of the buildings grabbed my attention. Something .. Ada .. Adam...Adams ??? My mind blew up. I tried looking back and check it again but, it was too late. A sigh left my lips. Remembering the incident. I was still frightened. I know I'm a girl who cannot really show my vulnerable side easily. As I always feel betrayed at the end. My fears, my problems, my thoughts. Were always kept to me only. And that worked fine I guess.

I still thought of the rude ass guy I met by chance. He was one handsome man for sure. But. Not all beauty is meant to be from inside. Sometimes beautiful flowers are the ones that could pull you down in mud or prickle your hand with thorns.


How do you think will they both meet again ? What do you think about Johnny?Isn't he a nice and caring guy ,with a pinch of humor?

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