Chapter 20~

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Diana looked at him hysterically, as Keith couldn't hide the smirk.


"Have food with me, Diana."

"That won't be appropriate, Mr.Adams." She retorted with a firm resolute.

"The word appropriate is for us to define. I'd not mind if you sit here right now for a meal with me." Keith was determined to have a meal with her, but Diana was well aware of his petty tactics by now.

"But I've had my meal already, eating more will make my stomach upset. And I'm health conscious." She smiled politely, when Keith stared at her amused. His head turned down, as if suffering with a headache.

"Ahh! Wait just a, aah, fuck!" He cusses holding his head abruptly, "I think I. Yeah! I did come here for a meal. It was with, CEO of Anchor Studios. It was regarding. . . our deal for promotions. They were good at hiring models and actors for it, so I planned on thanking them, for prospectively future projects." He joined his brows as the pain lasted a little long to him.

Diana, who was freaking out on the inside didn't show an ounce of disturbance, rather breathed a sigh of content and placed a palm unsurely on his shoulder. As if to thank for remembering and trying. Grudgingly she sat across him.

"I think we should order," he naively smiled again. Proving that he had no ulterior motive than to have lunch together. Diana, who was taking track of his behaviour and response to various situations and stimulus around him, looked at his smile differently.

"Do you, feel alone, Mr.Adams?" She longingly looked into his eyes, very well aware of the answer. Loosing memories, not only causes you to forget others, it leaves you broken and incomplete too. You can't even remember your own self of the past. On what basis will you live in present and build for the future then?

Keith paused, and let out a puff of air.

"Can I lie?" His eyes had a layer gleaming of moisture. Somehow, even that churned Diana's non existant food from stomach.

"You can," she reassured the choice, "but you don't have to," she placed her answer.

"I do feel so," he laughs dryly, "So, please accompany me for a meal, I will repay the favour. I'm surprised I finally remembered something. Shouldn't we celebrate?" He placed back his initial smile, clueless and polite but resolved and nonnegotiable.

On any day, she would still humbly decline the offer but today was different. She had a plan.

"Repaying the favour, is something you're too good at." She smiles with a hint of envious burn. "But alright, after food. I would like to take you somewhere. That, might help in remembering you few things."

Leading him to his company's library, she makes sure to completely close the door and take him inside.

"This is my own company's library, what would I do here? I don't remember coming here at all."

"You don't?" Diana smirked.

"N-No. I don't think so. It's so old, highly possible no one would be here."

"Then, maybe whatever happens here seems to be forgotten by you. Then is it okay if I do this?" Diana pushed him in a corner of shelf.

"What are y-you-" she grabs his neck and pushes her lips onto his.

'Diana, this is non consensual. What if your conclusion is wrong? What if he really has lost his memories? You'd be sued and can never practice again. But just to make sure, I need to, I have to,'

She tilts her face taking his lips in firm hold of hers. Slurping and sucking on them passionately. Keith who was bewildered for good seconds caged her waist and kissed back feverishly.

With such desire he kissed, she could feel herself float in air. Her head falls back to inhale.

Faces flushed and eyes trembling along the pooled tears inside. Keith runs his thumb to swipe them away from her cheek.

As soon she exhales again, he presses his lips again and kissed her for an eternity. Devouring her tongue, mouth and soul.

"You remember me, dont you?" She gasps as he rubbed his torso on hers. His hand travelling to her back and plump butt.

"You make it so hard for me to live, Diana. Just when I decided to never let my walls crumble, you blow them away with a kiss. And here I thought, I was sly."

He goes back to kissing her, more gently this time. With more hold, and concrete passion. She kissed back only to feel her knees getting unstable. She limps into his solid chest, forgetting that he was a betrayer. And she was the victim.

"How did you know?"

"I just figured, your acting wasn't all that nice either. Plus, you seemed to enjoy toying with memories that I could remember and you could act to not. Frustrating!" She thumped her fists in his chest. She kept doing so, as tears rolled down her chin silently.

'I don't know what is better. You remembering everything, or wanting you rather not remember anything. In any case, I have missed you. And I will not give up on this moment. I have missed you, Keith. I can't lie myself anymore.'

He stared down at her form, he missed it. 'If only air could be filled with you. I'd breathe and live on it. If only, you could see. You make me crazy and a living mess. But I'd live like that, willingly.' He embraced her cold body only for her small sniffles to resonate in his chest.

"Stop crying. Why would you cry?"

"I'm angry on myself. So much that I'm crying." He chuckled at her childish tone. Seeing her frail and vulnerable was new and innocent to him.

"I'm angry. Angry that you've lied to me, you didn't care for yourself. That you didn't clear things with me. And you, left me to struggle with guilt and blame, that I didn't even own. I feel like a fool, to believe you'd have forgotten your memories. I'm angry. So fucking angry, that I still will forgive you. If you make it upto me."

"You missed me so much?" He held her face like it was the only thing in world worth seeing. Everything was but a blur for his knowing eyes. He had seen enough and did not wish anything more than that face. Although the tears on it were gnashing at his heart, they were the testimony of her genuine feelings.

"Keith, I confess, I've missed you. But if you're not going to respond to my questions, I'd rather leave by myself and not indulge in you anymore. You've no idea. How did I even survive that time, knowing you were probably no more in this world. And I was the reason." She looked him in the eye, her fingers caressing each crevice of his face she only knew now of.

"Come with me. I wasn't going to tell anyone till I succeeded. But you're the only unpredictable variable in my equation of life at this point." He moved forward but she didn't budge.

"Hug me. Tight." He smiles at the request enveloping her again. "I will not hug you back, it's your punishment." Her head leans into his neck.

"The real punishment is just limiting me to hug you, Diana."

"Then be it. Suffer." She blinks the tears out.

"Such a cruel doctor. You've no empathy for your patient." He kisses her forehead.

"The patient doesn't deserve it." She settles herself in his arms comfortably, as he pats her back lovingly.

"Then what does he deserve?"

"Medicines. You need to fix your messed up brain and body." She flicked his forehead and places a chaste kiss there immediately.

Too shocked by her savage behaviour, he only flickered his eyes that had widened. 'You'll be the death of me sometime, Ms. Carter.'

. .

"So you were indeed shot. How did you survive?"

"Mark. He came and took me to the hospital, secretly. He was the one to drop you hospital as well." Keith spoke pensively as the chair creaked by his back forth movements.

The hidden mansion in city border was warm and pleasant to sit in. There lingered traces of suffocating cold though. It came from the nervous atmosphere about the conversation they were in.

"Nice thing, but do you trust him?"

"What do you mean?" He looks up, to see her standing in front.

She shoves her phone in his lap. "I missed you, but I don't like mixing my work and emotions. Also, I get the right to deserve answers and safety from your side."

The images he swiped with his thumb made him smirk in delight, 'Dear heart, I'm giving you up on a smart woman. A very smart one. You're in safe hands.' He tapped the phone on his chest.

"Mark, tried to tap my place. He, tried to track my messages and privacy but the link he had shared. I cross checked, it was a malicious thing." She huffs hugging her arms to herself. Icy glare in her eyes to the air beside her.

'Even her anger and suspicion is hot. How would it look to defy her words and how would it be to obey her words like a royal decree? Is it worth it?'

"Why do you need safety from my side?"

She raises her eyebrows, then inhales to speak, "Because I intend to take it. I am going to be on your side. Whatever this is."

'It's worth it.'

"You don't know what you're getting yourself in. Even I'd have hesitated to trust a guy who hasn't yet spoken about everything."

"Do you remember the night you spoke about your dad to me?"

"How can I forget, but-"

"To me, what matters is. Justice. To myself ofcourse. I drowned in guilt, thinking if I hadn't ran away that time. You could've been saved. You would be alive, wouldn't have lost your memories," she points to her temple. "But now I think, what you need isn't someone who sits back and agrees with your lies. But someone who readily acts with you and fights whoever is plotting this shit against you. And by helping you in this, I can free myself of any remnant guilt."

"Is that all you will get, Diana?" He leans forward as Diana steps closer and crouches near him.

"Do you want to give me something more? Maybe. Maybe you can give yourself to me." She smiles mischievously and throws her head back to laugh.

'Tsk. Sorry heart, you've been a loyal organ but. You belong to her now. A brave, smart but dangerous woman. Not more sly than me though, so hopefully you'll be fine.'

"Can I kiss you again?"

"What does that make us? We know we are far from loving or even liking each other. Then why should we kiss?" She gets up and straightens her coat.

"Why did you kiss then? In library?"

"How else would you loose your calm and confide in me then? I had to play with your brain a little. But it turned out fine, I'd say." She grazes her cheek's inside with her tongue.

"Right. Anyways, I'm not in a position to romance. I'm on a revenge, and bringing down more people with me is useless. Well, I don't plan on making you do anything for me. But you're safe, don't worry. Even your mom who lives with you. But about your sister and her husband, since they are not in picture I can't use too much man power yet."

"I've been your stalking target since when?"

'Since the first time we met.' "Past three months."

"It was you who informed professor to pick me as your therapist? Wow. You're really, sly. Mr. Adams."

"Would you've it another way, Ms. Carter?"

She shakes her head and takes a seat in sofa. "I want you to tell me, why has Mark been tapping me and do you really trust him? If he wants to do so, were you really involved in that too?"

"Mark. I always knew the world could betray me but him. I was, wrong." He couldn't hide the pain in his eyes and face.

"Why would he do this? He gets what?"

"Mark, is my cousin."

Thunders roared in sky as the purple light lit up the wooden flooring in hall.

"He is son, an illegitimate son of my uncle."

Diana struggled to take a breathe as Keith's head throbbed with shooting pain. He could hear his heartbeat in ears as other sounds went numb.

"How did you find?"


Umm twist? I guess ? Lmao. They getting closer too I feel.

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TheMoonsLady  there u go love, hope u enjoy!

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