Chapter ~8

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This day. Can't be forgotten. My mood gets easily spoiled. What should I do now ? Probably work my ass off and keep my mind off of these stuff. I'll deal with the inner demons later

After reaching the clinic. I first placed all my stuff in proper positions. After placing the files in appropriate shelves I decided to clean up a bit.

It was almost 9:30 am now. I should go get a coffee. And ask Sarah if she is coming today. I really don't feel good enough to work. I have lost all of my energy. How will I help John ? Way to go Diana. Way to fucking go.

"Ughhh  what should I do ?" I sensed tears swelling again in my eyes. When I got up I heard the door creaking open. And I knew it was Sarah. I started placing the last of files of recent patients in an open stack so they are handy.

"What happened?  Are you sick?" She asked placing down the coffee cups. Thank god she bought it. 

"Nope. No. Why ?" I answered without looking at her.  My tone was extremely monotonous and I know she figured it out.

"Because you've placed all the files upside down ?" She asked with a confused smile. I checked it and she was right.

Fuck. Why is my brain giving up on me. At such a bad time. I quickly removed all the files and stacked them correctly in bunches itself. 

"You know. You can share me." she placed her words in a whisper. Trying to touch my shoulder. But she hesitated.

She knowns I don't like skinship when I'm dull. Or in low moods. I should get over it. It's not like the world is falling apart. Yes. I'll get over it. Just a little more time.

"I know. But I don't think this is a right time."

"Then when is it ? I am always there for you."

"I know." I smiled weakly . How am I to share her that my mom is going havoc and destructing my mental peace. And this time. I just can't bear it like the other last times.


After attending some patients  of insomnia and bipolar disorder. I checked the time. It  was 1 pm.

"Should we go to Johnny's cafe and have lunch there ?" I proposed .

"Guess I'll  pass. I have to babysit my mother's sister's daughter's kid. In short my cousin's baby" she laughed at her own play.

But I didn't. I was too lazy. So I just formed a smile and decided to lock the clinic away. I felt bad to be so gloomy while Sarah tried to make my mood better. But I just appraised her with a smile or nods. I hope she doesn't feel bad for this.

Then I drove off to the cafe. As expected John was there at the glass door. Probably waiting for. . .  me ?

"You're early " he chirped with a smile.  I smiled back but it seriously wasn't so pleasant as I wanted it to be. How do I make my mood better? I'm gonna ruin other's mood due to me.

"What's wrong?  Are you okay ? " he asked placing the menu card in front of me.

"Nothing really. I just feel tired and exhausted already. " I chuckled slightly and forcibly.  I don't want him to think he is pressuring me to work. As I willingly want to do it.

"Oh! Okay. Guess what will help ? Crispy fried chicken drumsticks." He slammed his hand on the table and got up.

"Listen. I would do the cooking work and you can help in serving. Is it okay ? Or would that be more tiresome  to you ?"
He spoke wanting me to agree. But I spaced out I guess.

"Earth to Diana ? " he waved his hand against my face.

"Yeah ?"

"What are you in right now ? You don't look like really good . Like always. Some shit's probably up ? "

"No nothing . What were you saying about the work ?" I tried changing the topic .

"So I was saying you can serve the orders.  And I will cook. I have seen the chef go nuts in kitchen while taking bunch of orders at once. You may not want that stupid pressure right ? Or will serving exhaust you more?"

Don't tell me he is trying to act sweet ? Or considerate even. We don't do that here.

"I can cook . I don't mind it. Would be fine."

"No! No, no , no. You look already tired. You just gotta take and place orders at correct tables. That's it. Dont overwork. You always say that, don't you ?"

I chuckled at how persuasive he's trying to be. I agreed anyways. 

"Okay ? Okay then. Have this first and let's get to work."
He said keeping a plate full of deep fried chicken legs. I loved chicken.  I muttered a thanks. And started eating.

"I am sure your c-cafe is famous f-for these dishes. I-Isn't it ?" I asked while stuffing my mouth with another piece. 

"Yeah it is. But I don't get to see you eat this everyday."

He said while moving his hand near my face.  I was shocked for a moment but stayed immovable . I felt his thumb pads touch the ends of my upper lip. The fuck this guy is doing today? Am I being weird or everything looks weird to me today?

"But also I didn't knew you eat it so amusingly."  He said while laughing a little too hard. I took the tissue wipes from the table and wiped my face and continued eating after saying thankyou.  He saw my embarrased expression to which he said

"Relax girl. You looked funny but cute. You should come here to eat more often. That'd be a nice show for me."

He laughed again. Now why the heck am I feeling my face grow hotter ?
I just shook my head and kept on eating. That seems the only way to hide what he caused. Why is he being so a-adorable ..? all of a sudden or am I just realizing it later.

I had the urge to burp but controlled it . My stomach was full. I guess overeating while I am stressed does helps me. Hehe.

Feeling better?  Are we? I asked my stomach in my mind as if it'd respond. But I did feel better. Food is the key.

"Any uniform for the day ?"  I asked knowing  there is a particular uniform with a red apron for the workers. 

"Yeah. You will find it in the washroom.  But I don't know your size - size of your clothes I mean." He stuttered a bit. But I ignored it .

After washing my face in the washroom, I removed my clothes since my wrist watch and the ring I always wore. So it won't be lost. After wearing the uniform I came out and showed it to John.

"How's it ?" I asked after turning 180°.

John's pov:

"How's it ?" Diana boomed after giving a little turn.

How the heck can she look cute?...   in this ?

"L-looks good on y-you."

"What's with the stuttering dude ?" She asked without seeing my face.

"I don't know either" I spoke very silently so she won't hear it.
But really? What's up with me ? I know she is kinda nice not overly pretty or something but she has good fashion sense. And she knows what to wear and where to wear. But cute isn't the word I looked in her since the time I know her. Has she been cute all the time then?

I know I sound halfwit. But who cares at this point.

I drifted my eyes to see her grabbing her plates she ate in, from the table. Bending a little.

Oh god! Save me. What is happening to my brain ?? Why the fuck am I staring at her as- . Shit. She must be thinking I'm turning into a pervert or something.

After years of our friendship John. The hell are you thinking of now? You eyeing her body that way isn't OKAY. Get that?

I saw her moving and arranging some chairs with the same crease in her brows. What's bothering her ? Should I ask once again ? Normally she would give up and open up to me. But today seems different. And makes me wanna ask her again. The last time she was so pissed was when Sarah decided to set her up with the guy Diana's mother had asked her to.

Is it because of her mother again? Ahh that woman.

I guess she needs her own time. I will ask when she seems in a better mood. Only if she knew, how much of a precious person she is to me. A great and loyal friend. A person I could count on with my family shit. The person who has seen me crying. Or the only person whose seen me crying but, she doesn't need to know that.

Diana really is someone, anyone would want to cherish in life. But she sees herself as a very depressed organism. I know humans all over have battles they fight, their wounds aren't known to anyone but them. However, we learn to fight again, stronger and harder. I hope we all can fight that way. And win against ourselves or the part of us that makes us loose ourselves.

Soon I saw customers entering the cafe and luckily we were all prepared. I didn't add any heavy items in today's menu because I alone cannot cook much. I hope she enjoys her work for now. I am very grateful that she is always there for me when I turn back.

She is welcoming them ever so warmly. She has some experience of course.

And the duties began. I worked my hands faster at chopping and whipping. She was accurate in serving plates to correct table and everything was going well.

'She looks adorable when she smiles at kids.' I smiled at the thought .

Why. Am. I. Smiling ?

Pull it together John . It's not like you like her in anyways?  Like her ?  Ughhh  I know I love her in a platonic way. But ....  I never thought of this in any other manner.

Let me just focus on the steak.


It's around 3 pm and we are going pretty well. But why do I hear Diana yelling ??

I stepped out of kitchen turning the stoves off and saw some customers gather around the biggest table in room.

Oh no!
She looks like she is gonna throw her hands now. Who is she fighting with though?
She won't do it unless it's necessary.


Who do you think Diana is fighting with? 👀👀

Pls take care and be safe 🤗🤗🤗🤗

(Thankyou for bearing my stupid ass.)

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