Chapter 04 | The Unexpected Kiss

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 𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒     𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

I don't know what more is there to happen . I don't know anything . Everything around me feels hazy , blur , not making me eager to do anything . My mind is filled with numerous thoughts and questions , I want that person to answer them all. I don't want to see anything unexpected anymore . How much I will convince myself somewhere deep inside my heart I can hear it's telling me you're the reason of her death not Karl Sebastian . I just want to scream and tell the person take me instead harming any other life . 

I don't know what the person can do more , I don't want to know also . Cause the answer and probabilities will be horrific , I know. The person already entered my room , even six police men were outside . My two hyungs were also there and more even I was even there in the bathroom , instead all of that the person entered and even decorated the room . The CCTVs were also failed to capture the human. 

What can happen more ? Namjoon Hyung already tighten the security more , he installed more police men , in this time with guns . I am one of the businessmen , recognized as a public figure , the government and police department agreed to give security to me . I am scared , numb , worried. I don't want to think more or I will be ended in a mental hospital or any therapist. 

𝐄 𝐍 𝐃  𝐎 𝐅  𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒   𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

After the incident one day already passed . Namjoon tried his best to find the person or any details about him through the decoration elements or the cake but he failed . The cake was not ordered from any stores . The whole investigations are going to dead end every time they are trying. Jin already did chemical analysis of the cake and every thing , neither any sleeping peels , neither any anesthesia , neither any poison. They didn't even find any finger print , nor any foot print . How can be a person so well managed and intelligent ? Since the first day the person didn't even leave a single trace behind.

Jungkook is going under through a huge brick of stress , sometimes he feels he is standing at the rock bottom , behind him there's a dark depth . He is seeing his hyungs are trying their best to find the person but they failed. According to Namjoon's instructions Taehyung and Jimin are also staying with Jungkook as The person also mentioned them , they came under the  danger shadow with their brother Jungkook.

The things are running like that from past one month. Jungkook is not able to focus on his business and deals , the company is  running with the help of managers of different departments and All the C-Level officers are working together , helping Jungkook not to fall in losses . Chief Financial officer ( CFO ) , Chief Operating officer ( COO ) , Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) , these C-Level officers are helping him a lot , but still CEO needs to be attentive. 

" What the hell ? Why Mr. Samson is absent for so many days ?" Jungkook asked being angry , Mr. Samson is absent for last two months , Mr. Samson is Jungkook's Personal Assistant , usually when Jungkook is absent he take cares of everything but for last two months he is absent. At first he deposited a month leave for his health issues and after doing a meeting the appeal was agreed , but now ? " I am sorry sir but I really don't know about it. Last month was his leave and in the first week of this month he send a mail to company saying his health issues increased and he needs more leave." Tareq said , he is COO of Jeon Companies . 

" Then ?" Jungkook said , spinning his gold watered pen between fingers. He is already pissed off by the incidents around him and now this. " Yesterday morning he again mailed saying that he can't join the company , as doctor totally said him to do bed rest and not to do any stressful things ." Tareq said , forwarding the tablet towards his boss , in company matters everything needs double verifications before to be agreed. " Hm ! Okay ! I will personally collect the data further ." Jungkook said returning the tablet back to Tareq , Tareq bowed and went away.

" Good Morning Mr. Park . " Tareq said , his voice made Jungkook drag his eyes towards the sound from the big glass window. There's Mr. Park Jimin in office attire entering in the cabin . Jimin smiled in response , mumbling a little good morning in back , Jimin and Tareq crossed roads. " What's up dude ?" Jimin said , adjusting himself in the chair infront of CEO .

" Nothing more hyung ! Just stressed about everything happening around me." Jungkook said , messaging his templets , he is tired . " About what ?" Jimin asked back , relaxing his body in the chair. " Like first the person , all the things , now my assistant Mr. Samson resigned for health issues. " Jungkook said , relaxing himself too.  " This not a reason to be stressed ." Jimin said cracking his neck , while Jungkook raised his eyebrow and asked through signals why? " See , Did you remember the stalker Taehyung got ? The obsessive girl . Stalking everywhere and gifting expensive things being an anonymous and what we found later that's it's an employee under him . " Jimin said smiling and smirking while remembering his soulmate's condition back then. 

" But the person did nothing deadly or bloody. " Jungkook said back. " Who said this person did ? Can't you remember the logic Namjoon Hyung gave ?" Jimin asked back , the person did two deadly things , first the blood roses and second the finger. " BUT still." Jungkook said lowly. " There's no but focus on business everything will camouflage ." Jimin said crossing his tiny hands over his chest , forming a little crunch folds upon his shirt in the chest area. Two buttons are opened , showing the tits border line , creating an attractive scene .  " Post an announcement , organize an interview , fix a new assistant. " Jimin said giving the biggest positive smile.  


The trio already did their dinner. Made themselves settled in their respective rooms . Same as before the trio is in the second floor with same rooms and combinations. It was a tiring day for the three , so sleep didn't take much time to drag them. Jungkook already proceed about the new assistant and did announcements , taking his Hyung's idea . Where Taehyung successfully achieved one big deal today. Jimin became among one of top 10 businessmen . Hoseok and Yoongi are out of town for some business deal in Tokyo. Jung and Min company are planning to do a collab to take the important deal from a big IT company. 

Namjoon is busy in his life between crimes and rules. Jin is busy handling operations and emergencies . Everything is running normal for these 5 days . Everything seems in a peace and regulations the danger seems fade away from them neither they felt any other horrific things , neither any danger.

A slight dumb sound came , it's nothing just Taehyung kicked Jimin and made him fall from bed . Jimin is too tired to go to bed again , so that sleepy Jimin decided to sleep on the floor. 


Everything is submerged into silence and peace. A soothing low wind is blowing outside. The police guards are attentive , but some of them are feeling sleepy so they decided that three will take 30 min nap while other five will do work. 

The rusting sounds of the leaves are making a delicate weather , the full moon is shining in the sky , creating a dreamy surrounding. Jungkook is sleeping peacefully , his naked body is covered under the fluffy ash blanket and smooth hairs are falling over his face and pillow . He has a habit to sleep without shirt according to him , the shirt is making him breathless and suffocated. 

Jungkook is sleeping facing the glass window , The moonlight coming from the window making him a little out of comfort , he is moving a little , eyebrows jolted . But soon his face relaxed , eyebrows became normal , his movement ended. The moonlight is no more falling on his face making his sleep disturb. 


There's someone who is standing in the balcony blocking the moonlight to disturb the love of life. The person wore a smirk in it's face , body and face covered with black cloths and mask , the hoodie cap is covering the hair. The person made a movement , anonymous stepped towards the window , dragging something out from pocket the anonymous opened the door without breaking the lock , hands are covered with gloves. The anonymous stepped inside , making sure to leave shoes outside. 

Slowly went towards the sleeping Jungkook but whole time anonymous made sure to block the moonlight , helping Jungkook to sleep peaceful. The person kneeled infront of the sleeping figure , running fingers into his hairs , Jungkook made a satisfied smile , little did he know who's the person he is giving the smile. 

" Sleep Tight Love , That was an exhausting day for you. Don't worry soon I will take you out from here with me forever. " The person pulled down the mask , kissed Jungkook's forehead . " You're Mine and will be mine forever ! You will STAY WITH ME , FOREVER TILL DEATH." 


The next day came with a hundred of new possibilities and hopes . Neither Jungkook nor the other two members find out about the arrival of the sudden person , neither the person did any mess behind. 

" All the best for today ! I hope you will find a bweaphwul awsiswant ." Taehyung said , he didn't spell wrong just he stuffed a whole bread in his mouth so he is sounding like this. " Find what ?" Jungkook asked . " A WIFE. " Jimin answered very casually hitting a kink. " Huh?" Jungkook asked now to Jimin . " I said that I hope you will find a beautiful assistant." Taehyung said gulping more food . " Hyung ! I don't have interest in these anymore." Jungkook said making an irritated face , he really started hating this love matters and relationships since this started. He still thinks for him any other person can be dead. 

" But dude that doesn't mean you will die single." Jimin said munching his share on the whole stock of bread. Taehyung just rolled his eyes on that statement . " I will gladly accept that fate." Jungkook replied with a poker face. 

Some hours passed after that awkward breakfast. Jimin and Taehyung are already in their company buildings and Jungkook is also. After completing the last remaining file in his desk Jungkook dusted his coat and ready for the interview.

" Sir ? Ready for the interview ?" Tareq asked . Jungkook nodded in response. After some couple of minutes they all are in same room , where the interview will be held. All C-Level officers and CEO are there , as that's the case of choosing CEO's personal assistant who will control whole company when CEO will be absent , so the interview will be tough. 

" First Application , come in." Mr. Clader asked . The person is a boy , entered in the room , he is Kendar Jhon . The interview went well but Kendar is a pure nerd type boy according to  Jungkook's agenda the person have to be confident and cool , serious one to handle the importance of the post. 

The meeting went all well , together there 50 applications finalized by the company and the 50 people are called for interview. The first 40 went , some of them are well manner , some has high scores and some scholars , some are cool , some are over-confident . But they are few who are actually in the color with Jungkook's agenda. The door opened again , it's 41st person. 

" Sit." Tareq insisted the person to sit , the person forwarded the file with documents towards the main table . The Jungkook started turning the pages around. " What's your name ?" Mr.  Clader asked.

The person replied , " I am Kang YN." 

A/N : Yn joined the chat..

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