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~Author's Note
Hard to believe Cams still single 👀
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This chapter has referenes. Okay bye.
warning: bad language ahead

With all that happened last night, I think it would be best that I go back to Cameron's house to apologize, even though it was Sierra's anger issues that got me kicked out. Our relationship feels like it's going down the drain. ***Not only can we get a perfect date to go by, but now, more people are coming into the equation. First it was Macy and Carter, and now it's Jack Gilinsky, and pertaining to the fact that I still haven't told Cameron that I'm tutoring him after school, this should be an interesting day.

***The guys were all in front of the school, and before I could reach closer to them, I knew exactly what they were talking about: Matt's back. I've missed Matt too, but I'm not fangirling like Carter. I get it, Matt was his best friend, but dude, take it down a notch.

"Hey guys," I said walking up to the guys. "What's up?"

"Matt's on his way!" Carter said shrieking. "I haven't seen him in forever."

"Carter, relax. He isn't Justin Timberlake." I said calming Carter down. "I just hope this school doesn't treat him any different for the three seconds he'll be here."

***"Yeah, and he isn't that famous; he's just known as the kid with the wacky video that got millions of hits, and moved to New York, nothing big," Carter said sarcastically.

"Yeah, exactly." I said to myself, shaking my head

"Madison, can we talk for a sec?" Cameron said, moving me from Nash and Carter. "I'm really sorry about last night, once again. I know you forgive me and all, but don't worry, I'm gonna find another date to make it better."

"Thanks babe, but I think I should be the one apologizing. There's something I need to tell you." I took a deep breath, and looked straight into his eyes. "I know you're not a big fan of Jack but-"

"Speaking of Jack, look over there." Cameron said interrupting me, as we both looked to see Jack in an amazing car.

I know Jack wasn't poor, but he wasn't wealthy either; and I thought Cam's car was incredible. His car was a red convertible, but with an awesome interior. Woah, the dude was loaded.

"Hey, is that who I think it is in the car?" Nash said, pointing to the car.

I mean, Cameron, Nash, Carter, and I were all thinking Matt, but c'mon, in what odds, would our dear (and now famous) friend, Matthew Espinosa, would be in a car with Jack Gilinsky?

"Matt!" Carter said, shrieking.

"Carter! I've missed you bro!" Matt said, jumping out of the convertible, hugging Carter. "Carter, the same Carter from before. Man you haven't changed." He said, whipping his sunglasses off.

"And Matt..." Carter said pausing, realizing what Matt was wearing. "You look a little Hollywood."

"C'mon dude, it's the same me, but with more money."

As Matt was continuing his greetings, I turned back to notice Jack, "How did you find Matt and give him a ride?" I asked Jack.

"This is his car, and he's my cousin. He's staying with us for his visit back."

There's a shock.
Small world.

"Guys, I haven't seen you in so long." Matt said walking the hallways with us. ***"So, how are my best friends, and favorite couple?"

"We're great Matt, we just missed you like crazy. And I still cannot believe you and Jack are cousins! Why haven't you ever told us?" I said, while holding hands with Cameron.

"Well, I didn't know 'til recently. He moved here over the summer, and my mom told me about my aunt and uncle I never knew about, and then I met him and we instantly connected. The dude's sick, he can sing, play the guitar, and is a beast at ball." Matt said reading his tweets.

"He's not that special, Matt." Cameron said, looking the other way.

"Woah, who put shit in your cereal this morning?" Matt said stunned at Cameron.

"Relax bro, Cameron just thinks that Jack is in love with Madison." Nash said calm.

"Woah, woah, woah, Mads, is this true?" said Matt.

"It's no big deal." I said shrugging my shoulder. "Cam's just being a bit jelly." I said smudging his face, adorably.

"Well hopefully, he doesn't flirt with you tonight." Matt said, continuing to read his tweets.

"Tonight?" Cameron said, looking over to Matt.

"Yeah, don't you gotta tutor Jack tonight, Madison?" Matt said towards me.
I'm done.
I'm dead.

Matt drove back to Jack's house after walking us to class, it was great seeing him, there's so much I forgot about him, like his big mouth, no wonder he's a comedian.

After class, Cameron gave me the complete cold shoulder, and I guess I did deserve it, since I never told him about Jack, but Cameron has nothing to worry about. **He's not going to lose me to Jack, he's dating Tess anyways.

"Cameron, how long will you be mad at me? Look, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about Jack before, but I did plan on telling you today." I said defensive.

"I'm not mad because you didn't tell Jack to lay off, I'm mad because not only did you allow Jack to have the impression that you're available to flirt with, but now you're also tutoring him, in the night? That's a recipe for disaster.

"And you're completely right. It was so hard telling him, and sometimes-

***"Madison I understand where you're coming from, but you know how I feel about you. Please just set him straight, for me?"

**Jack's house**

Just standing outside of Jack's house was making me nervous.

"Madison, you're here." Jack said smiling, allowing me into his house. "Don't be shy, Tess isn't here."

"Yeah, cause that's why I'm shaking in my boots." I said to myself sarcastically.

"Thanks again for tutoring me Madison, you really didn't have to do this."

"It's no problem Jack, you deserve a better grade, and I'm here to help."

I stopped talking once I caught a whiff of strong cologne.

"What's the matter?" He said, noticing my gagging expression. "It's the cologne, isn't it? I'm really sorry." He said, spraying air freshened around the room

"No, I'm sorry, that my nose has to go through the torture. Did you replace the water with your cologne in your shower?" I said covering my nose.

"Wow, you're funnier than I thought. You can head upstairs to my room. It's just Matt. The whole fam went out."

If I'm gonna be at Jack's house, at least Matt is here as well. ***I don't think I can be alone with him for another second.

"Hey Matt!" I said, seeing him on the top of a bunk bed. ***Jack's room had a bunk bed and a queen-sized bed. My room just had a single bed, not to mention, it was twin-sized.

"Mads, whaddup chick?" He said, scrolling on his phone.

"Nothing much." I said pausing, waiting for Jack to leave.

"I'll be right back guys" Jack said leaving

"Okay, here's the thing, would you mind staying in here while I tutor Jack? I can't be alone with him."


"He might try to pull something on me, and this way, you can give a full and honest report about me tutoring Jack, at least so he knows there's nothing going on between us. Please Matt?"

"Fine, but you'll owe me." Said Matt, though he's has more money than I could ever make in a year, or maybe two.

After our break, Jack made us sandwiches, it reminded me of when Mrs. Dallas made Cam and I peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was the first time being in a guy's room (just like now), and getting to know him as well (just like now).

"So Madison, how's the newspaper and debate team?" Matt asked me.

***"It's going well. It's only the first month of the year, we'll get better and better soon." I said, finishing my sandwiches.

"You're on the newspaper team?" Jack asked interested.

"I run the newspaper team." I said, confident.

"That's my girl." Matt said, offering me a high five. "But I've been texting Carter, explain to me go he went from Mr. 3.9 g.p.a, to dating a girl like-"

"Macy? I know. I said shaking in disgust.

"Well Macy and Tess are really good friends." Jack said adding to our conversation.

"Well, Brooklynn and her freakishly similar cousin can rot and die. They're really a bother." Matt said. "But hey, one of them is your girlfriend. No offense."

"None taken." Jack said, resting on his arm.

"What did you see in Tess anyway?" I asked Jack. "What made you think, 'Wow, she's definitely girlfriend material'?"

"Well, first off, she asked me out, and honestly, I didn't even think it would last this long." Said Jack, but personally, I know for sure their relationship won't last. "Actually, I'm not boyfriend material."

"Oh c'mon, don't say that." I said comforting Jack.

"Dude, don't exaggerate." Said Matt. "You're a musician, a b-ball player, you dance, and you have killer style."

Thanks bro-"

"And you're extremely good-looking!" Matt said interrupting Jack. You could now feel the awkwardness.

"Uhm, we can just keep this to ourselves." Matt said embarrassed.


I haven't talked to Jack all day! Cheerleading has been so tough to handle, I mean, do you think you could instruct fifteen girls to cheer, along with watching them work 'til they cry, or maybe bleed? I need to call Jack; hearing him go on and on about how much he loved me would make this all worth it.

"Hey babe?"
"Yes Tess?"
"I missed you. Cheerleading was exhausting today." I said pouting.
"Look, Tess, I don't think now is a good time."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I stopped after hearing noises in the background. "Who is that?"
"No one babe. Matt and I are just playing a videogame." Jack said. But I knew for sure it was Madison in the background as well. "Gotta go bye!"

"Disconnected." I said, taking a deep breath, then throwing the phone across the room. "Walters, this shit isn't over."
~Author's Note

I just realized that Jack Gilinsky's name was spelled with a "y" , rather than an "I". My bad.
You know I had to bring back Matt. And he plays the piano, lawdd 😍💦😩. After seeing that vine of him and Kenny Holland playing /singing Clocks by Coldplay (one of my favorite songs) my heart skipped a beat. 💓

As for Jack Gilinsky, I'm not sure if he can really play the guitar, i just made that up for the story.

QOTC! (Question of the Chapter) / do you have any superstitions? My friend believes everytime you interrupt someone, your breast size decrease 😂 and that goes to men too! 😂
Seems to me the stories with the most views on wattpad are One Direction Fanfics 😐

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