Injured (part 2)

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*Barney was carrying ron while Savannah and her B-bot were following behind*

Barney: One of these trees must have a power outlet or something, right?

Barney: *sighs* Oh this is not okay, Ron

Barney: Best friends don't die on each other

Barney: Are we going in circles?

*suddenly savannah sees red lights approaching them*

Savannah: barney look!

Barney: *gasps* Hey! Down here! Over here! Help us! Help!

Barney:...Wait they'll help us but...

Savannah: Run!

*barney, savannah and her B-bot run as quickly as they can away from the lasers approaching them and barney hides ron and savannah's b-bot in a log, but then a sharp bramble cuts savannah's leg causing her to fall onto the ground in pain*

Barney: Savannah!

*barney runs back for savannah and helps her up and they hide inside of the log*

Barney: *pants* what are they?

*suddenly a scanning laser peeks in through the hole in the log and barney picks up ron and runs out followed by savannah and her b-bot*

*but suddenly they fell down a hole, with savannah hitting her head in the fall*

*back at Bubble HQ*

Worker #1: I got nothing

Worker #2: We can't give up, People get lost in those woods and never come out

*then Andrew sees a monitor which shows, barney and savannah knocked out with ron and savannah's b-bot dirty with scratches*

Andrew:...You know what? let's call it a night

Worker #1: what? we can't do that

Worker #2: But what about the boy and the girl?

Andrew: They're just not in there, we should try across town tomorrow, Let's all go home, Oh and send the girl's b-bot back to her home as well

*the workers turn off the b-bot cameras and they retreat back to town with savannah's b-bot following the crowd*

*back in the forest*

*barney sits back up weakly and uses his inhaler and then looks over and sees savannah unconsious*

Barney: Savannah!

*barney rushes to savannah and turns her over*


*barney goes onto his knees and wraps his arms around savannah*

Barney (quietly): What have i done...?

*then he looks forward and then looks back down at savannah*


*rich was sitting at the buddy bench with his b-bot*

Rich's B-bot: 7 people have subscribed to 'Prank you very-

Rich: Dude why do you have mud on your wheels?

*suddenly rich notices a red light approaching the school*

*it was barney carrying savannah with ron following behind barney weakly*

Barney: hang in there savannah we're gonna make it

*the other b-bots and students noticed them and they came towards them while barney set her down gently*

Barney: Come on savannah don't die on me...please...stay with me...*tears fall from his eyes* I love you...more than you even know

Rich (in the distance): hang on we're coming sav

Noah: Is she okay?

Barney: she's hurt and she's freezing

B-bot: 13 year old girl, 10 inch gash across right leg, body temperature down by 60%, major concussion

*then a helicopter comes down*

Barney: over here! 

Rich: Yo guys! she's over here

Barney: She's hurt! she needs help!

*savannah's mother's car pulls in*

Mrs. Meades: Savannah!

Barney: Mrs. Meades! Mrs. Meades! she's over here

Rich: check her for a pulse for something!

Paramedic: Stand back!

Mrs. Meades: Oh savannah

Paramedic: alright deep breaths

*the paramedic puts a breathing mask over her nose and mouth*

Mrs. Meades: Don't worry savannah, mom's here, Help her! Please!

*barney helped keep Savannah's head elevated while they were running some tests on her but the one thing that was clouding his mind was; what was gonna happen to Ron and Savannah?*

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