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Twigs snapped on the ground as a strong force stepped on them. Small black colored boots run along the twig covered muddy path into the woods.

The mud splashes everywhere as another force jumps up and down on the ground.

Giggles fill the air as two young boys and their younger sister run deeper in the woods, while following the usual green but muddy path.

The ground was filled with beautiful flowers and the trees are high, standing proud with their green colred leaves. Birds are singing a lovely song and butterflies fly around looking for nectar.

As the three children come to an flower covered tree, the youngest starts to run faster.

"You can't catch me!" The young girl yells at her brothers as she runs past them.

"Not so fast, Kristina!" The oldest brother yells after his little sister. "We're not allowed to go so far into the woods."

Their parents, King Austin and his Queen Aradella, strictly told their 8 and 6 year old sons and their 4 year old daughter to stay close to the castle. The dangers always hiding around the corner. Especially in their kingdom, Delvina, King Austin has old enemies and never knew when or if they were going to hit.

The young girl didn't listen to her brother, she was feeling free, no dress on, no rules, just herself running like the wind. So she only ran faster. She knew her brothers would catch up with her.

Her little feet carried the light weight and kept on running alond the path, until she stopped. In front of her, a fallen tree. The branches chopped off.

But what catches her eye is the boy on top of it. He is sitting on top of the tree his elbows on his knees, leaning slightly forward, while his eyes are closed in concentration.

When her brothers finally catched up with her and both stopped, they saw her staring at the older looking boy on top of the fallen tree.

His clothes messy, dirty and green. Unusual in their kingdom. Most people's clothes are bright, happy colored and quite fancy. But then again they grew up in a castle, barely seeing the people in their village.

Slowly the older boy opens his eyes and a grin appears on his pink lips. He looks at the three small children in front of him. "Well, well. What do we have here?"

The oldest brother steps protectivly in front of his sister as he looks up to the stranger.

"It's okay, kid. I'm not going to hurt you." The older boy says as he stands up and takes small steps towards the children. "So who are you three? Aren't you a little far from home?"

The two brothers stay quiet but their sister speaks up bravely. "No, were not. Our father knows we're here."

"Well, that's good." The older boy tells her. He kneels down on one knee to be the same height as the small girl. "And who are you, little bird?"

The girl looks him in the eye and places her hands behind her back. "I am Princess Kristina and these are my brothers Dylan -" she says nodding to the oldest brother. "And Carlton." Nodding to the youngest brother.

Dylan eyes the older boy suspicious while he frowns as his sister tells him their names.

"Aren't you just adorable, Kristina." The older boy smiles at her and she gives him one in return. He stands back up and stretches his legs, his eyes never leaving the small girl before him.

Carlton takes a step forward to stand next to his brother. Both of them not trusting the older boy in green. He meets Dylan's eyes and knows he had the same thoughts as the younger brother himself.

"Thank you, Sir." She blushes.

"There is no need for formality." The boy smirks. He looks a the smaller boy with delight, getting a strange magic feeling from the two younger siblings. But doesn't feel it with the older one.

"Then who are you?" Dylan suddenly speaks up rather rudely. His eyes narrowing the stranger.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself." The boy stands tall as her looks at the children with a small smirk. "I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

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