Tar, Tar, Lilta Ana I Cantelë (Celebrate, Celebrate Dance To The Music)

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"Lets get the adoption over with." I spoke.
First, I had to sign my name, Raelin daughter of Dwalin.
Then my Adad signed his, Dwalin son of Fundin.
Next was Thorin, Thorin son of Thráin.
Then the witness, my uncle Balin, Balin son of Fundin.

And, it was over with - I was now Dwalin's child. - Officially.

"Shall we celebrate?" Thorin asked.
I wasn't one to celebrate, but why not? They could no longer take me.
I nodded, smiling.
"A feast it is!" Dwalin announced.
"Don't get too carried away, brother." Balin said, amused.

Hey everyone! So, I just woke up from a nap (you can thank my creativity for that.) And I'm exhausted! I debated on going back to sleep, or writing...And a sentence wont get out of my head. So, writing it is! ☺️

* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts
Example: 'So, so tired...'
* Italics Without Apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. In into the trees!
* Any of Tolkien's languages will be translated in bold lettering with asterisks.
Example: "Mae Govannen" *Well Met*


A grand feast was then prepared for the next day. Dwarves love to party, eat, drink, sing and celebrate for just about any occasion.

Everyone was invited within Ered Luin, of course. Thorin announced that I was his One, after all it would get out eventually.
I ended up blushing nearly tomato red, and ducking my head with a smile on my face.

The halls were filled with cheers and clapping. Many spoke "congratulations" in Dwarvish, some in Common Tongue.

Later during the feast Fili and Kili eventually made their way over to us and gave their own congratulations, along with asking when we were going to be married. It made Thorin choke on his ale and causing me to laugh.
"That won't be for a long time, Fili, Kili." I spoke smiling.
The two brothers soon left afterwords.

"Sorry about that, Rae. Those two can be..." Thorin trailed off, at a loss for words.
"Mischievous? Troublesome? Adorable?" I asked.
"Yes, and many more things." He said, amused.

A few minutes later, Bofur started singing - on the table.
Soon after many others joined in, Dwarrowdams *female Dwarves* included.
Some Dwarves at the edge of the room were playing instruments.

I grinned, rolling my eyes. 'Dwarves and their love for music. Oh how I've missed it.'
I couldn't help but clap and tap my foot along to the song. Dwarves cheered when it was over.
Looking to Thorin and my family with a big smile on my face. I thought, 'I love this place.'

The night wound down many hours later, and I was more then ready to goto bed. After thanking everyone for coming, my family, Thorin and I headed towards our separate quarters. Dwalin, Balin and I were soon off to bed after our "good nights."

The morning came sooner then I liked, thus - I slept in still exhausted from the previous night.
However, I was rudely awoken by my door banging open. I groaned and turned over. "Go away~"
I heard a deep laugh. 'Adad.'
Time to rise and shine, you and Thorin are the talk of The Blue Mountains now, Raelin. Not to mention your training starts soon.
Another groan was soon heard. "I'm too tired."
Adad took the blanket away, leaving me to glare at him.
"I know you were up late last night, but if you were attacked by a bunch of Orcs, you have to be ready. They'd kill you in your sleep. - Instantly. No mercy."
I sighed. "Fine, I'll get ready for training."

And so I did. I got ready and went down to the training room and sparred with Tavin for most of the afternoon.

Later on I snuck off to find Thorin, though couldn't help but notice the friendly comments such as "my lady", and "congratulations". I kept thinking, 'this is going to take some time to get use to...'
My footsteps quickened, eager to reach my destination and free myself from the comments.

Soon, I found myself before his door. Though this time I hesitated to knock. Everything was settling in, I was Thorin's One. His True Love. And one day, I'd be expected to be Queen, and have his children. I was frozen in place. 'Could I do this?' I found myself questioning, doubting.

I slowly snapped myself out of my trance. My doubts. 'One day at a time, Raelin.' I told myself. I knocked on his door, awaiting for Thorin to answer.

Slowly footsteps came to the door, tired sounding. It opened with an exhausted looking Thorin. "Are you alright?" I asked, quickly.
He managed a smile, "come, Raelin, I'll tell you of my troubles."
I looked at my One concerned but followed him inside before he locked his door.
Sitting on the bed, I studied Thorin.
"I'm thinking of starting a Quest to take back Erebor. We've lived in the Blue Mountains for too long."
"Now? Why now? Only yesterday did you tell the people that I was your One."
He sighed, clearly stressed.

"I'd also like to court you before this quest begins, Rae. Now that we're interested in one another."
I took a sharp breath in, eyes wide.
"Are you completely sure of this, Thorin?"
"Yes, with all of my heart. I wish to be bonded to you until the rest of my days." He said, smiling and cupped my cheek.
"How can I say no to that?"
He put his forehead against mine, "my jewel."
"I'll have to craft a courting bead to put in your hair. Shouldn't take more then a day."
"Will I see you tomorrow then?" I asked.
"Nay, I'll be working on the bead. And you best be off for supper."
I nodded my head, smiling, "see you in two days, Thorin."

Hey guys 👋 so, I've been getting A Lot of notifications for this story & "The Unknown Child {Hobbit Fanfic}"
Thank You for that!! 💗
The reason I updated this one, (at 2:25am 💤) is because I don't need the movie yet!
However ~ I'll go over previous chapters to make sure I got everything right later. Meaning her age, weapons, if Thráin or Thror are alive...etc. - Which I don't think they are if I remember right!
(My husband needs to get up early & I'm kinda bugging him with bright light...)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter with my tired brain!

-Lithôniel, (Ashley), Element-Of-Dreams

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