Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: This chapter includes spoilers for Jurassic World. If you have not watched it, or would like to watch it, kindly be warned. Thanks. -Altmile

*Hana's POV

My phone rings. For the millionth time today. Now, I feel like the universe and every billionth soul in it wants to stab me in the neck. Or the heart. Whatever kills me faster. I pick up the phone reluctantly.

"Let me guess Julie, you're going to ask me again if I so graciously be kind enough to go prom dress shopping with you and then go watching a movie about some crazy love triangle. Am I right?" I spit out the words. Sometimes when I am annoyed, I am a machine gun.

"Meaning-wise, yes. But technically, no" she answers. I shake my head although I no perfectly well that phones do not transmit images.

"I already told you no" I repeat, annoyed and about to shut the phone as she says:

"You can go to Starbucks while I go prom dress shopping" 

The moment she said Starbucks all beings stop attacking me. Starbucks is my light in the shadow, my oxygen in space, my cure for my best friend's liking of prom. And so I agree. She must be so happy (and shocked).

    I go over to my laptop and open my Facebook account. Over the course of three weeks, my addiction to Facebook has risen from minimal to roof-breaking space-reaching height. Every two minutes, I'm on Facebook. Today's latest news on the celebrity page (I also have an addiction on celebrity news pages) is again, Taylor Swift. Why does the media always buzz around the fact that everything she does is good. Everyone knows that "Bad Blood" is a diss to Katy Perry but the media somehow hides that. Why is the media so bias to Taylor? Is she illuminati?

    After the rumours flow through my head, I change into a more casual outfit. Navy blue slim jeans (I still don't know who bought it), a nice cute little pink crop-top (like those of Taylor Swift's) and a emerald green jacket. I got to say, the clothing matches I make are terrible. At least I'm not as bad as Julie. I look forward seeing her today. Especially her clothing.

    I enter the kitchen for a snack and meet my mom. She looks a bit like me. I have her smooth soft hair and she has my brown eyes. 

"Hey sweetie, where are you going today?" she asks with a smile forming on her face. I enjoy seeing her smile. The undescribable feeling when someone smiles and you smile and a chain reaction happens is what I love about my mother. I love her.

"I'm going out with Julie to the mall. She wants to go prom dress shopping" I reply half sighing.

"I thought you hated prom?" She asks. I understand the oddness of prom dress shopping for her.

"I make exceptions" I say.

    My mother was cheated a long time ago by my father when I was only three. My father loved to gamble and do drugs that she got mom involved. She tried to help but a person's help can only go to some extent. She tried everything she can to get back the person she fell for. She even tried to get a psychologist to approach dad but it failed. Soon the inevitable happened, he made another baby with a prostitute and the cops came. They searched our house and he was gone. That was basically the end of the relationship.


    Julie picks me up from my house, and we go straight away to the mall. She is wearing a striped skirt with greyish green contrasting with red (like a candy-cane but still not that similar) and a pure white shirt. Her hair is tied into two ponytails on either side. She looks literally like a rotten walking mutated candy cane. Not that I care a lot. I have learned to accept her odd looks. 

"Do you want to go to the movie first or Starbucks?" she questions as we enter the sliding doors leading into the somewhat "grand" atrium of the mall in town.

    The mall siting opposite the Starbucks in our town is what I consider a "miniature-mall". There's only about four to five clothe shops, a food court, a cinema, a bookstore (Julie's favourite), a few stalls selling random things, a few other restaurants etc. 

"Movie. Definitely the movie. I don't want to sit through and hour of coffee waiting for you to pick the 'perfect' dress" I answer. 

    I believe that nothing is perfect. You may believe that a relationship between you and your knight in shining armour might be knotless but truly it's not. My mother learned that the hard way.And I will not make the same mistake although history tends to repeat itself. This is also why Disney movies always tell lies. Not that I din't believe them when I was younger. 

    The cinema is flooded with people. People eating, people drinking (not the drunk type), people talking all the normal people actions. We queue up and burst into a conversation.

"The movie choices are endless!" she exaggerates. 

"I thought you planned what movie we're going to watch before we came? You said it had a love triangle?" I dish out a question to her. She looks stunned in her own imagination and returns after long thought.

"Oh, yea.... Um, that was the plan.....But it turns out I just made that movie up" she answers without meeting eye contact with me as if afraid to encounter me.

"What is the current plan?" I ask following her half-hearted answer.

"Improvise" she exclaims proudly and awkwardly. I'm half shocked too.

*The spoilers start here

    In the end, we decide to watch Jurassic World with two cups of Coke and a pack of shared popcorn. Jurassic world was fun and in my perspective, dumb. Thoroughly dumb. Genuinely dumb. Why would mankind create another jurassic park with dinosaurs and call it jurassic world now? And the worse point is, why would they make a genetically modified dinosaur if they know they can't control it? But I have to say it's quite enjoying. It is the best box-office anyways...

    Starbucks time! My brain rejoices. Coffee is what it wants. I know i just drank a cup of Coke but who cares? My brain certainly doesn't. I cross the road beside the mall and enter Starbucks.

    As soon as I enter, the crowded atmosphere overwhelms me. The queue is long, like out-of-the-door long. Without letting anyone else queue up before me, I queue up. I'm a very time-conservative person. Just don't let coffee get in my way. 

    Then, I see him. His  chocolate brown hair shining from the reflection of lights, his green Starbucks apron (that tells me he's one of the workers) and most noticeable, his emerald green eyes, piercing through me. Wait, he's looking at me?! It seems that he realised that I have been observing him and he's observing him. But then he stares blankly at my eyes. I know what he's doing, he trying to see if I'm new to this Starbucks. Well, the answer to that would be no.

    His face looks familiar. Common to some extent. Is he in the same high school as me? I get closer and closer to the counter and without much time, I reach him. I feel insecure. Is it the fact that he's looking at me or is it the fact that I'm looking at him? Either way, I'm still getting my coffee.

    When I reach, he asks me what would I like. I ask him an extremely useless question, why doesn't he know my regular coffee. I already know what his answer is going to be. He only works on Saturdays. And I only come to Starbucks on weekdays (excluding today). 

    But then my mouth starts to move without my command. I start telling him why I'm here. I'm being way too careless. Stay oblivious and be oblivious, I tell myself. That's my motto, stay oblivious and be oblivious.

"What's your name?" he asks. It's not normal for people to ask strangers what their name is, I think.

In my defence I say, "You first"

"James Summerfield" he says.

Guess I have no other option, "Hana Cheng"


"James Summerfield, hm.... I heard of him before, he's the one who hangs out with that gay guy and the other guy in the soccer team, well he's fine to me" Julie says in our ride home.

"But why did I tell him my name? It's like my mouth moved by itself!" I exclaim. I am confused. Julie is not helping.

"I don't know. Instinct maybe? You're acting too paranoid" she says clearly not understanding the whole point of this conversation.

"Uh..... You're making it worse" I sigh. Sometimes best friends just don't understand you.

 She leaves me in silence until we reach a part of our town I have never been too. I break the silence.

"I thought you're sending me back home?" I question. No answer.

    She gets out of the car and I follow her. Questions fill my head. Why are we here? Where is here? What are we doing here? The here I'm talking about is a cliff. More specifically, a deserted park on a cliff. The park contains some old training stuff for athletes who would never come here anymore, an inhabitable swing and some dusty park benches. She leads me to the swings and we sit, and swing.

"Is this thing safe?" I ask.

"You're skinnier than me, I should be the one asking that question. But since I'm not, I might as well explain" Julie says.

She continues,"This is the place I go to when I'm lonely, I refresh my mind here..."

"So this is your chill-out place?" I interrupt.

"Exactly. As I was saying, I don't normally live through most of my assignments so I come here. You think I'm human right?" she's a bit annoyed by the interruption.

"Maybe" I disagree. She is not human.

"You need to refresh yourself" she says.

"Refreshing is good once in a while" I agree this time.

Hope this goes well. I try to refresh everything like a flushing toilet but he keeps popping up. James Summerfield.

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