The Beginning

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(Pic uptop is Deku's costume. He picked up a flare for dramatics. I own nothing. I changed Deku's dad. And please bare with me, the first chapter is always the hardest.)

Loud police sirens blared in alarm as they pulled up to the museum. People inside were panicking with the sudden lock down as security guards tried to get them to calm down. I smirked down at them from my place on the chandler, a suitcase tucked under my arm. The com in my ear started buzzing. I pressed two fingers to it. "Glad you could join me for tonight's heist Mastermind." I said with a chuckle in my voice. "Wouldn't miss it for the world Emerald. So, what's the goal tonight?" He questioned with his own small laugh, overly tired and exhausted voice aside. "I've already got the package. Just need an escape route." I explained. "Hm. Give me a minute and I'll be right with you on that." Mastermind responded. "Hey! There's someone up there!" A person in the crowd shouted, pointing up at me. "S*it." Me and Mastermind said in unison. I smirked a little, eyes glowing red through my mask. "Well then, show time." I said. "Don't screw up this time Emerald. We don't need a repeat of the casino." He said. I glared slightly as a tick mark formed on my forehead. "One time! The one time I screw up my footing and you just can't let me live it down!" I growled. "Freeze thief!" I heard the cocking of guns. I smirked, standing up straight shooting a look over my shoulder at the guards on the balcony. "Why hello gentleman." I said. "Turn around, slowly." One growled. I slowly began turning around, facing the police. "Phantom." A few of them growled. "The one and only." I said with my classic heart stopping smirk. "Put your hands up." One growled. I tilted my head to the side a little. "Gentleman, gentleman. This is all a big misunderstanding. You see I haven't nabbed anything that valuable. Certainly not enough to warrant this much attention. In fact this suitcase right here, it's got nothing in it. Catch." I said, tossing it over to them. They jumped back from the suitcase, assuming it was some kind of bomb. "I'm devious but not devious enough to rig a suitcase. I'm also too lazy. There's nothing in there. I swear on my name as the most wanted thief in all of Japan alright?" I questioned, rolling my eyes. One of the guards nudged another one forward. He slowly picked up the suitcase, treating it like a bomb. But it didn't blow. "Yeah I'm not devious enough to do that. I'm a thief, not a murderer." I said. "That's why my partner is. He rigged the suitcase, I didn't." I added with a wink. They tossed the suitcase in the air as it blew up. "BOOM B*TCHES!" Mastermind said as I jumped off the chandler. I snapped my fingers and my tail coat formed into a hang glider, allowing me to sail for the stain glass window. "Emerald! EMERALD! WINDOW!" "Yeah, that's what I'm going for." I said casually as gunshots rang out across the museum. "Where did you store the package though?" Mastermind questioned. I smirked moving my hand in a circular motion, the red ruby appearing in it. "Just like a scarf trick it's all up the sleeve." I said simply. My tail coat reformed as I crashed through the window, hiding the ruby back in it's place. As the shattered glass flew with me out into the bright moon light I couldn't help but smirk. "Such a show off Phantom." Mastermind said with a snicker. Hi. I'm Phantom. The most wanted thief in all of Japan. You've probably heard of me. But what you don't know is how this all started. 

~Many Years Ago~        

"Congrats Miss. It appears your son has a Quirk." The doctor said. Izuku was bouncing in his seat as Inko Midoriya sighed in relief. "That's good to hear. When I heard all the other kids were already getting their Quirks I was worried that something might have been wrong with Izuku." She said. "No, no. He's just a late bloomer is all. He should gain his Quirk within the next few weeks. If not come back and see me. Just to warn you ahead of time, he should either gain your Quirk, your husband's, or a combination of the two. So do tell, what is your Quirk, and your husband's if you don't mind." The doctor said. "Well, my Quirk allows me to pull small objects to me. And my husband well....his is...harder to explain." Inko said, avoiding eye contact. "Oh? And why is that?" The doctor questioned. "Well...he never told me. Anytime I brought it up he avoided it. I mean, he's told me he has a Quirk. He's just never explained it." Inko said. "And where is your husband right now?" The doctor questioned. "At home. He came back a few days ago to visit. He should be leaving soon though." Inko responded. "Hm. Well until little Izuku here gets his Quirk tell your husband he has to stay. If he refuses to tell us what his Quirk is then he's going to have to watch for the signs of Izuku getting this Quirk himself since he's the only one who knows about it." The doctor informed. Inko Midoriya nodded, grabbing Izuku's hand. "Honey come on now." She said.   

Once we had gotten home mother informed my father about the possibility of me getting his Quirk. My father, Akira Midoriya, appeared to be worried about this, so he woke me up in the middle of the night after a few days, and tested me. 

Izuku followed the tall male out into the playground, in the middle of the night. "Dad, what are we doing out here?" The young boy questioned. "A test." Akira responded simply. Akira Midoriya was a man of few words. At least in public. He talked more with his son and wife when they were alone. Akira slipped on a black tail coat that looked as if it were made of leather. "Izuku, somewhere in this coat I've hidden a small All Might action figure. One that I brought from over seas. This coat has many hidden pockets all over it. I want you to locate the action figure, and take it from me. Alright?" Akira questioned. Izuku nodded with a determined look on his face. As a child, he didn't understand the purpose of this test. He just wanted the action figure. "There's a catch though. You have to get it, without me realizing that you've taken it." Akira added quickly. Izuku nodded again with a confirming hum. Akira looked away from Izuku for a second before continuing with their walk. His eyes flashing red momentarily. Pin pointing his son's location based on his breath. This isn't going to be easy Izuku. For either of us. After all, you are my son. Even if you don't have my Quirk, you probably have my skills regardless. Akira thought. The air was cold at night, so it was easy to see their own breath. "Izuku how are you holding up? Are you cold?" Akira asked, breaking the silence. "N-nope! I'm fine!" Izuku said, before sneezing a little. "Be right back." Akira said ducking into a store silently. Izuku hugged himself trying to think of a plan to get the action figure. While also trying to remain warm. He looked to the side getting a weird feeling, only to see that his father had returned. Akira gave Izuku a small black tail coat, much like his own with two pockets on the inside. The only differences being that this one didn't look like it was made of leather, it didn't have nearly as many hidden pockets, and it had a greenish tint to it. Izuku slipped it on, getting warmer immediately. "Better?" Akira questioned. Izuku smiled at him brightly with a nod. "Mmhm." He hummed. Akira smiled ruffling his son's hair. Izuku's eyes flashed red for a minute reaching inside one of the pockets of his father's coat, finding nothing. He quickly retracted his hand before Akira noticed. "C'mon, let's keep walking." Akira said, getting a weird feeling from his son. They continued walking this time Izuku a little closer to his father, not close enough to be noticed immediately. But Akira did see the slight change, also noting that Izuku was keeping pace with him better. Is that strategic, or is he just faster now that he's warm? Akira thought, trying to pick apart the situation like always. Izuku matched his father stride by stride, step by step. He even slowed his breathing slightly to better match Akira's slow and calm breath. "So dad, why'd you decide to come back so suddenly? Where did you go?" Izuku questioned. "Oh um...I missed you and your mother. And I believe I was in America for a time. Which reminds me, I have a gift for your mother, remind me when we get home." Akira said. Does Izuku have a Persona? Is that possible? I'm certain we destroyed the Metaverse but it's hard to say for sure with Morgana staying alive and whatnot. Akira thought. With that thought Akira got out his phone checking to see if the Metanav had returned. Izuku took this opportunity to check another pocket eyes flashing red, but finding nothing, then quickly returning to his normal position. Akira nodded to himself, putting away his phone. Nope. Still not there. So it's highly unlikely of Izuku having a Persona. Akira thought. "Hey dad, did you have lots of friends when you were younger?" Izuku asked. Akira chuckled a little. "Not really. Not many people liked me, called me dangerous and/or unusual. That's the problem now a days. People are way to judgmental. And when they put labels on people, then those labeled will slowly become what you've labeled them as. But I did have one group of friends at one point in my life. But only for a year. I was a transfer student because I was on probation. I got in trouble for doing the right thing. Back when I was a teenager I had a strong sense of justice. But I was told it was wrong for me to interfere with 'matters between adults'." Akira said, using air quotes and causing Izuku to giggle a little. "Let this be a lesson Izuku, never hesitate to do the right thing. Even if others say it's wrong, that doesn't mean it is. Sometimes it's okay to break the rules a little. A strong sense of rebellion can be a good thing. In that year, where I met my group of friends, I did a lot of bad things, but always for the right reasons. And while I may have gotten in trouble for it in the end, it was all for the greater good. And hey, I'm here now. And I've got a wonderful son and wife. I still talk to my friends once in a while." Akira said. 

"Whoa! You were a rebel!?" Izuku said in excitement. Akira chuckled a little. "Well, Izuku, have you ever heard of the Gentlemen Thief known as Arsene?" Akira questioned. Izuku shook his head no and Akira smirked a little. "Arsene is a fictional gentleman thief created by Maurice Leblanc. He was known for targeting criminals or those who were much worse than himself, making him an anti-hero of sorts within his own stories. He appears everywhere and is a master of disguise. He is known to help law-abiding citizens. The character was first introduced in a series of short stories serialized in the magazine Je sais tout. The first story, "The Arrest of Arsene Lupin", was published on 15 July 1905. Lupin was featured in 17 novels and 39 novellas by Leblanc, with the novellas or short stories collected into book form for a total of 24 books. The number becomes 25 if the 1923 novel The Secret Tomb is counted: Lupin doesn't appear in it, but the main character Dorothée solves one of Arsene Lupin's four fabulous secrets. The character has also appeared in a number of books from other writers as well as numerous film, television, stage play, and comic book adaptations. Five authorized sequels were written in the 1970s by the celebrated mystery writing team of Boileau-Narcejac." Akira listed. Izuku gave him a look of wonder. "How do you remember all that!?" He questioned. Akira blushed a little, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm a bit of a nerd. He's one of my biggest inspirations. And well...I always carry around one of the books he's featured in with me." He explained, pulling out a book with a light brown cover. He put the book back in his tail coat. "I recommend you read the books when you're older and able to read. Honestly once you get sucked into these stories you'll never be able to put them down." Akira said, still blushing a little. "Question, if he helped people why would they arrest him? And call him a thief?" Izuku questioned. Akira sighed a little, his focus drifting as old memories began to resurface. He unconsciously ran his thumb over his wrist, a few old scars noticeable. Izuku took this chance and checked another pocket eyes flashing red like last time, this time feeling the familiar shape of an All Might figure. He was silent as he took it out of Akira's pocket and hid it in one of his own pockets. Smirking to himself in pride. "Izuku, people sometimes didn't realize he was helping. Others still believed that what he did was wrong. He was a thief because he stole things to help others. Like Robin Hood. But more...fancy. Yeah that's the word. That's why he's called a Gentlemen Thief. And that's just the way the world works. You may be too young now to understand any of this. But the world is awful at times. And it needs people who are willing to break out of the herd and fight for what's really right. Some heroes claim to be fighting for justice. Sometimes they aren't. Everybody lies Izuku. What's important is being able to see what's truth and what isn't. Keep that in mind as you grow." Akira said. 

At the time, I really didn't understand what he meant. But after the test was over, and he confirmed I had his Quirk, well...Let's just say I learned. And I made myself live by three rules: Never kill another person. Always believe in second chances. And never lie. Others can kill on my behalf. Others can lie on my behalf. But never will I, directly kill a person. Never will a lie leave my mouth. And never will I believe that someone can't change. But a second chance is all they'll get from me. 

Once father and son returned home Izuku showed Akira the toy. And Akira sighed out slightly. He passed. He must have my Quirk in that case. He thought. Akira got down on a knee, coming eye level with Izuku. "Izuku...You have my Quirk." Akira said bluntly. "Really!?" Izuku questioned in excitement. Akira sighed again. "Yes. But Izuku, listen, please. You must never, ever tell anyone about this unless you know without a shadow of a doubt that they won't ever betray you. Please. For my sake and your's, don't make the same mistake I did." Akira said. Izuku tilted his head to the side but nodded slowly. "My Quirk is called, Phantom Thief. It gives me all the skills and abilities of a master thief. Pick pocketing, stealing things, picking locks, making bombs, changing clothes quickly, slight of hand, skills with making and using gadgets and tools, high proficiency with weapons, the whole shebang." Akira explained. "Drawbacks include slight changes in personality anytime the user enters thief mode. Aka, whenever your eyes turn red." Akira continued, letting his eyes flash red before returning to normal. "Also gives you an urge to steal things and/or horde things that may be of value." He added. Izuku looked at his own hands for a minute, having to process the words he just heard. "B-but...doesn't that make me a villain?" Izuku questioned, tearing up slightly. "Not necessarily." Akira said quickly. "These urges can be quelled by playing harmless pranks on people. Things like stealing something from them, then putting it back in their house for them to find later. And/or stealing things from bad people. Say you saw a lady get robbed, you could steal her money back and give it to her. I've done a something similar in the past. But trust me, these urges will be quelled permanently when you steal the greatest treasure ever." Akira said. "And what's that?" Izuku questioned, curiosity more powerful than any previous sadness or fear. Akira blushed slightly with a small smile. "I'll tell you when you're older. Because for a kid your age it'll seem all mushy and gross." Akira said. "What, what! Tell me!" Izuku said, bouncing on his feet. Akira sighed a little. "Well, it technically works both ways. Someone has to steal the exact same thing from you for it to work. You both have to steal it from eachother." Akira said. "Daaaaaaaad! Tell me!" Izuku pestered. "Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you. You have to steal someone's heart. And they have to steal your heart as well." Akira said. Izuku tilted his head to the side. Confused. 

I didn't understand what father meant at the time. But as I grew older, it grew clearer. He meant falling in love. Once I've stolen someone's heart I'll no longer feel the need to steal something else. That didn't mean I would stop or have to stop stealing things. It would just help me overcome my drawback. After a few years of training with father in secret, I was finally of age to move out. And that's where this story really begins. Don't worry, we'll.....get back to where we are at the museum. It won't take long. But you have to know who Mastermind is first, and how we met. After all he's my best friend. And my personal hacker. Once I had him on my side I was able to begin my career as Legendary Thief Phantom. So, is everyone ready?   

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