The Blood Ruby Heist

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~Izuku's POV, Present Day, Tuesday, 12:25 PM~

I finally landed in front of the museum, glass shattering around me as it hit the ground. I stood up, lights shinning on me from the police cars. "FREEZE PHANTOM!" The chief shouted through a megaphone. "Y'know words don't scare me! And it's time for your last surprise. Because you're pretty dumb facing me down with no Pro support. I'm not your average thief." I announced. "We know." The chief said, lowing the megaphone with a smirk. "Wha?" "INCOMING EMERALD!" Mastermind shouted in my ear. My eyes flashed red as I jumped to the side, avoiding spikes of ice coming right at me. My eyes searched for the source of the attack, locating a tall male with evenly split hair. One side red, the other white. A burn mark over his left eye. I landed safely on the ground again tail coat fluttering behind me. "Well, well, well. The first Pro Hero to confront me. To whom do I owe the pleasure?" I questioned, placing a hand over my chest in a small bow. The Pro stepped closer, allowing me a better look at him as I stood  up straight. "Shoto." He responded simply, sending another ice attack at me. I front flipped forward, now balancing on top of one of the spikes of ice. "For the record, I haven't harmed anyone...yet. I really do not believe I should warrant this much attention." I said, keeping my hands grasped behind my back as I stared down my nose at the hero. "You're arrogant." He mumbled, the ice under my feet starting to move. I slid down the ice closer to him quickly jumping over his head while pulling my gun. He whipped around grabbing my wrist and flipping me over his shoulder, causing me to drop my gun. I swung myself around, trying to sweep his feet out from under him only for him to jump over my leg. I kicked his chin with my other leg, causing him to release my wrist. He was knocked off balance as I jumped away from him a few feet. I rubbed my wrist with a hiss as he did the same to his chin. I rushed him again, this time a knife in my hand. He side stepped reaching out with his right hand and nearly freezing my arm. I ducked quickly before slashing up, nearly getting his face. But he backed up slightly, causing me to miss. Ice erupted under my feet and I quickly rolled away from it. I jumped up, chucking my knife at him and cutting his cheek a little. He ignored the wound sending more ice in my direction. I jumped over the ice and slid down it, getting into close rang again. Mastermind was screaming in my ear about getting away, but I ignored him with a smirk. Having fun. I ducked by the hero's left side, a look of panic in his eyes. Fire erupted from his left side, warding me off. I smirked even more. "Heterochromia and a duel wielding Quirk? Quite the interesting hero I'm facing." I said to myself. He swung his right hand at me bringing more ice with it. "But I would much rather face ice than fire, thanks." I added quietly. Getting out a spare gun and firing at the ice. It shattered immediately as bits of ice rained down around us. "Oh hey, it's snowing now." I said with a snicker. Referring to how the small ice shards looked like snow. "The hell was in that gun?" A police officer questioned quietly as I cocked the hand gun again. I charged the hero again before hopping over his head. He spun around trying to grab my wrist again, this time I was ready, grabbing his hand instead. He quickly spun me around trying to get me to let go of him. I didn't let go but I did drop my gun with the sudden movement. I drew another knife on reflex and held it to his neck as he lowered me to the ground, stopping mid way. We both glared at eachother, frozen because one wrong move could get us both hurt. I growled low to myself. This guy's the real deal. I thought. He swung me out to the side suddenly, twisting his hand so he could grab my wrist again. I growled, forced to drop my knife. "Should I just stop pulling weapons at this point?" I questioned, pulling up a smirk. Why do I feel like we're dancing? A dip now this? The hell. I thought. He continued to glare at me before I rushed him again. He twisted my wrist causing me to wince in pain but I came with a right hook, biting back the pain. He caught my other wrist in a block before flipping me over his shoulder again. This time my back hit the ground. I groaned a little, head spinning. I recovered quickly, spotting him getting out handcuffs. I quickly flipped, nailing his chin with another kick before standing on my feet again. Clutching my shoulder in pain. Everything hurts. I thought, but I didn't let let it show on my face as I smirked, eyes still red. "Been a while since I've been in a real fight for my life." I said, a laugh in my voice. I heard more foot steps and saw someone running at us. I recognized ash blond spiky hair and panicked. "As much as I'd love to stick around I'm afraid that I need to get going." I said. I moved my hand in a circular motion as the ruby appeared in my hand. "Oh, and I'm keeping this." I added, putting it in my pocket. I pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it at the ground. It exploded and in the shroud I quickly fled. 

~Time Skip~

I got on the train heading back to Yongen-Jaya, ear piece still in my ear as Shinso scolded me. I had already changed out of thief clothes and was lucky it was nighttime, meaning that no one else was on the 1:00 AM train, allowing me to grab a seat and relax, tuning out my overly worried best friend. "That was close d*mnit. Bakugo could have seen you!" He added. I hummed a little, pulling out my book and starting to read again. "You're reading about Arsene aren't you? Listen to me when I'm scolding you!" He hissed. "Hey Shinso, who was that hero? The one with the ice and fire Quirk?" I questioned. He stopped talking for a minute before I heard a sigh. Then the familiar clicking of his typing. "Pro Hero Shoto. Quirk: Half Hot Half Cold. He freezes with his right and burns with his left. He rarely ever uses his fire side in battle, only when it's necessary.  His actual name being Shoto Todoroki." He explained. I snorted a little. "He used his first name? Geez. Must be confident." I said. "He has good reason to be. I mean, even as a first year he was already better than the average pro. And he's the current Number 1 Hero sooo..." This caused me to jump slightly and drop my book. "Way to hold out on that information!" I said, picking up my book and locating my page again. I placed my book mark back in it's place and stuffed the book back in my bag. "Hey I'm gonna rest a little, let me know once I get to my stop." I said, leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes. "Sure thing." Shinso said, playing some calming music on his end. 

Shinso woke me up once I was at my stop. I got off the train and made my way back to my apartment. I heard a meow and looked behind me in the streets. "Hey Morgana." I said. He meowed again, hopping onto my shoulder. "I really wish I could understand you like the others do." I said. He meowed again, eyeing my pocket. "So you already heard?" I questioned. He nodded. "Do you want to see it?" I asked. He nodded again. I pulled the ruby from my pocket as I continued walking letting him see the gem. "Whatcha think? A Blood Ruby this size would be about, oh I dunno, 720,000, 12,456,000 yen on the black market right? How much you think I could get for it at Untouchable's?" I questioned. Morgana meowed a little pawing at the gem before pawing at my phone. I stuffed the gem back in my pocket before pulling out my phone. I pulled up the notes app and held the screen up to him as he typed his reply. A skill he learned to communicate with me. I didn't question how he knew words. 

Morgana: At Untouchable's you probably wouldn't get much for it. Black Market however well, I can see plenty of people paying full price. Untouchable's is the safer option though. 

After reading his reply I nodded. "You're right. Safety over quantity. I can still get a reasonable price for pawning this off at Untouchable's. Certainly enough for the next animal charity donation next month. Maybe pay a couple of children's hospital funds too." I mumbled to myself. I held the screen up to him as he typed out something else. 

Morgana: You're allowed to keep some profits too y'know. No one will think less of you for it. 

I chuckled after reading that. "You just want me to get you more tuna. And I do keep some profits cat." I said. He started to fluff out giving me the normal 'I am not a cat' glare. "Oh don't get your fur in a knot. I have some left over sushi for you at the apartment. Calm down." I said. He immediately looked satisfied and began licking his paw as I put the phone away. I knocked on the door to me and Shinso's room before walking in. "I'm back." I called. No response. "Probably passed out in his chair again." I mumbled, throwing my bag off to the side. I walked to the corner next to the window where my bed and desk were. Morgana jumped off my shoulder and hopped into the desk as I sat on my bed. I pulled the ruby out of my pocket and smirked. "I'll pawn this off tomorrow. Let's get you some food." I said, looking at Morgana. He meowed his agreement as I placed the ruby in my nightstand drawer along with a couple of other stolen items. "Gotta pawn the rest of this too. Hm. Guess a trip to Untouchable's was unavoidable at this point." I muttered, closing the drawer and walking to the kitchen with Morgana in toe. The moon light shun in through the windows, illuminating my path in the dark lighting. Small amounts of dust could be seen in the air as I placed down the plate of sushi on the table for Morgana. He began eating with a content expression as I left the kitchen area. I flopped onto my bed with a small hiss, not really tired, just in pain. D*mn, that hero really did a number on me. I thought. I opened my eyes starring at the ceiling. I'll have to be careful around him if I seen him again. The Number 1 Pro Hero showed up to try and stop me huh? I thought. I allowed my eyes to close again, smiling ever so slightly. Wow. Didn't know I was that popular yet. I wonder when he became Number 1 though. Wasn't it Endeavor for the longest time after All Might's retirement during Kacchan's first year at U.A? I thought. I snickered a little. Knowing that flaming b*stered's ego must have hurt to lose his place to a guy around my age. Wait...around my age? That means....there's a high possibility he was in Kacchan's class at U.A. So he just graduated recently. Holy crap. He rose in the ranks fast if that's the case. I thought. My eyes opened again as I lifted my hand in front of my face. "How long have I been focused on my thief work if I didn't hear about this change in ranks? How much have I changed if I wasn't the first to hear about it?" I asked myself. I dropped my hand back to my side with a sigh. Do research in the morning. Sleep now. I thought, closing my eyes again. My thoughts slowly calmed into quiet rumble as my consciousness began drifting to sleep. 

~Morgana's POV~

I had just finished my amazing and delicious sushi when I heard soft snoring. I looked over to see Joker 2.0 fast asleep. "Heist must have taken a lot out of him." I said to myself. I hopped off the kitchen table and sprinted over to his bed before hopping up next to him. I stared at his sleeping face for a minute with a calm expression. He looks so much like Akira when he's asleep. Acts like him too. I thought. Izuku rolled on his side, seeming to be dreaming. I smiled a little mentally. I can't believe I thought he was Akira when he walked in though. I thought.


I heard the door to Leblanc open, the normal bell alerting me while the others were blabbing about how things were going lately. But that's when the familiar scent of Akira hit my nose. "Joker?" I mumbled, looking at the stairs. "Did you say something cat?" Ryuji asked. I shot him a glare. "I AM NOT A CAT!" I hissed. A few minutes later Futaba shouted at us from down stairs. We all tore down, worried something happened to her. The moment I hit the bottom I looked around the cafe before spotting a head of black fluffy hair and a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. I was stunned before tearing across the cafe and knocking him out of his chair. "JOKER! NO WAY!" I shouted, an overwhelming sense of happiness consuming my soul. Until I got a better look at the guy. Now realizing that he didn't have black eyes and his hair was tinted green with no glasses either. I glared at him slightly. He smelled like Akira, but had a slightly different tint under that black coffee scent. Mint and chocolate? I pawed at his hair. "Just as fluffy as Akira's." I meowed. Then Ryuji picked me up while Yusuke helped the guy up. I flailed around like crazy meowing random gibberish and trying to get the blond moron to drop me.

~Back To The Present~

I stared at Izuku before curling up next to him. He may act and look like his father. But he's not Akira. Never will be either. I thought. Either way though, still going to help him, just like I did his father before him. He has Phantom Thief. I feel obligated to do this. It's a task only I can do after all. I thought. I finally drifted to sleep, dreaming of fish and treasure alike.                                                   

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