Chapter 15: Confession

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Jimin's POV

I woke up the next day to find myself alone in an unfamiliar room. I began panicking, thinking I was kidnapped when memories of yesterday came flooding back. We had gone to Lotte World and then I had stayed at Yoongi's house. Since I didn't have Mr. Rainbow or Elsa Bear with me, I had to resort to cuddling with him to help me fall asleep. Not that I had minded or anything, though. He was comfortable and squishy just like my stuffie which made me feel really safe.

I sit up, the blanket falling around my waist, before trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I yawned, stretching as I swung my legs over the side of the bed to get up. I'm about to lay back down in exhaustion when the smell of bacon hits me nose, instantly waking me up.

Mmm, bacon.~

I follow the scent to the kitchen where I am greeted by a Yoongi wearing only boxers and an apron. If I weren't with Hoseok I would definitely tap that.

For some unexplainable reason, hanging out with Yoongi and waking up to him cooking breakfast just feels right. I don't know how to explain it. It's like whenever he looks at me, butterflies erupt in my tummy where as when Hoseok looks at me, I don't feel that same fluttery feeling like when we first started going out. It's almost like we lost our spark.

That scared me. Hoseok was trying for me and even went out of his comfort zone to make sure I was comfortable. It was hard not to love him but I don't think I was in love with him anymore.

"Jiminie, you're up!" I'm broken out of my thoughts by one very happy Min Yoongi.

"I am," I say with a chuckle, "What's got you in such a good mood so early in the morning?"

He shrugs, "Eh, I'm just happy I get to make food for my favorite person."

I blush at this.

"I'm your favorite person? You really mean that, Hyung?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't you be?"

"I don't know," I say, picking at the bottom of my shirt.

"Cheer up, Jimin! The food's ready! Come," he waves me over setting a plate down on the table, "sit down and eat!"

I waddle towards the table and take a seat at one end, him taking the seat on the other end. I begin stuffing my face, not minding that he was staring at me the whole time.

"You have a little something right here," he says pointing to a spot on my cheek.

I blush and immediately grab the napkin next to me, rubbing my cheek with it in attempts to wipe off whatever food had made its home on my face.

He chuckles, "You totally missed it."

He then gets up and makes his way towards me. All this time my heart is pounding rapidly, almost as if it were trying to jump out of my chest and into his hands.

He proceeds to lessen the distance between our faces and lick the corner of my mouth. An involuntary squeak leaves my lips at the action.

"W-What was that a-about?" I stutter, a bit flustered by his actions.

"Ah, sorry," he says sheepishly, "I used to do that to my last partner."

I'm about to say that it was okay when he mutters 'Ah, fuck it' and confesses, "That was a lie, actually. I like you. A lot more than I thought I could like someone and it's honestly so terrifying for me. I know you have Hoseok but I couldn't go another day without letting you know how I feel.

You probably think I'm weird now and I probably ruined breakfast, but I stand by what my heart feels. My heart pumps for you in this moment, Park Jimin. My whole world changed when I met you."

I was at a loss for words. Yoongi has a crush on me? My heart was beating faster than ever before. I felt like a fish out of water, unsure of what to say or do.

"Say something, Jimin. Before I kiss you."

Part of me wouldn't mind that happing but a bigger part of me felt guilty because goddammit I still had Hoseok who loved me.

"I- We both know I can't be with you, Yoongi," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm not asking you to be with me just yet. I'm just asking you to let me prove to you that I can meet your needs and be everything you need," he says desperately, holding my hands firmly between his.

"What about Hoseok?" I ask.

"If you decide that I'm the one you want, then we can set him up with his co-worker, Baekhyun. The dude's got a massive crush on him," he says confidently.

"Woah!~ Baekhyun-hyung has a crush on Hoseok? He never gave any signs of being into him, or men to be more exact."

"Yeah, well, he does. And I'm crushing on you. If worse comes to worse, I'll just date him instead."

For some reason, him saying that he would go out with Baekhyun really ticked me off. Was I perhaps feeling jealous?

I really need some time to think about this. An idea suddenly popped up in my head.

"Why don't we go look for a present for Jin-hyung and I can think about it as we search?" I suggest.

"You're really going to think about my proposal?" Yoongi asks astonished.

"Why not? It'll help me understand why I get butterflies around you."

A/N: Short chapter :) Things should start progressing from here

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