Chapter 19: Jin's Birthday

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Jimin's POV

It was a day before Jin's birthday and I was still living with him. I felt like such a burden to him but for the past two days he's been letting me know that I'm not. He allowed me to pay for the snacks we would eat for our second movie night- although he did put up a fight at first. It's been a fun two days.

I did have the opportunity to tell Jin what had happened. He comforted me like the mother hen he was and told me to give Hoseok some time to calm down. We both knew he was mad at me for doing exactly what he didn't want to happen, but I couldn't help it. I guess my ex isn't the only one who can't stay faithful.

I was currently in the guest room if Jin's apartment mentally preparing myself to send Yoongi a message. I had a lot of missed calls from him and about a hundred messages- all stating his worry for me and to please call him back. I was scared, worried that he'd be mad for ignoring him for the past two days. 





Park Jimin please reply to my goddamn texts


hey yoongi


don't 'hey yoongi' me

where have you been for the past two days mister? 

do you know how worried daddy was? i thought something bad had happened to my baby boy!

I blushed at the nickname, feeling myself slowly slip into little space.


i sowwy daddy :( Minnie didn't mean to make you upset


it's okay little one

just please don't do that again or i'd have to punish you for ignoring daddy


yes dada



does Minnie want to come over and talk about what happened?


yes pwease dada 
pik me up fwom jinnie's pwace pwease



Okay little one

I'll see you in 15 minutes so start getting ready to leave

Me: okie dada

I lock my phone and throw it on the covers. I shoot up from the bed and giddily walk over to my closet to pick out some nice clothes. With a huge smile on my face, I choose out my outfit for the day which consisted of warm clothing and a pink scarf Jinnie had gotten for my birthday.

Tomorrow is Jinnie's birthday and I just know he'll love the present Daddy and I got him!

The Next Day

Yoongi's POV

After spending the whole day with Jimin and finding out what happened between him and Hoseok, we ended up cuddling on my bed until it was bedtime for him. He threw a small tantrum when I was dropping him back off at Jin's place but calmed down once I promised him that I would come back today. So here I am, standing in front of Jin's door with a gift in my hand, waiting for one of them to open the door. 

I knock once more, hoping that they hear it this time. I hear the door unlock and watch as Namjoon comes into view.

"No wonder I didn't hear you this morning. You probably came to make love to Jin on his birthday," I snort, causing him to go red. "Wait, where's Jimin?"

"Come in and you'll see," he said with a light chuckle.

I walk inside cautiously, making sure neither of the Little's would hear me. I manage to hear the high-pitched voice of Jimin saying, "Thish wooks gweat on chu, Jinnie!"

Peaking out from the corner of the wall blocking me from their view, I see Jimin putting pink eyeshadow on a very dressed-up Jin. My heart melts at the sight of Jimin doing Jin's make-up. Although it wasn't coming out too well, they were both enjoying this moment. Once I knew he was finished, I stepped out and made my presence known.

"Happy birthday, Jin! Hey, Minnie!" I yelled, surprising both of them.



Both of them greet me at the same time, running up to hug me. I hug the giggling Littles back, laughing along with them.

When they let go, I hand Jin his present and tell him to open it. I could see Jimin watch him with anticipation out of the corner of my eye - an adorable sight to say the least.

Once the pink tissue paper was on the floor along with the bag, he holds the bear close to him chest and squeals.

"Thank chu, Uncwe Yoongi!"

"Don't thank me," I say chuckling, "thank Minnie. He helped me choose out."

He runs up to hug me before running up to his best friend and giving him a bone-crushing hug.

"Okay, Jinnie," I hear Namjoon say from behind me, "Why don't we go cut the cake now that they're here?"

"We can't!" he says hurriedly.

"Why not?"

"I fowgots to say Tae Tae and Kookie were coming," he says with a sheepish smile on his face.

As if on cue, there was a series of knocks at the door. We all turn to look in the direction of the door as Namjoon goes to open it.I sweat nervously, not in the mood to see Jungkook. Jimin, as if noticing, hugs me and asks, "Why dada no like Kookie?"

I sigh, "It's not that, little one. We'll talk about this more when you're in big space, okay?"

"Okay dada."

Relieved that he didn't push the topic further, I force a smile onto my face and pretend everything is okay for the sake of Jimin and Jin. When Namjoon comes back with the both of them, Taehyung is the only one who greets me while Jungkook only greets the others with that bunny smile of his I used to see everyday.

"Cake!" A voice screams from somewhere followed by loud squeals and the pitter patter of feet running to the kitchen.

"Smile, Mr. Grumpy Pants!" Taehyung says as he nudges my side.

"Aish, I am smiling!" I retort, a gummy smile making its way onto my face. "Let's go get some cake before Namjoon drops it."

We make it in time to see the Littles digging into their slices that apparently Namjoon managed not to fuck up. I raise my brow at him, silently asking him how he did it.

"Yoongi!~" he whines, "I'm not as clumsy and y'all claim I am!"

"Keep telling yourself that, maybe one day it'll be true," I snort jokingly at him.

"Aish, just come grab a slice and help me put the rest of it away before they ask for seconds."

I do as told, mainly because I don't want a hyper Jiminie running around later.

We spent the rest of the day playing games and having a good time. Jungkook surprisingly didn't cause a scene like I had originally thought he would and no one threw a fit.

That's a lie. Jin threw a fit when Namjoon didn't let him put on the pink dress Taehyung and Jungkook had given him as a gift. He only calmed down when Namjoon whispered something in his ear, causing the poor boy to turn a dark shade of red.

As amusing as that was, I didn't want to know what he told him.

Taehyung and Jungkook were the first to leave, thanking us for the good time. Next was Jimin and I. Namjoon wanted some alone time with Jin so he asked if I could take Jimin with me of which I gladly agreed to.

Our day ended with Jimin and I cuddled up on my bed with Mr. Rainbow squished between us, snores echoing in the silent room as he fell asleep before me. I followed soon after, dreaming of nothing but Jimin.

A/N: Ahhh! Where do I start? Well first off, I'm sorry if this seems rushed but I really couldn't think of how this chapter should go. Second, I'm sorry I hadn't updated in a while. I've been really sick lately to the point where I couldn't even get out of bed. I'm feeling better now, though, so start expecting updates soon!~

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